IATE Term of the Week: Diagnostics


2020-10-16 18:30 terminology Coordination


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A popular quote highlighting the importance of being able to stop something bad from happening is the one referring to the power of acting in advance aiming at ensuring procurement measures. As a result, it is widely acknowledged and agreed that “prevention is better than cure”. The quote is attributed to the Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus in around 1500. ‘Diagnostics’ which is our present IATE term of the week is the term used in medicine, which represents this philosophy of prevention. ‘Diagnostics’ is defined as either ‘a distinctive symptom or characteristic’ or ‘the practice or technique of diagnosis’.  Etymologically speaking the word comes from the noun ‘diagnosis’ which is defined as ‘the recognition of a disease from its symptoms’. Diagnosis is the noun resulting from the Latin application of the Ancient Greek verb type of diagignōskein “discern, distinguish,” literally “to know thoroughly” or “know apart (from another),” from dia “between” (see dia-) + gignōskein “to learn, to come to know,” originating from the PIE root *gno- “to know.” Diagnostics therefore is the means through which it is possible to identify any microorganism causing an infectious disease and to perform susceptibility testing in order to apply the most appropriate treatment.  According to recent research findings of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, ‘infectious diseases pose a greater challenge today than they did even two decades ago.’ Diagnostics is in an ongoing advancement and development. Not only do diagnostics manage to eliminate the number of non-treatable infectious diseases, but they keep matching the evolution and emergences of new infectious diseases. The only prerequisite for the effective results of diagnostics is the participation of people in their expected annual medical tests. References Diagnosis, [ONLINE], Available https://www.etymonline.com/word/diagnosis Accessed 15 October 2020 Erasmus, Desiderius, Quotes, [ONLINE], Available  https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Desiderius_Erasmus Accessed 15 October 2020 Life Changing Organisation, MedTech Facts, “The Importance of Diagnostic Tests in Fighting Infectious Diseases”, [ONLINE], Available https://www.lifechanginginnovation.org/medtech-facts/importance-diagnostic-tests-fighting-infectious-diseases, Accessed 15 October 2020 Prevention, Prevention is Better than Cure, [ONLINE] Available, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/fr/dictionnaire/anglais/prevention-is-better-than-cure Accessed 15 October 2020 Available at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/europe/04/money/html/introduction.stm Accessed 07 October 2020 Written by Maria Papamargariti, Greek and English Philologist, writer in the field of children’s literature.
有一句话很受欢迎,它强调了能够阻止坏事发生的重要性,这句话指的是为确保采购措施而提前行动的力量。因此,“预防胜于治疗”这一观点得到了广泛的认可。这句话被认为是在1500年左右的荷兰哲学家德西德里乌斯·伊拉斯谟的作品。 我们本周的IATE术语“诊断学”是医学中使用的术语,它代表了这种预防的哲学。“诊断学”被定义为“一种独特的症状或特征”或“诊断的实践或技术”。 从词源上讲,这个词来自名词“diagnosis(诊断)”,“诊断”的定义是“从症状中识别疾病”。Diagnosis(诊断)是一个名词,产生于古希腊动词diagignōskein “discern(识别、分辨出),distribute(分发、使散开)”在拉丁语中的应用,字面意思是“了解透彻”或“知道(与另一个)有差别”,源于dia“between”(见dia-)+gignoskein“学习,变得熟悉”,源自原始印欧语词根*gno-“了解”。 因此,诊断学是一种手段,通过这种手段,可以识别出引起传染病的任何微生物,并进行敏感性测试,以便采取最适当的治疗。根据美国疾病控制和预防中心最近的研究发现,“当今的传染病所带来的挑战甚至比二十年前的还要大。” 诊断学正处于不断的进步和发展之中。它不仅设法消除许多不可治疗的传染病,而且还与不断演变和出现的新型传染病不相上下。诊断学取得有效结果的唯一前提是人们要去参加他们预期的年度医疗检查。 参考文献 诊断,[在线],https://www.etymonline.com/word/Diagnosis 2020年10月15日访问。 伊拉斯谟,德西德里乌斯,引述,[在线],https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Desiderius_Erasmus 2020年10月15日访问。 Life Changing Organisation,MedTech Facts,“与传染疾病斗争中,诊断学检查的重要性(The Importance of Diagnostic Tests in Giving Infectious Diseases)”,[在线],https://www.lifechanginginnovation.org/MedTech-Facts/Importance-Diagnostic-Tests-Giving-Infectious-Diseases,访问日期:2020年10月15日。 预防,预防胜于治疗,[在线],https://dictionary.cambridge.org/fr/dictionnaire/anglais/prevention-is-better-than-cure 2020年10月15日访问。 可访问:http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/europe/04/money/html/introduction.stm 2020年10月7日访问。 作者:玛丽亚·帕帕马尔加里蒂,希腊语和英语语言学家,儿童文学领域的作家。

