Video-Fix: Untranslatable Words in Europe


2020-09-13 16:00 terminology Coordination


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For this week’s Video-Fix we have a special trip for you: an evergreen Untranslatable Words Tour across Europe, accompanied by some of the words that have no equal translation in any language.This will take us to Norway, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, and Turkey, to find out and learn some of the most common “lost in translation” episodes that translators often come in contact with. In fact, each language has its own linguistic and cultural references, rich with semantic complexities that may derive from the culture and habits of each different area. Language is shaped in a different way in each region; it can be influenced by climate, geographical territory, history, etc. All elements that in the end, are reflected in the people’s vocabulary and sentence construction. This is why the relationship between words and their meaning is so complex and fascinating: in some languages there are ideas and feelings that can be summed up into a single word, and yet there are many feelings and ideas that cannot be encapsulated in such way. In some cases, languages are simply not able to capture the essence of the meaning of a word in another language: in this case, we encounter what’s defined as ‘untranslatable’. Some might argue that a better definition would be “words which have no direct equivalent in other languages”: in fact, it is indeed possible to translate these words into English, just by using more than one word.What is your opinion on this? Do you have a direct translation for any of these words in your language? Take a look at this Video-Fix, and let us know!     Sources Jason Oxenham, 20 of the World’s Most Beautiful Untranslatable Words, available here (consulted on February 6th, 2018) John-Erik Jordan, Untranslatable Words From Around The World, available here (consulted on February 6th, 2018) NPR, An Interview with Anthropologist Wade Davis, available here (consulted on February 6th, 2018) Written by Carolina Quaranta – Former Schuman Trainee at the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament. Completed a Master in Public and Political Communication in the University of Torino, Italy; communication specialist and journalist.
在本周的视频修复节目中,我们将为您安排一次特别的旅行:一次穿越欧洲的常青不可译词之旅,其中部分词汇在其他语言里找不到相应的翻译。本次旅行将带我们去往挪威,丹麦,意大利,西班牙,德国,葡萄牙,瑞典和土耳其,找出并学习一些译者经常接触的最常见的“迷失在翻译中”的片段。 事实上,每一种语言都有其自身的语言和文化参照,其丰富的语义复杂性可能源于不同地区的文化和习惯。语言在每个地区的形成方式不同;它可能受到气候、地理地域、历史等因素的影响,所有这些因素最终都反映在人们的词汇和句子结构中。这就是为什么单词和它们的意思之间的关系是如此的复杂和迷人:在一些语言中,有些想法和情感可以被总结成一个词,但也有许多感情和思想不能用这样的方式来概括。在某些情况下,语言根本无法捕捉到另一种语言中一个单词的本质意义:在这种情况下,我们遇到了被定义为“不可翻译”的东西。 有人可能会说“在其他语言中没有直接对等词”是较佳的定义,其实这些词是可以翻译成英文的,只需使用多个词,你对此有何看法?这些词在你的语言中有直接的翻译吗?看看这个视频,让我们知道! 资料来源 杰森·奥克森汉姆(Jason Oxenham),20个世界上最美的不可译词,在此可查(2018年2月6日查阅) John-Erik Jordan,来自世界各地的无法翻译的词汇,可在此查阅(2018年2月6日查阅) NPR,对人类学家韦德·戴维斯的采访,此处可得(2018年2月6日咨询) 由Carolina Quaranta撰写--欧洲议会术语协调单位的前舒曼受训人员。在意大利都灵大学完成公共和政治传播硕士学位;传播专家和记者。

