6 Ways to Track Project Expenses


2020-09-24 07:30 project manager


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Projects cost money. Being able to manage and track expenses is what keeps the project within a budget. Stakeholders are not likely to consider the project a success if it costs them too much. Remember the triple constraint: cost, scope and time. You have to manage all three, giving and taking from one to the other. The following tutorial video addresses costs, specifically project expenses. You’re going to have these expenditures, but to avoid wildly overspending, you must have a system in place to monitor and track them. That’s the only way to control your expenses and in so doing stay on budget. Watch and learn how to manage and track your project expenses. In Review: How to Track Expenses The last thing you want is to have your pay or bonus cut because you didn’t keep to the project budget, as Jennifer learned from experience. To avoid that, she discussed six ways to track your projects expenses: Establish systems The first rule is to have a system in place to deal with your expenses and have the capacity to track them. This can be a robust project management software with dynamic functionality or something more static like an Excel sheet. Whatever you choose, you need something to collect that data and identify who is spending what and when. This is the bare minimum and a good place to start. Without a system in place there’s no way to know where your money is going. Provide Online Access The next logical step is to have a system that is online. Being able to gain access to your tracking system anywhere and at any time is more than just a luxury. It has become an essential part of any project management plan. You or your team might be working in the field or off-site somewhere. An online tool gives you access to the system, so you can add expenses there and then. Waiting until you’re back in the office means it’s more likely that something will fall through the cracks. Identify Budget Items A system is important, but it’s useless until you have identified the items in your budget. You need to know where the costs are going. This list varies from project to project, industry to industry, but detailing it is key to every project. For example, you’re going to spend money on resources, such as equipment and your team; you might have real-estate costs, legal and travel expenses. All these items must be identified and listed in order for you to track their expenses. You can download our free project budget template if you need help getting started. Create a Budget You can probably see where this is going. It’s all part and parcel to creating a budget. You need to have your fixed and variable costs and expenses figured out before you can track them. The budget will be the umbrella under which all your project expenses will be covered. Of course, once you’ve created a budget, you have to get it approved. This will allow you to see up parameters for your expenses and help tracking by letting you know what is permissible to spend and when those costs are going beyond what has been earmarked for the project. Assign someone to track A system, budget and everything related to managing your project costs are all for naught if there is not a person in charge of overseeing this process. You must assign someone from the team who is tasked with operating the system you have devised to track expenses. This person will become invaluable. They’ll be on the front lines of your actual budget and can raise the red flag when costs are exceeding what has been approved for the budget expenses. You want someone trustworthy to own this process. Track and Control Expenses In Real time Finally, to streamline this process and make it more effective, you want to have an online tool. We mentioned online project management software above, and one of the advantages it has over Excel is that it’s constantly updated and reflects your actual spending on expenses. Therefore, if you notice a spike in spending, you not only have identified it quickly but now can address it before you leak value and risk busting your budget. Pro-Tip: The use of a project management software tool or spreadsheet where you can note and track expenses is, of course, key. Also, know what has to be done, when it’s going to be done and who is doing it. If you have a system in place you can stop a fiscal leak before it becomes a deluge. Thanks for watching! Transcription Hello. I’m Jennifer Bridges, Director of ProjectManager.com. Well, welcome today to our whiteboard session on “Expense Tracking for Dummies. Have you ever had your pay or bonus cut because your project budget was off track? Well, I have. So, these are the tips that I created for the biggest dummy: me. It’s a topic that we all pretty much – I don’t know – don’t really like. In my world, I used to have a department who managed the expenses for me. So, my biggest lesson learned is when I had to plan my projects on my own and I couldn’t rely on the organization. So after my pay was docked then I learned this quickly. I actually made it harder than it really is, so we boiled it down to dummy terms. There are six steps that I think are important. Number one is establishing a system. By using some kind of project management software or Excel, somewhere that you can pull all of the expenses together and have some way to track it by some system and some method of how it’s going to be done, when it’s going to be done, who it’s going to be done by. So, it’s critical to have a system in place. Number two, provide online access, not only for yourself if you’re a traveler. I mean, for me I travel a lot so I’m out of the office so I need to be able to access the expense items and the budget online, as well as my team members. Number three, identify the budget items. So, it’s important to think through all of the budget items or the expense items that are going to be tracked on your project. You have to sit down and think about what equipment – because that’s an expense item – what people, what real estate. Are you buying a building? Are you leasing a building? Are you renting a building? Any kind of legal items, is this a marketing or this is where you have intellectual property? Something where you have contracts where you have to have legal expenses? Then there’s travel. Those are some of the things that we forget about. When we have people on our team who travel. They’re in meetings. So, those are some of the little items that we tend to forget when we are creating our budget items. So then, once we have identified all of the budget items and we put it in our system, whether it’s our project management software or Excel, then we go through and we make sure we’ve identified any and all fixed costs or fixed expense items or variable costs and expense items. Know, realize, which ones may vary depending upon certain things and identify those and create the budget. Once the budget is created it has to be approved by certain parties, whether it’s your change control board, your stakeholders. Whoever has the authority in your group or organization to approve that and make sure that the budget or expense items that you plan to track or utilize on your project actually are approved. Then, assign someone. A lot of times I’ve found where myself or different groups or teams have problems is there’s really no one assigned to track the expense items. Or if someone has ordered equipment or are responsible for real estate or the legal, there’s no one there to track that. So, it needs someone’s name, a person’s name, not just a group or organization, but an individual who’s going to be accountable for tracking those expense items. Number six, track and control in real-time, so by providing online access to not only yourself but your team members and the people who are responsible or assigned to tracking certain expense items. Then by tracking them real-time, and then once you find something is way off budget, you’ve either over spent or you’ve under spent, then you have some way of controlling that and escalating it in a timely manner. So, those are six of the items that I feel like are critical. Again, sometimes we can make it harder than it really is. So, if we boil it down to dummy terms it’s not really that hard. But the thing that also is helpful is to use templates and pay attention to details, details, details. The devil truly is in the details. So, if we overlook certain items then we might find ourselves, or you may find yourself like I did of being docked in your pay or your bonus, and we don’t want that to happen. I certainly don’t want it to happen you and I don’t ever want it to happen to me again. At ProjectManager.com, we’ve tried to incorporate some of the best practices and tips for dummies for expense tracking. So, if you need any tips, tools, or techniques to help manage your expense and track your expenses then visit us at ProjectManager.com. (This post was updated September 23, 2020) How to Track Project Resources 3 Ways to Improve Your Digital Project Management 15 Leadership Training Options
项目需要花钱。使项目保持在预算之内的前提是能够管理和跟踪费用。如果项目成本较大,参与者不可能认为项目会成功。记住三重约束:成本,范围和时间。你必须兼顾好这三者,一个接着另一个。 以下的教程视频涉及成本,特别是项目支出。你将有这些支出,但是为了避免严重超支,你必须有一个能监控和跟踪支出的系统。这是唯一控制开支并保持预算的方法。观察并学习如何管理和跟踪项目费用。 综述:如何跟踪费用 珍妮弗从经验中得知,你最不想看到的事情就是因为项目超出预算而被减薪或降薪。为了避免这种情况,她提供了六种追踪项目费用的方法: 建立系统 第一个规则是要有一个能处理费用并且追踪他们的系统。它可以是一个具有动态或静态(像Excel表格)的强大项目管理软件。 无论你选择什么,都需要一些可以收集数据并确定谁在什么时候花什么钱的东西。这是最低要求,也是一个很好的起点。没有合适的系统就没有办法知道你的钱的去向。 提供在线访问 逻辑上,下一步是拥有一个在线系统。能随时随地的访问跟踪系统不再是一种奢侈。它已经成为任何项目管理计划中重要的组成部分。 尽管你和你的团队可能在天南地北,都可以随时随地通过在线工具进入系统,并发放项目费用。等到你回到办公室,各种新的东西都会展现出来,出人意料。 确定预算项目 一个系统固然重要,但你确定项目预算之前,它是没有用的。你需要知道费用的去向。这个清单因项目和行业而异,但详细说明它是每个项目的关键。 例如,你需要花钱买资源,包括设备和你的团队;你可能会有房产费用,法律费用和差旅费。所有这些项目都必须确定并列出,以便您跟踪他们的花费。如果你需要帮助,可以下载使用我们的免费项目预算模板。 制定预算 你大概可以看出这是怎么回事。这是制定预算的一部分。在你追踪他们之前,需要计算好固定成本和可变成本。预算将支付你所有项目开支。 当然,一旦你制定了预算,就必须批准。您将可以看到自己的费用参数,并通过跟踪,让您知道当项目费用超出指定时,哪些费用是可以支出的。 指派人跟踪 如果没有人负责监督这个过程,一个系统,预算和所有与管理项目成本有关的东西将是白费心思。您必须从团队中指派一个人负责操作跟踪费用的系统。 这个人会成为无价之宝。他们会成为你实际预算的第一线,当成本超过预算支出的时候,他们会提出警告。你需要一个值得信赖的人做这个过程。 实时跟踪和控制费用 最后,要简化过程并保证更有效,您需要有一个在线工具。我们上面提到了在线项目管理软件,比起Excel,它的优势是可以不断更新并实时反映你实际支出。因此,如果支出激增,你不仅能迅速发现它,而且可以在你的价值泄露和预算破灭之前解决它。 小贴士:记录和跟踪费用使用项目管理软件工具或电子表格当然是关键。同时,也要知道什么是必须做的,什么时候操作由谁来执行。如果你有一个适当的系统,你就可以在财政泛滥之前阻止它。 感谢收看! 转录 你好。我是Jennifer Bridges,ProjectManager.com的总监。好的,欢迎来到我们今天关于“虚拟费用追踪”的白板会议。 你是否曾经因为项目预算偏离轨道而被减薪或奖金?嗯,我有过。所以,这些提示是我为最大的虚拟物:我而设计的。 我们都是一样--我不知道--不太喜欢的话题。在我的世界里,我曾经有一个专门为我管理项目开支的部门。所以,我最大的收获是,当我必须自己计划项目时,我不能依赖于组织。所以当我的工资被扣后,我很快就学会了这一点。 实际上我让它变得更难了,我们把它简化为虚拟术语。我认为有六个步骤是至关重要的。第一是建立系统。通过使用项目管理软件或Excel,将费用放在一起,通过系统追踪发现如何完成,谁在什么时候完成工作的。因此,建立一个合适的系统至关重要。 第二,提供在线访问,不做自己的旅行者。我的意思是,对我来说,我经常出差,所以我不在办公室,所以我需要能够在网上获取费用项目和预算,以及我的团队成员。 第三,确定预算项目。因此,仔细考虑要追踪的所有预算项目或费用项目很重要。你得坐下来思考采用什么设备--因为那是一个支出项目--需要什么人,什么房地产。你要买楼吗?你要租一栋楼还是租一层房?不论任何法律项目,这是一种营销还是你拥有知识产权的地方?签订法律合同的地方需要费用吗? 然后是差旅。这些都是我们容易忘记的地方。当我们的团队里有人出差的时候。他们在开会。所以,这些都是我们在制定预算项目时容易忘记的一些小项目。 因此,一旦我们确定了所有的预算项目,并放在我们的系统中,无论是项目管理软件还是Excel,我们都要进行检查并确保我们确定了所有的固定成本,固定费用项目,或者可变成本和费用项目。了解,意识到哪些因素会变化,并确定这些因素并创建预算。 一旦预算被制定,它必须得到批准,无论是变更控制委员会还是参与者。不论是谁您的小组或组织中有权批准,都要确保计划中要跟踪或利用的预算或费用项目得到批准。 然后,指派一个人。很多时候,我发现自己或不同的团队或团队存在问题的地方是没有人负责跟踪费用项目。或者如果有人订购了设备或负责房地产或法律,没有人可以跟踪。所以,它需要指定一个人,不是团队或组织。一个能单独负责跟踪项目费用的人。 第六,实时跟踪和控制,不仅可以访问自己,也能看到你的团队成员或其他负责跟踪项目费用的人。然后通过实时跟踪,一旦你发现某些东西超出预算,你要么支出超支,要么支出太少,你就有办法控制它,并及时升级它。 所以,这是我认为最重要的六个项目。再说一遍,有时我们会让它变得比实际更困难。所以,如果我们把它归结为虚设的术语,并不太难。但有的是使用模板,注意细节。魔鬼在于细节。因此,如果我们忽略了某些项目,那么我们可能自我发现或者像我一样被扣奖金,而我们不希望这种情况发生。 我当然不希望它发生在你身上或者再次光顾我。在ProjectManager.com上,我们将运用新型实践技巧来帮助费用追踪。因此,如果您需要任何技巧,工具或技术来帮助管理和追踪项目费用,请访问我们的ProjectManager.com。 (此文章更新于2020年9月23号) 如何跟踪项目资源 3种改进数字项目管理的方法 15个领导力培训选项

