How the “Happy Path” Fails Multilingual Content


2020-09-22 06:10 RWS Moravia Insights


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I shouldn't really have been surprised. On opening the box containing my latest mobile phone, the only documentation to be found was an almost wordless instruction sheet showing the basic parts of the phone. That was all. Not even a Quick Start Guide. Those of us who have worked in the language services industry for a while can only think back nostalgically to the days when products came with user manuals. It was a time when "delivering on time" for product launches comprised an initial round of translation on pre-release content, followed by a second round on the updated, final content, then the insertion of images, final DTP and delivery of the quality-assured multilingual manual directly to the printers to "save time". The old way and the new way But nowadays, projects have gone agile. There isn't the time or need to produce a 40-plus-page multilingual user manual. New products and their variants are launched frequently, and user assistance is built into the product or provided online. Today, the two-week-sprint cycle of agile development results in "continuous localization" with a relatively constant stream and high volume of small chunks of new and updated text for translation. The distinct deliverable of “the manual” is no more. This isn't completely new, however. The automotive industry has been doing continuous localization of service manuals and technical service bulletins since the mid-1990s. The more advanced language service providers (LSPs) have been working on their technical stacks to support this kind of workflow since then, too. Over the last 30 years, continuous localization has spread across market verticals and content types, going fully digital and, in cases such as my mobile phone, ditching the printed manual altogether. This has been made possible because original source content and translations are increasingly managed in content repositories: for websites, marketing communications, documentation and software. New and updated chunks of content are pulled from the repositories for translation and pushed back after translation. And for some content types, the requirement is for a non-stop, 24/7 translation conveyor belt. The need for automation In the continuous localization scenario, the process needs to be automated: exchanging content to and from translation, preparing the files pre- and post-translation, assigning translators and carrying out quality assurance checks. As a result, LSPs have implemented workflow technology to automate as much of the process as possible and use approaches like Lean Six Sigma to find and eliminate waste and improve business processes. Indeed, today, most LSPs support continuous localization as a standard part of their service delivery. Focusing on the “happy path” is not the whole story Given the length of time continuous localization has been around, you'd think that source content should be able to whizz through a workflow with hardly any friction at all. Going by the 80/20 rule, get 80% of the process as efficient as possible, reduce the cost of delivery, increase margins, improve time-to-market and achieve better customer satisfaction. It should all be done and dusted. Right? Perhaps not. This nirvana-like vision assumes that translation is a factory-like process—that source words are fed in at one end and are turned into translated words at the other as if on a manufacturing line. To a large extent, continuous localization programs need to think like this in order to function. Businesses design processes so that 80% of the content contributing to 80% of the revenue flows along the route of "the happy path"—the standard set of automated steps. But if "the happy path" gets all the attention for process efficiency, the 20% of content that doesn't flow through the happy path can end up contributing to 80% of the cost. Unfortunately, the world of workflow automation doesn’t pay too much attention to the 20%. Why is that? Most theories about workflow and the workflow tools on the market consider the 20% as exceptions: “unusual” or “abnormal” events to be minimized, or variations to be coped with within the tolerances of the standard process. This suggests they are unique cases in relation to the workflow, hard to predict and difficult to manage. But what if the exceptions and variations are a natural part of the process? When exceptions are the rule While flying, for example, we can think of the smooth cruising between take-off and landing as the consistent "happy path" that can be automated using autopilot. The take-off and landing, although one-offs, are not exceptions or variations; they're essential parts of the flight that generally require the intervention of the pilot because of the variability of conditions that might be faced during those manoeuvres. In every continuous localization program, we see events that, from a happy path perspective, might be considered exceptions and variations, but are a natural consequence of the inherent change in the kind of work that we do. (Think of adding or removing languages, changing content and cancelling submissions.) And these events need to be explicitly managed rather than minimized or added to the tolerance of the workflow. What happens when these events are not managed well is akin to when, in a stream of traffic on a multi-lane highway, a slow car or truck changes lane, a vehicle breaks down or an emergency services vehicle tries to get through, sirens blazing. There's a disruption to the regular flow of traffic. If the vehicles behind aren't redirected in some way, the event can end up producing a massive traffic jam. Just like an aircraft has a pilot and crew, and smart motorways have introduced active traffic management via cameras and overhead gantry information, translation services have a project manager with a team to step in and sort things out. However, exception or variation management is not something that's tackled much in the world of workflow studies. And it's dealt with even less by off-the-shelf workflow tools. So how does a project team effectively manage the 20% of change that occurs naturally in a professional services environment when the process has only been honed for the 80% happy path? The essentials of exceptional exception management There are three elements to supporting effective management of the often neglected “unhappy path”: Good taxonomy: a way to classify the exceptions and variations to help triage them quickly and set up workflows designed to deal with each type in the most effective way possible. While it takes some effort to establish this framework, doing so helps inform the strategic approach to managing the different exception types in the most cost-effective way. A classification framework for handling exceptions is one of the outcomes of the Workflow Patterns Initiative. Good technology and data: a workflow system that provides a way to visualize what is going on in the process, enable the project management team to step in quickly and focus on what needs to be done and prevent a traffic jam with more issues to deal with. As commercial workflow systems don’t handle exception management well enough for continuous localization, language service providers tend to develop their own proprietary solutions or customized solutions that wrap around commercial systems. Even better if it’s informed by the framework for exception handling. Good project management: an experienced team trained in how to work with continuous localization programs, set up automated workflows for the 80% that travels along the happy path and manage the different methods to deal effectively with the 20% that does not. The team also needs to be knowledgeable in the exception handling framework, which comes from experience gained over the years with some of the most demanding clients and projects. Planning for it all Managing continuous localization programs requires a high level of localization maturity from both client and provider, time to set up and reach a business-as-usual state and a holistic approach to managing the flow of work—the regular and predictable as well as the exceptions. Naturally, we want the 80% majority of content to flow as efficiently as possible. But, the remaining 20% needs attention too. And it's a risk to ignore it. To be successful, continuous localization programs require more than automation of the happy path. In the fast-paced professional service of continuous localization, the so-called exceptions in the 20% are as mainstream as the 80%. Think about that the next time you fly in a plane, cruise along the highway in a stream of traffic or open the next user manual-free box of your latest IT purchase.   Many thanks to Solutions Architect Stuart Sklair for this insightful post!
我真的不应该感到惊讶。打开装有我最新手机的包装盒时,唯一能找到的文档是几乎没有文字的说明表,其中显示了手机的基本部件。就这些。甚至没有快速入门指南。我们中那些在语言服务行业工作了一段时间的人只能回想起产品随附用户手册的时代。当时,产品发布的“准时交付”包括对预发布内容的第一轮翻译,然后是对更新后的最终内容的第二轮翻译,然后是图像的插入,最终DTP和质量的交付确保将多语言手册直接发送给打印机以“节省时间”。 旧方式与新方式 但是如今,项目变得敏捷了。没有时间或没有时间来制作一份40页以上的多语言用户手册。新产品及其变体会经常发布,产品中会内置或在线提供用户帮助。 如今,敏捷开发的两周冲刺周期导致了“连续本地化”,该流程具有相对恒定的流和大量小块新的和更新的文本以供翻译。 “手册”的独特交付不再存在。但是,这并不完全是新的。自1990年代中期以来,汽车行业一直在对服务手册和技术服务公告进行持续本地化。从那以后,更高级的语言服务提供商(LSP)一直在致力于其技术堆栈以支持这种工作流程。 在过去的30年中,持续的本地化已遍及市场垂直和内容类型,全数字化,在我的手机等情况下,完全放弃了印刷手册。之所以能够做到这一点,是因为原始的源内容和翻译越来越多地在内容存储库中管理:用于网站,营销传播,文档和软件。从存储库中提取新的和更新的内容块进行翻译,并在翻译后将其推回。对于某些内容类型,要求是不间断的24/7平移传送带。 自动化的需要 在连续本地化方案中,该过程需要自动化:在翻译之间进行内容交换,在翻译前和翻译后准备文件,分配翻译人员并进行质量保证检查。结果,LSP实施了工作流技术以使尽可能多的流程自动化,并使用诸如精益六西格玛(Lean Six Sigma)之类的方法来查找和消除浪费并改善业务流程。实际上,今天,大多数LSP支持连续本地化作为其服务交付的标准部分。 关注“幸福之路”并不是故事的全部 考虑到连续本地化的时间长度,您可能会认为源内容应该能够快速通过工作流,几乎没有任何阻力。按照80/20的原则,使80%的流程尽可能有效,降低交付成本,增加利润,缩短上市时间,并实现更好的客户满意度。这一切都应该完成并干净利落地完成。对吧? 也许不是。这种涅槃般的愿景假设翻译是一个工厂般的过程--源词在一端输入,然后就像在一条生产线上一样在另一端变成翻译词。在很大程度上,连续的本地化程序需要这样思考才能发挥作用。企业设计流程,使80%的内容(贡献80%的收入)沿着“快乐之路”(标准的自动化步骤集)流动。但是,如果“快乐之路”得到了流程效率所有的关注,20%的内容没有通过快乐之路流动,最终将贡献80%的成本。 不幸的是,工作流自动化的世界并没有对这20%给予太多的关注。这是为什么? 大多数关于工作流的理论和市场上的工作流工具都认为这20%是例外:“不寻常的”或“异常的”事件要被最小化,或变化要在标准流程的容差范围内能被处理。这表明它们是与工作流程相关的独特案例,难以预测和管理。但是如果异常和变化是过程的自然组成部分呢? 当例外是规则时 例如,在飞行时,我们可以把起飞和着陆之间的平稳巡航看作是使用自动驾驶仪可以自动化的一贯的“快乐路径”。起飞和降落,虽然是一次性的,但不是例外或变异;它们是飞行中必不可少的部分,通常需要飞行员的干预,因为这些是机动过程中可能面临的条件变化。 在每一个持续的本地化项目中,我们看到的事件,从快乐之路的角度来看,可能被认为是例外和变化,但却是我们所做工作的内在变化的自然结果。(想想添加或删除语言,更改内容和取消提交。)并且这些事件需要显式管理,而不是最小化或添加到工作流的容差中。 当这些事件管理不善时,所发生的情况就像在多车道高速公路上的车流中,一辆慢车或卡车改变车道,然后一辆汽车抛锚或一辆紧急服务车辆试图通过时,警报器响了一样。正常的交通受到了干扰。如果后面的车辆没有以某种方式改变方向,事件可能最终导致大规模的交通堵塞。就像飞机上有飞行员和机组人员一样,智能高速公路通过摄像头和高架信息引入了主动交通管理,翻译服务公司也有一个项目经理以及他的团队来介入和解决问题。 然而,异常或变异管理并不是工作流研究领域中经常涉及的问题。而现成的工作流工具处理的更少。那么,项目团队如何有效地管理专业服务环境中自然发生的20%的变化,而过程仅仅是为了80%的快乐之路而磨练的呢? 出色的异常管理的要点 支持有效管理经常被忽视的“不快乐之路”有三个要素: 良好的分类法:一种对异常和变体进行分类的方法,以帮助快速分类它们,并建立工作流,以尽可能有效的方式处理每种类型。虽然建立这一框架需要付出一定的努力,但这样做有助于为战略方针以最具成本效益的方式管理不同的例外类型提供信息。处理异常的分类框架是工作流模式倡议的成果之一。 良好的技术和数据:一个工作流系统,它提供了一种可视化过程中所发生的事情的方法,使项目管理团队能够快速介入并专注于需要做的事情,并防止出现有更多问题需要处理的“交通堵塞”。由于商业工作流系统不能很好地处理持续本地化的异常管理,语言服务提供商倾向于开发他们自己的专有解决方案或围绕商业系统的定制解决方案。如果它被异常处理框架通知,那就更好了。 良好的项目管理:一个经验丰富的团队,在如何与持续的本地化项目合作方面接受过培训,为80%的人建立自动化的工作流,并管理不同的方法来有效地处理剩下20%的人。团队还需要了解异常处理框架,这来自多年来与一些最苛刻的客户和项目一起获得的经验。 计划一切 管理持续的本地化项目需要客户和提供商高度的本地化成熟度,需要时间来建立和达到一个一切照旧的状态,需要一个整体的方法来管理工作流--常规的,可预测的还有例外的。 自然,我们希望80%的大部分内容尽可能高效地流动。但是,剩下的20%也需要关注。忽视它是有风险的。为了取得成功,连续的本地化计划需要的不仅仅是快乐之路的自动化。在持续本地化的快节奏专业服务中,20%中所谓的例外和80%一样是主流。 当你下一次坐飞机,下一次在车流中沿着高速公路巡游,或者下一次打开没有使用手册的盒子时,请考虑一下这一点。 非常感谢解决方案架构师Stuart Sklair提供这篇有见地的文章!

