I·ATE Food Term of the Week: Spa Wafers


2020-09-26 17:00 terminology Coordination


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This week, we will please our sweet tooth, at least theoretically. Have you heard or read about the spa wafers? We are not asking the ones who have tried them, because they are already on their way to get some as they recalled the typical crunch and the delicate sweet taste that the bit melting on the tongue distributes to the senses… Some claim that the original recipe for spa wafers dates back to the 15th century, but the first note mentions a housewife serving them to her guests in the Czech city Karlovy Vary in 1770. Probably the most famous type of the spa wafers, Karlsbader Oblaten (in Czech Karlovarské oplatky, in English Karlovy Vary Wafers) made it to the 1788 guidebook for spa guests “Karlsbad, Beschrieben zur Bequemlichkeit der hohen Gäste” (“Description of the city of Karlovy Vary for the use of vacationers”). A wider production started only in the second half of the 19th century and was not restricted to one city. Before World War I, there were about 20 factories and bakeries producing them. What was originally a bourgeois delicacy offered to the spa guests later became an export product to the wider market of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was served in the emperor’s court in Vienna and collected prizes at trade fairs. Unfortunately, the two world wars interrupted the business. What is more, during and after the second World War, German bakers were forced to definitely leave Czechoslovakia. As a result, the production source of spa wafers split into separate German and Czech sites. The German producers kept using the name Karlsbader Oblaten, since they followed the original recipe and way of production and the product title had already gained an important reputation in connection with the city of Karlovy Vary. They also registered it as a trademark in Germany. When later the Czech producers from Karlovy Vary and Mariánské lázně (another Czech spa city) applied for the protected geographical indication of the product titles Karlovarské oplatky and Mariánsko-lázeňské oplatky, respectively, a legal conflict followed as another result of the unhappy political part of the history. At the end of the procedure(s), the Commission stated in the final decision that it was proved that the Czech and the German production is based on the same source of knowledge, therefore a sort of compromise solution was adopted. The Czech titles have been registered as the protected geographical indication, but the German producers who registered the trademark under the German law previously have been granted the use of the German title, too. Besides the most famous Czech and German producers from Karlovy Vary, Mariánské lázně and Dillingen an der Donau, you can find local spa wafers in other Czech spa resorts (e.g. Františkovy Lázně, Luhačovice) and also at places where they gained popularity at the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, esp. in Poland (called śląskie oblaty, i.e. in English Silesian Wafers, registered as a traditional product of Upper Silesia (Górny Śląsk in Polnish), and in Austria. How Are Spa Wafers Made? The spa wafers are made of two thin sheets of wafer that resemble communion bread, which may probably have been the very origin of this treat. (They might make you think of Christmas for the same reason.) The original spa wafers had only one wafer layer with sugar on top, seasoning came later. It was necessary to add the second wafer and stick the sugar filling inside when the spa wafers were no more served near the place of production, but transported on long distances, this is how the today known shape and form came into existence. From the original diameter of 13 cm they grew to the current size of a dinner plate. The two simple wafer sheets are made of a delicate batter that basically consists of wheat flour and water. They are baked in wafer tongs (oplatnice in Czech), then for a few days humidified on racks, sprinkled with filling and baked again, this time with the flavoured sweet filling inside. The middle layer traditionally includes hazelnuts, almonds, and vanilla but nowadays you can choose also chocolate, Algerian coffee, lemon, almond, coconut, cinnamon, nougat, apple, tiramisu, white chocolate, egg liqueur, or caramel. The wafers are stamped with relief drawings in the process of preparation in wafer tongs, so that you know what proud producer they come from. Finally, the spa wafers are best served warm – directly after they have been made. European Comission. Commission Regulation (EC) No 417/2009 of 20 May 2009 entering a designation in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications (Mariánskolázeňské oplatky (PGI)). [online: here], retrieved from EurLex on 17/09/2018. European Comission. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 744/2011 of 28 July 2011 entering a name in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications (Karlovarské oplatky (PGI)). [online: here], retrieved from EurLex on 17/09/2018. Food Standard Agency. (not dated). Food Labelling e-Learning course. [online: here], retrieved on 18/09/2018. Kenety, B. 2018. Oplatky – Wafer: Thin spa treat with a rich history. Radio Praha. [online: here], retrieved on 18/09/2018. Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity. (not dated). Karlovy Vary Wafer. [online: here], retrieved on 18/09/2018. Cookipedia. 2017. Mariánsko-lázeňské oplatky (Mariánské Lázně wafer). [online: here], retrieved on 18/09/2018. Wikipedia. 2016. Lázeňská oplatka. [online: here], retrieved on 18/09/2018. Written by Veronika Lovritš – Communication Study Visitor at the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament (Luxembourg) and a student of the Master Program in Learning and Communication in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts at the University of Luxembourg. She holds an MA in Law and Legal Science and a BA in Sociology from the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. She speaks Czech, English, German, French and Luxembourgish.
这周,我们将取悦我们的甜食爱好者们,至少理论上是这样。你听说过或读到过温泉饼吗?我们并不是问那些已经吃过的人,因为当他们回想起那典型的嘎吱嘎吱声和那块融化在舌头上散发到感官上的精致甜味时,他们就已经去买一些吃的路上了…… 有人说,温泉饼的原始配方可以追溯到15世纪,但最早的记载提到,1770年,在捷克卡罗维法利市,一位家庭主妇用温泉饼招待她的客人。Karlsbader Oblaten(捷克语为Karlovarske oplatky,英语为Karlovy Vary Wafers)可能是最著名的温泉饼种类,在1788年的水疗客人指南中被称为“Karlsbad, Beschrieben zur Bequemlichkeit der hohen Gaste”(“Karlovy Vary的城市描述,供度假者参考”)。 19世纪下半叶才开始大规模生产,而且不局限于一个城市内。在第一次世界大战之前,大约有20家工厂和面包店生产这种面包。最初是提供给水疗客人的资产阶级美味,后来成为出口到奥匈帝国更大市场的产品。它被送到维也纳的皇帝的宫廷,并在贸易博览会上获奖。 不幸的是,两次世界大战中断了这一生意。更重要的是,在第二次世界大战期间和之后,德国面包师被迫离开捷克斯洛伐克。因此,温泉饼的生产来源分成了德国和捷克两个不同的地点。 德国的生产商一直沿用“Karlsbader Oblaten”这个名字,因为他们遵循了最初的配方和生产方式,而这个产品的名称已经在Karlovy Vary市声名鹊起。他们还在德国注册了它的商标。当后来Karlovy Vary和Mariánskélázzie(捷克另一温泉城市)的捷克生产商分别申请Karlovarskéoplatky和Mariánsko-Láze Nskéoplatky产品名称的受保护地理标志时,法律冲突这个另一个历史上不愉快的政治部分出现了。在程序结束时,委员会在最后决定中指出,捷克和德国的生产是基于同样的知识来源,因此通过了一种折衷的解决办法。捷克的商标已经注册为受保护的地理标志,但是,之前根据德国法律注册商标的德国制造商也被授予使用德国商标的权利。 除了来自Karlovy Vary, Mariánské lázně and Dillingen an der Donau最著名的捷克和德国生产商之外,你还可以在其他捷克温泉度假村(如Frantiskovy Láznei,Luhacovice)以及他们在奥匈帝国时期流行的地方,特别是在波兰(称为śląskie oblaty, 即英文Silesian Wafers,已注册的上西里西亚传统产品)找到当地的温泉饼,还有奥地利。 温泉饼是如何制作的呢? 温泉饼是由两片薄薄的威化饼做成的,很像圣餐面包,这可能就是这种美食的起源。(它们可能出于同样的原因会让你想起圣诞节。) 最初的温泉饼只有一层,上面放糖,后来才有的调味料。当温泉饼不再在生产地点附近供应,而是要经过长途运输时,就有必要加入第二个威化饼,并将糖馅填充在里面。这就是今天所知的形状和组成的形成。它们的直径从最初的13厘米增长到现在的餐盘大小。 这两张简单的威化饼是由一种精致的面糊做成的,面糊主要由小麦粉和水组成。它们这两张简单的薄片是由精致的面糊做成的,面糊主要由小麦粉和水组成。它们被烤在威化饼钳(捷克的oplatnice),然后放在架子上加湿几天,撒上馅料,再烤一次,这次里面放的是甜味馅料。中间层传统上包括榛子、杏仁和香草,但现在你也可以选择巧克力、阿尔及利亚咖啡、柠檬、杏仁、椰子、肉桂、牛轧糖、苹果、提拉米苏、白巧克力、鸡蛋利口酒或焦糖。温泉饼在准备被烤在威化饼钳的过程中,会有凸版的图案,让你知道他们来自哪个引以为傲的生产商。最后,温泉饼最好趁热食用——在制作完成后立即食用。 欧盟委员会2009年5月20日第417/2009号规例,在原产地保护名称和受保护地理标志登记册内输入一个名称。 欧洲委员会. 委员会执行条例(欧盟)第744/2011号,将一个名称输入受保护原产地名称和受保护地理标志登记册(Karlovarskéoplatky(PGI)). 于17/09/2018从EurLex检索。 食品标准局.(未注明日期). 食物标签电子学习课程. 检索于2018/09/18 Kenety, B. 2018. Oplatky – Wafer: Thin spa treat with a rich history. Radio Praha. 检索于2018/09/18 生物多样性慢食基金会.(未注明日期).Karlovy Vary Wafer. 检索于2018/09/18 曲奇百科. 2017. Mariánsko-lázeňské oplatky (Mariánské Lázně wafer). 检索于2018/09/18 维基百科. 2016. 拉泽·恩斯卡·奥普拉特卡. 检索于2018/09/18 作者Veronika Lovritš:欧洲议会(卢森堡)术语协调单位交流研究访问学者,卢森堡大学多语言和多文化背景下学习与交流硕士课程学生。她拥有捷克布尔诺马萨里克大学的法律和法律科学硕士学位以及社会学学士学位。会说捷克语、英语、德语、法语和卢森堡语。

