IATE Term of the Week: EU Trade Agreement

IATE Term of the Week:欧盟贸易协定

2020-09-11 16:30 terminology Coordination


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The EU Trade Agreement is a term signifying the form of the trade agreements, which are used by the European Union within the framework of its trade relations with third countries. The EU Trade Agreements also serve as a mean of promoting the European principles and the European values ranging from democracy and human rights to environment and social rights. Classification Depending on their content the EU Trade Agreements can be classified in four (4) major categories as follows: Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs): These trade agreements support development of trade partners from African Caribbean and Pacific Countries. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs): These are the trade agreements which enable reciprocal market opening with developed countries and emerging economies by granting preferential access to markets Association Agreements (AAs): This is the classification used for all kinds of the broader political agreements Partnership and Cooperation Agreements (PCAs): This is the classification corresponding to the non-preferential, broader trade agreements Every trade agreement aligns with the legislative framework set out in Article 218 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union. On May 22, 2018, the European Council adopted conclusions in relation to the ways in which any trade agreement ought to be negotiated and concluded on behalf of the European Union. In specific, there are two issues on which the European Council focuses so as to ensure the liability and high-quality operation of each trade agreement. It is essential for the European Council to ensure that the European Commission manages to recommend and establish the splitting between separate agreements related to investment and other trade provisions as well as to reinforce the Council’s role in the trade negotiations. The European Union abides by the principles of the World Trade Organization (WTO). These principles protect trade agreements from any kind of violation performances and/or actions. The anti-discrimination policy for eliminating any kind of discrimination among trading countries, the equal treatment of imported and locally produced products, the appliance of predictability market laws  to help all countries and their responsive markets to enjoy the benefits of competition, the rules applied through the form of tariffs or non-tariff barriers, are the basic principles operating as a foundation of the EU Trade agreements. There seems to be no doubt of the benefits about the EU trade agreements. New markets open for EU goods and services, investment opportunities and protection of these investments opened, custom duties are eliminated, and this makes trade cheaper, transit through customs is facilitated and trade is made faster, to name but a few. It is the MIC (Multilateral Investment Court) which can operate as a permanent body to decide investment disputes and deal with them effectively. The EU is the largest exporter and importer of foreign direct investment. Encouraging and retaining investments remains vital. Therefore, it is of high importance that the EU manages to deal with the legislative and operational nature of Trade agreements.   European Union Trade Agreements, [ONLINE], Available at https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/trade-policy/trade-agreements/ [Accessed 31 August 2020] Trade Agreements: what the EU is working on [ONLINE], Available at https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/world/20161014STO47381/trade-agreements-what-the-eu-is-working-on [Accessed 31 August 2020] Written by Maria Papamargariti, Greek and English Philologist, writer in the field of children’s literature.
欧盟贸易协定是指欧盟在其与第三国的贸易关系框架内所使用的贸易协定的形式。 欧盟贸易协定还可以促进欧洲原则和欧洲价值观,包括民主与人权,环境与社会权利。 分类 根据欧盟贸易协定内容,可分为以下四大类: 经济伙伴关系协定:这些贸易协定支持非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家贸易伙伴的发展。 自由贸易协定:通过给予市场准入优惠,与发达国家和新兴经济体达成实现互惠市场开放的贸易协定 结盟协定:用于各种更广泛的政治协议分类 伙伴关系与合作协定:与非优惠、范围更广的贸易协定相对应的分类 每项贸易协定都符合《欧洲联盟运作条约》第218条规定的立法框架。2018年5月22日,欧洲理事会通过了关于代表欧盟谈判和缔结任何贸易协定的方式的结论。具体而言,欧洲理事会要重点关注两个问题,以确保每个贸易协议的责任和高质量运作。 欧洲理事会必须确保欧洲联盟委员会设法建议并确定有关投资和其他贸易条款单独协定之间的划分,并加强理事会在贸易谈判中的作用。 欧洲联盟遵守世界贸易组织(WTO)的原则。 这些原则可保护贸易协议免受任何形式的违规行为或行动的侵害。 还能消除贸易国家间任何形式歧视的反歧视政策,平等对待进口和当地生产的产品,通过关税或非关税壁垒形式的形式,使用可预测性市场法以帮助所有国家及其响应市场享受竞争的好处,这些都是作为欧盟贸易协定基础运作的基本原则。 毫无疑问,欧盟贸易协定带来的好处远不止这些。开放欧盟货物服务的新市场和投资机会,并对这些投资开发进行保护,关税的取消,使得贸易更便宜,海关中转便利,贸易更快,等等。 多边投资法院作为一个常设机构能够有效地解决投资争端。欧盟外国直接投资的最大出口国和进口国。鼓励和保留投资仍至关重要。因此,欧盟设法处理贸易协定的立法和运作性质也十分重要。 欧洲联盟贸易协定,[在线],网址为https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/trade-policy/trade-agreements/[2020年8月31日访问] 贸易协定:欧盟正在开展的工作[在线],网址为https://www.europarl.europa.EU/news/en/headlines/world/20161014sto47381/trade-agreements-what-the-eu-is-work-on访问[2020年8月31日] 由希腊和英国语言学家,儿童文学领域的作家玛丽亚·帕帕玛加里提(Maria Papamargariti)撰写。

