I·ATE Term of the Week: Madeleines


2020-09-12 17:10 terminology Coordination


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No sooner had the warm liquid mixed with the crumbs touched my palate than a shudder ran through me and I stopped, intent upon the extraordinary thing that was happening to me. An exquisite pleasure had invaded my senses, something isolated, detached, with no suggestion of its origin. […] And suddenly the memory revealed itself. The taste was that of the little piece of madeleine which on Sunday mornings at Combray (because on those mornings I did not go out before mass), when I went to say good morning to her in her bedroom, my aunt Léonie used to give me, dipping it first in her own cup of tea or tisane.[1] Marcel Proust. Swann’s Way, In Search of Lost Time. 1913 A single mouthful of a soft madeleine dipped in tea has the power to send Marcel Proust back into a vivid memory of his childhood in Combray, when his aunt offered him a bite of the very same snack. This evocative episode of the novel In Search of Lost Time has become so popular in literature that the metaphor “Proust’s madeleine” is still today employed to depict any taste, smell, or sensation capable to trigger recollections from the supposedly forgotten past. These traditional French cakes, also known as petites madeleines for their small size, are described by the author as “squat” and “plump”, looking as though it “had been moulded in the fluted valve of a scallop shell”. Their uniqueness lies in effect in its distinctive shell shape with a little round bump in the middle. The recipe is quite simple, mixing eggs, flour, sugar, and butter in almost equal parts by weight; some even add lemon zest for a fresher taste.  The final flavour and consistency vaguely resemble those of a sponge cake. Madeleine – a Cake with a History Multiple legends and stories intertwine when it comes to the origins of these elegant snacks. The most famous suggests they were born in 1755 in the town of Commercy, in north-eastern France, in the castle where Stanisław Leszczyński, exiled King of Poland, and then Duke of Lorraine, had sought refuge. One day when the duke was holding a reception, a young servant named Madeleine Paulmier offered to prepare a recipe she had been given by her grandmother after the main cook had left before preparing dessert. Stanisław was so charmed by the small, shell-shaped cakes she baked that he decided to send some to his daughter, Maria, wife of Louis XV, who began serving them to the court in Versailles. Other versions link the madeleines with the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and with another “Madeleine”, who is said to have offered little cakes in the shape of a scallop shell to the pilgrims making their way to Galicia. [1] Original: Mais à l’instant même où la gorgée mêlée des miettes du gâteau toucha mon palais, je tressaillis, attentif à ce qui se passait d’extraordinaire en moi. Un plaisir délicieux m’avait envahi, isolé, sans la notion de sa cause. […] Et tout d’un coup le souvenir m’est apparu. Ce goût c’était celui du petit morceau de madeleine que le dimanche matin à Combray (parce que ce jour-là je ne sortais pas avant l’heure de la messe), quand j’allais lui dire bonjour dans sa chambre, ma tante Léonie m’offrait après l’avoir trempé dans son infusion de thé ou de tilleul. Marcel Proust. À la recherche du temps perdu, Tome 1: Du côté de chez Swann. 1913. Marcel Proust. In Search of Lost Time (sometimes translated as Remembrance of Things Past), Volume 1: Swann’s Way. English translation by C. K. Scott Moncrieff. Marmiton. Recette des madeleines. [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.marmiton.org/recettes/recette_madeleines-faciles_17700.aspx [Accessed 06/09/2020] À la cloche Lorraine. Un peu d’histoire. [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.madeleine-commercy.com/histoire_madeleine.php [Accessed 07/09/2020] Centre de recherche et d’étude de la boulangerie et de ses compagnonnages. La madeleine. 2015. [ONLINE]. Available at: https://levainbio.com/cb/crebesc/la-madeleine/ [Accessed 07/09/2020] Culture Trip. 2018. A brief history of the French madeleine. [ONLINE]. Available at: https://theculturetrip.com/europe/france/articles/brief-history-french-madeleine/
混合着面包屑的温暖液体立刻触碰到我的味蕾,一阵颤抖流过我,我停了下来,专心于发生在我身上的非同寻常的事情。 精致的愉悦感侵袭了我的感官,某种孤立,分离的东西,没有暗示它的起源。 […]记忆突然间显现出来。 味道就像那只小玛德琳饼干,那是在周日早上在康布雷(因为那天早上我没出门就出去),当我去和她在卧室里对她说早上好时,我的莱妮姨妈曾经给我 ,先将其浸入自己的茶或炸药中。[1] 马塞尔·普鲁斯特。斯旺之路,寻找逝去的时光。1913 一小口浸入茶中的软玛德琳可以使马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust)带回他在康布雷的童年时的生动回忆,当时他的姨妈给了他一口零食。 小说《寻找迷失的时间》中令人回味的一集在文学中变得如此流行,以至于今天仍然使用比喻“普鲁斯特的玛德琳”来描绘任何能够触发人们回想起过去的回忆的味道,气味或感觉。 这些传统的法国蛋糕因其体积小而被称为小玛德琳蛋糕,作者将其描述为“蹲”和“松软”,看起来好像“已在扇贝壳的开槽阀中模制而成”。 它们的独特性在于其独特的外壳形状,中间有一个圆形凸起。 食谱很简单,将鸡蛋,面粉,糖和黄油按几乎相等的重量份混合; 有些人甚至添加柠檬皮来获得新鲜的味道。 最终的味道和稠度在某种程度上类似于海绵蛋糕。 玛德琳-历史悠久的蛋糕 关于这些优雅小吃的起源,有许多传说和故事交织在一起。 最有名的暗示是他们于1755年出生在法国东北部的Commercy镇,在城堡里,流放的波兰国王StanisławLeszczyński和洛林公爵曾寻求庇护。 公爵举行招待会的一天,一位名叫玛德琳·保尔米尔(Madeleine Paulmier)的年轻仆人提出准备一份主厨在准备甜点后离开祖母给她的食谱。 斯坦尼斯瓦夫对她烤制的贝壳形小蛋糕非常着迷,以至于他决定将一些蛋糕送给他的女儿路易十五的妻子玛丽亚(Maria),后者开始在凡尔赛宫为他们服务。 其他版本将玛德琳与朝圣地连接至圣地亚哥·德孔波斯特拉和另一个“玛德琳”,据说后者向朝圣者朝香客提供了扇贝形的小蛋糕。 [1]原件:巴黎国王宫的Maisàl'stantmêmeoùlagorgéemêléedes miettes,je tressaillis,extraordininaire en moi的注意事项。 在没有因果关系的情况下,您可以在其他地方使用plaisirdélicieuxm'avait envahi。 […] Et to d d'un coup le纪念品纪念品。 Ce deCéétaitcelui du petit morceau de Madeleine que le dimanche matinàCombray(parce que ce cejour-làje ne sortais pas avant l'heure de la messe),quand j'allais lui dire bonjour dans sa chambre,马坦 Léoniem'offraitaprèsl'avoirtrempédans son infusion dethéou de tilleul。 马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust)。 临时书,《多美书》第1期:Ducôtéde chez Swann。 1913年。 马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust)。 寻找失去的时间(有时翻译成对回忆似水年华),第1卷:斯旺的方式。 C. K. Scott Moncrieff的英语翻译。 马米顿。马德兰庄园。[在线]。可查阅:https://www.marmiton.org/recettes/recetet_madeleines-profiles_17700.aspx[访问日期:06/09/2020] la cloche lorraine。Un peu d'histoire。[在线]。网址:http://www.madeleine-commercy.com/hosistire_madeleine.php[2020年7月09日访问] 商业和商业研究与研究中心。玛德琳夫人。2015年。[在线]。网址:https://levainbio.com/cb/crebesc/la-madeleine/[2020年7月09日访问] 文化之旅。2018年。法国玛德琳简史。[在线]。网址:https://theculturetrietp.com/europe/france/articles/brief-history-french-madeleine/

