5 Reasons to Attend The Evolution of Localization Online Event


2020-09-08 16:40 Memsource


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5 Reasons to Attend The Evolution of Localization Online Event We’re celebrating our 10th anniversary! From humble beginnings in Founder and CEO David Čaněk’s Prague apartment, Memsource is now one of the leading TMSs (translation management systems) and is a front-runner in translation technology innovation in the industry. Not only are we celebrating a successful decade, 2020 marks a significant milestone in Memsource history, our new partnership with The Carlyle Group. To mark the occasion, we are hosting a free online event, The Evolution of Localization, where we’ll look back on how the localization industry has transformed over the years and anticipate what’s next. Here are 5 reasons why this localization event shouldn’t be missed… 1. 360° view of the localization industry Our panel discussion, The Evolution of Localization Strategies for Memsource Customers, will delve into different localization strategies of various organizations in the translation industry. The lineup includes Britta Aagaard, Chief Business Officer at Semantix, the largest language service provider in the Nordics; Silvio Clausen, Head of Localization at gaming company, Supercell, representing the translation buyer side; Max Troyer, Associate Professor & Program Chair at The Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey who’ll share his thoughts from the academic perspective; Martin Švestka, Memsource’s Chief Product Officer, bringing his knowledge from the translation technology side. The panelists will discuss how their localization strategies have evolved and what is key for localization success. 2. A peek at what’s to come for Memsource Slator Managing Director, Florian Faes will moderate a discussion with Fernando Chueca, Managing Director at The Carlyle Group and Memsource CEO and Founder, David Čaněk. The discussion will give a unique perspective and assessment of the translation industry, reveal what’s in the pipeline at Memsource, and will examine the future of the localization industry in the wake of some game-changing investments. 3. Connect in the time of social distancing Traditional networking coffee breaks are shifting gears in 2020, but this doesn’t mean your chance to connect with peers is over. During the event there will be opportunities to interact with panelists and attendees through Slido. In the app you can submit questions to the panelists, up-vote questions you like, share your thoughts, and engage with attendees in the “Ideas” section. Once you’ve registered for the event, you’ll receive a code to join Slido, and you can start submitting questions right away. 4. Reveal your competitive side You’ll have the chance to out-wit your peers and earn the ultimate honor of Memsource Quiz Master! What do you have to do to compete for this glory? Simply absorb as much information from the event as you can and answer some simple questions. Accuracy and speed will put you in the running for a nice prize to go along with your new title. The quiz will take place at the end of the event so be sure to stick around. 5. Celebrate with us We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you, our customers, our partners, and our future collaborators. You’ve been part of our incredible journey, and we want you to be a part of our celebrations. Join us to reflect on where we’ve been and help us steer the ship into a new decade and beyond.
参加本地化发展在线活动的5个理由 我们在庆祝十周年纪念日!Memsource从创始人兼首席执行官David Čaněk布拉格公寓中的点滴开始起步,现在一直是领先的TMSs(翻译管理系统)之一,并且是该行业翻译技术创新的领先者。我们不仅庆祝成功的十年,而且2020年标志着我们与凯雷投资集团的新合作伙伴关系在Memsource历史上的重要里程碑。为了纪念这一时刻,我们将举办一个免费的在线活动--名为“本地化的演变”,我们将回顾这些年来本地化行业的变化方式,并展望未来。 以下是五个不可错过的本地化活动的原因... 1.本地化行业的360°视角 我们的小组讨论“针对Memsource客户本地化策略的演变”,将深入研究翻译行业中不同组织的不同本地化策略。阵容包括 Semantix(北欧最大的语言服务提供商)的首席商务官Britta Aagaard; Silvio Clausen,游戏公司Supercell的本地化主管,代表翻译买方; MaxTroyer,蒙特雷米德尔伯里国际研究学院副教授兼项目主席将从学术角度分享他的观点; MemSource的首席产品官MartinSvestka介绍他在翻译技术方面的知识。 小组成员将讨论他们的本地化战略是如何发展的以及成功实现本地化的关键。 2.审视Memsource的未来 Slator常务董事Florian Faes将与凯雷集团董事总经理Fernando Chueca,Memsource首席执行官兼创始人David Canek展开讨论。这次讨论将为翻译行业提供独特的视角和评估,揭示Memsource即将发布的内容,并在一些改变游戏规则的投资之后审视本地化行业的未来。 3.社会疏远的时候保持联系 传统的网络喝咖啡休息时间在2020年正发生改变,但这并不意味着你失去了与同伴联系的机会。活动期间,将有机会通过Slido与小组成员和参与者互动。在应用程序中,你可以向小组成员提交问题,对自己喜欢的问题进行投票,分享你的想法,并在“想法”部分与参与者互动。注册成功后,你就会收到一个加入Slido的代码,并可以立即开始提交问题。 4.展现你的竞争优势 你将有机会击败同龄人,并获得Memsource Quiz Master的终极荣誉!要做什么才能争取这一荣耀?只需尽可能多地从事件中吸收信息,然后回答一些简单的问题即可。准确性和速度性将使不断得奖品和荣获新头衔。测验将在活动结束时进行,因此请务必坚持。 5.共同庆祝 如果不是你们,我们的客户,我们的合作伙伴以及我们未来的合作者,我们就不会有今天的成就。你们是这趟奇妙旅程的一部分,我们希望你们参加此次活动。加入我们,反思过去,帮助我们一起航行驶入新的十年甚至更远。

