The Evolution of Localization: Key Takeaways


2020-09-24 23:20 Memsource


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The Evolution of Localization: Key Takeaways Last week we hosted our largest online event, The Evolution of Localization: Then, Now, and Beyond with Memsource. This event was extra special as we are also celebrating our 10 year anniversary. Joined by viewers across the globe and a great panel of experts in and out of the localization industry, we explored the essential role of technology in localization. The panel also discussed the key drivers in selecting the right tools for localization and predicted what the industry should expect in the future. Attendees tuned in from across the globe. Here are our most important takeaways from the localization event: 1. Memsource continues to grow This year not only marks a decade of Memsource but also a huge milestone for the company; the investment by Carlyle. In the first event session, Fernando Chueca, Managing Director at The Carlyle Group and Memsource CEO and Founder, David Čaněk discussed their plans to ensure continued growth for Memsource. Memsource will remain focused on technology innovation and Carlyle aims to support these continued efforts. Investing in automation will be key as well as looking into potential acquisitions of like-minded companies that will further transform the localization experience. 2. The importance of cloud solutions 10 years ago, the idea of cloud software was just starting to bloom in the translation industry, but now it’s becoming an industry standard. Cloud technology was one of the main reasons why all of the customer panelists initially chose Memsource as their translation technology provider. For Britta Aagaard, Chief Business Officer at Semantix, cloud tools were revolutionary and enabled collaboration not only with vendors but also with clients. This capability was a key factor for their success. The cloud is also great for students at The Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey as they no longer have to send packages back and forth thanks to the centralized platform. This “changed the game for supporting students,” said Max Troyer, Associate Professor & Program Chair at The Middlebury Institute. 3. A good relationship with your tech provider is golden Finding a tech provider that will grow with your business and can align with your goals is crucial for success. As localization complexity increases, so does the need for customization. It’s important to have a good relationship with your technology partner in order to be able to design streamlined workflows and processes for customers. This kind of partnership has helped Semantix find a way to serve their customers best, “Memsource is open to discussing ideas and then actually making a great idea even better…and in a sense keeping the technology clean.” 4. Automation is the way forward You obviously can’t attend a localization event without discussing automation. As the expansion of business into global markets continues to rise, the need for fast and efficient translation has become critical. Semantix has adopted a strategy with machine translation and post editing to automate their processes without sacrificing quality. “The sheer amount of content is continually growing and what we want [translators] to do is put their expertise where it matters.” - Britta Aagaard. Silvio Clausen, Head of Localization at SuperCell, echoed Britta’s views and added that “automation helps you stay ahead of localization complexity.” While the volume of content can be great, the jobs - especially in gaming localization - are smaller requests. And dealing with these smaller jobs manually takes a lot of time for both the project managers and translators. While the initial integration and automation setup can be complex, it will surely ease the frustrations for both project managers and translators in the long run. It’s also important to remember that an automated workflow doesn’t equate to more free time. As Max stated, “As automation is turned up, the quantity of localized content gets turned up too.” Automation helps you manage greater volume and enables you to focus resources and human expertise where they’re needed most. 5. The future of localization While it’s impossible to predict the future, our panelists were still able to offer their perspective into what’s to come in the localization industry. With automation being a hot topic for the panel, it comes as no surprise that they envisioned ways to take automation to the next level. From AI automatically assigning the most suitable linguist for a translation job to completely saying goodbye to the traditional CAT tool and paving the way for seamless localization through better automation and revision processes backed by reliable data. It will be interesting to see which of these ideas will become a reality…and which ideas are already in the Memsource pipeline. Final thoughts Localization has evolved over the years, but one thing remains clear: localization is a growing industry and as companies expand their reach, they also need to extend their localization efforts. It’s important to keep your tools agile in order to keep up with the expected growth. Localization teams are no longer a separate entity within companies. They are, more and more, embedded throughout the company. You need more than a localization team, you need localization-minded people.
本地化的发展:关键因素 上周,我们与MemSource共同主办了我们最大的在线活动“本地化的演进:过去,现在,和未来”。这次活动格外特别的,因为我们同时在庆祝我们的十周年纪念日。来自全球各地的观众和本地化行业的专家组成了一个大型小组,在他们的参与下我们探讨了技术在本地化中的重要作用。专题小组讨论了选择适当工具进行本地化的关键驱动因素,并预测了业界未来应预期的情况。 与会者从全球各地收听。 以下是我们从本地化活动中获得的最重要的收获: 1.Memsource持续成长 今年不仅标志着Memsource成立十年,而且对该公司来说也是一个巨大的里程碑:凯雷参与投资。在第一个活动环节中,凯雷集团董事总经理Fernando Chueca和Memsource首席执行官兼创始人David Canek讨论了他们确保Memsource持续增长的计划。Memsource将继续专注于技术创新,凯雷的目标是支持这些持续努力。投资自动化将是关键,同时也要考虑收购潜在的志同道合的公司,这将进一步改变本地化的经验。 2.云解决方案的重要性 10年前,云软件的想法刚刚开始在翻译行业绽放,但现在它正在成为行业标准。云技术是所有客户小组成员最初选择Memsource作为翻译技术提供商的主要原因之一。对于Semantix的首席商务官Britta Aagaard来说,云工具是革命性的,它不仅支持与供应商的合作,也支持与客户的合作。这种能力是他们取得成功的关键因素。对于蒙特雷的米德尔伯里国际研究学院的学生来说,云技术很棒,因为有了集中式平台,他们再也不用来回发送包裹了。米德尔伯里学院副教授兼项目主任马克斯·特罗耶说,这“改变了资助学生的游戏规则”。 3.与你的技术供应商建立良好的关系是黄金准则 找到一个技术供应商将与您的业务增长,并能与您的目标一致,这是成功的关键。随着本地化复杂性的增加,定制的需求也随之增加。为了能够为客户设计精简的工作流和流程,与您的技术合作伙伴建立良好的关系是很重要的。这种合作关系帮助Semantix找到了一种为客户提供最佳服务的方式,“MemSource对讨论想法持开放态度,然后在实际上把一个伟大的想法做到更好……并且在某种意义上保持技术纯粹。” 4.自动化是前进之路 显然,你不能在没有讨论自动化的情况下参加本地化活动。随着业务向全球市场的扩张不断增加,对快速高效翻译的需求变得至关重要。Semantix采用了机器翻译和后期编辑的策略,在不牺牲质量的情况下实现流程自动化。 “翻译的内容越来越多,我们希望(译者)把他们的专业知识运用到最重要的地方。”--布丽塔·阿加德(Britta Aagaard)。 SuperCell本地化主管Silvio Clausen附和了Britta的观点,并补充道,“自动化帮助你领先于本地化的复杂性。”虽然内容的数量可能很大,但工作——尤其是游戏本地化——是较小的需求。手工处理这些较小的工作对项目经理和翻译来说都需要花费大量的时间。虽然最初的集成和自动化设置可能很复杂,但从长远来看,它肯定会减轻项目经理和翻译人员的挫折感。 同样重要的是要记住,自动化的工作流程并不等于更多的空闲时间。正如Max所说,“随着自动化的出现,本地化内容的数量也随之增加。”自动化帮助你管理更大的数量,并使你能够将资源和人力专长集中到最需要的地方。 5.本地化的未来 虽然我们不可能预测未来,但我们的小组成员仍然能够提供他们对本地化行业未来的看法。由于自动化是该小组的一个热门话题,因此他们设想了将自动化提升到下一个水平的方法也就不足为奇了。从AI自动为一项翻译工作分配最合适的语言学家,到彻底告别传统CAT工具,通过更好的自动化和可靠数据支持的审校流程,为无缝本地化铺平道路。看看这些想法中的哪些将成为现实,以及哪些已经在Memsource管道中,这将是很有趣的。 最终总结 本地化是一个不断发展的行业,随着公司的扩张,也需要扩大本地化的努力。为了跟上预期增长,保持工具的敏捷性是很重要的。本地化团队不再是公司内部的独立实体,它们越来越深入到整个公司。你需要的不仅仅是一个本地化团队,你需要有本地化思维的人。

