How Travel and Hospitality Rely on Localization


2020-09-16 07:20 Lilt


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Localization is a vital part of growth in most industries around the world. Some industries have historically relied on global expansion more than others, as businesses have customers across all borders. The travel and hospitality industries are no strangers to localization - with international travel becoming more economical, the primary source of new customers typically comes from abroad. And for economies that are fueled by tourism, localization becomes even more important.  Travel and hospitality are constantly growing - in fact, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), international tourism now represents 7% of the world’s exports in goods and services. Since the travel and hospitality industries involve multiple services (like air travel, car rental, hotel booking, restaurants, etc.), localization is arguably the most important lever behind their growth and development. Localized Multilingual Website and Apps for the Target Audience  As the research conducted by European Tourism Association shows, 40% of bookings in Europe and 44% of bookings in the United States are made online – and those numbers are only expected to grow. It’s believed that those percentages will reach the 50% mark in the next three years.  What does this mean? Travelers are spending most of their time on websites, researching potential destinations, comparing prices, reading reviews from other travelers, and looking at all of the available activities and services. And that’s how the travel and hospitality industry is turning those travelers into customers: with localized and multilingual websites and apps that engage visitors without losing track of the cultural appeal. Some businesses in this market are even investing more and thinking ahead by creating their own mobile apps with translated booking engines and international payment methods. As travelers are always on the move, mobile is no longer the future for the travel and hospitality industries - it’s the present. Customers are looking for information in their native languages, but still want the local culture of the region. According to Think With Google, 70% of travelers with smartphones have done travel research. The Impact of Localization When appealing to an international audience, smaller details are easy to miss. For travel and hospitality, these details are extremely important - even the smallest difference can make a difference. For example, visuals (like images and videos) can impact your audience, as the various components need to be culturally relevant. Depending on the audience that a company may be considering, what’s commonplace and appropriate may vary, so it’s especially important to think about that throughout the localization process. Copy and content are also crucial for travel and hospitality. While it may seem obvious, small things like currency and measurements change depending on your audience, so it’s important to be careful and ensure that numbers and symbols line up.  Beyond that, localized content needs to be available on-site at all times for patrons as well. Safety information, maps, services brochures, menus, and more are on the list of things to be translated for many hotels and travel agencies around the world.  • • • The travel and hospitality industries rely on localization to remove the language and cultural barriers that will allow a faster growth, as the new potential clients will clearly understand what services are being offered to them.  If you’re thinking about localizing your content to expand globally, be sure to request a live demo of the Lilt platform today and chat with an expert to see how adaptive machine translation can improve your efforts.
本地化是全球大多数行业增长的重要部分。从历史上看,某些行业比其他行业更依赖全球扩张,因为企业拥有遍布全球的客户。 旅游和酒店业对本地化并不陌生--随着国际旅行变得更加经济,新客户的主要来源通常来自国外。对于旅游业推动的经济体,本地化变得更加重要。 旅游业和酒店业正在持续增长--事实上,根据世界旅游组织(UNWTO)的数据,国际旅游业目前占世界商品和服务出口的7%。由于旅游业和酒店业涉及多种服务(如航空旅行、汽车租赁、酒店预订、餐馆等),因此本地化无疑是其增长和发展的最重要杠杆。 针对目标受众的本地化多语言网站和应用程序 欧洲旅游协会的研究显示,欧洲40%的预订量和美国44%的预订量都是在线进行的--而这一数字预计会继续增长。据信,这一比例在未来三年内将达到50%。 这意味着什么?旅行者将大部分时间花在网站上、研究潜在目的地、比较价格、阅读其他旅行者的评论以及查看所有可用的活动和服务。 这就是旅游业和酒店业如何将这些旅行者转变为顾客的方式:通过本地化和多语言的网站和应用程序来吸引游客,同时又不失文化吸引力。这个市场上的一些企业甚至加大投资,并在创建自己的带有翻译预订引擎和国际支付方式应用程序方面进行了前瞻性思考。 由于旅行者不断更换旅行点,转移不再是旅游业和酒店业的未来,而是现在。客户正在寻找使用其母语提供的信息,但仍然希望了解该地区的当地文化。根据Think With Google的数据显示70%拥有智能手机的旅行者做过旅行研究。 本地化的影响 吸引国际客户的同时,较小的细节很容易遗漏。对于旅行和接待来说,这些细节极其重要--即使是最微小的差异也会带来不同。 例如,可视化(如图像和视频)可以影响你的受众,因为各个组成部分需要与文化相互关联。根据公司考虑的受众而定,普遍性和适用性可能会有所不同,因此在本地化过程中考虑到这一点尤为重要。 文案和内容对于旅行和接待也至关重要。尽管看起来很明显,但诸如小数货币和度量之类的小事会随着受众而变化,因此请务必小心并确保数字和符号对齐。 除此之外,本地化的内容也需要随时为用户提供。安全信息、地图、服务手册、菜单等均为世界各地许多酒店和旅行社需要翻译的内容。 ••• 由于新的潜在客户将清楚地了解向他们提供的服务,因此旅游业和酒店业依靠本地化来消除语言和文化障碍,从而加快发展速度。 如果你正在考虑将内容本地化以扩展到全球范围,请立即请求Lilt平台的实时演示,并与专家聊天以了解自适应机器翻译如何改进你的工作。

