7 marketing tips for translators working with less-demanded languages


2020-09-07 18:40 Smartcat


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We work in a highly competitive industry where supply often exceeds demand. As professionals, we put a lot of time and effort into training and marketing ourselves. We polish our language skills, take dozens of courses, work on self-promotion, email agencies, and wait for the work to land in our inbox. But are all languages “equally marketable”? As a Greek translator, do I have the same opportunities of getting equally lucrative and interesting projects as a French or English translator? There is no denying that some languages enjoy a higher level of marketability than others. How possible is it then to make a comfortable living as a translator of a non-mainstream language? If you are a native speaker of a “smaller” language, don’t let it discourage you from pursuing a career in translation. If you are starting out in the industry or have been translating for some time, the following seven marketing tips will help you capitalize on your niche language skills. 1. Find your Unique Selling Point One piece of advice you may have heard when you first started out as a translator is that you need to pick a niche and specialize. In other words, don’t be a generalist, be a specialist. But what is your unique selling point? What can you offer that sets you apart from other translators who compete with you in the same niche? If, for example, you are a marketing translator translating company websites and blog posts, can you also make sure your translations are optimized for SEO? Clients will be more inclined to choose you for a project if your services go beyond mere translation. A colleague of mine translates certificates and official documents. His unique selling point? Impeccable DTP services. He can make any translated document look like an exact copy of the original, with tables, stamps, and signatures included. Clients reach out to him because he goes above and beyond what’s expected from a translator. If you cannot think of an extra service to offer, consider pairing up with another professional. If you are, for example, a legal translator, could you work with a solicitor to offer notarized translations? Alternatively, have you thought about collaborating with an English native speaker to offer professionally edited translations from your mother-tongue into English? By adding an additional service to the package, you don’t just set yourself apart, you also increase the perceived value of your services and can, thus, charge more. Finally, once you have decided on a niche, consider niching down even more. If we can’t expect a doctor to treat all ailments, why should a medical translator be expected to translate all medical texts? 2. Join a professional association in your target language And by that, I mean join two professional associations. One translation association and one client-specific association. As a member of a translation association, you can learn a lot from more experienced colleagues through webinars, conferences, and CPD courses. As a member of a client-specific association, you are right where your potential clients are hanging out. Some client-specific associations only accept active members in the industry, so ask if you can join as an observer or consultant member instead. The pandemic has made it difficult to organize conferences and trade shows but as soon as these resume, you will have the opportunity to mingle with potential clients to discuss industry matters and stay top of mind. However, if you don’t live in the country of your target language, it may be more difficult for you to liaise with local clients. In this case, you can contact your local embassy to find out if you can become an embassy-approved translator instead. Also, check out any international trade shows where some of your potential clients may want to exhibit. Tourism translators, for example, may want to visit trade shows like ITB Berlin and WTM London where National Tourist Boards exhibit. 3. Don’t underestimate the power of content writing A great way to set yourself apart is to position yourself as an expert, and one of the best ways to do that is to publish articles in magazines that your clients are likely to read. This is where professional associations come to work as they tend to publish their own trade magazines or will have at least one website. Contact the magazine’s Editor or the website’s Content Manager to find out if there is any scope for you to publish an expert article. Your articles should highlight the importance of going global. You could, for example, talk about successful international marketing campaigns, international clinical trials, or international legal campaigns. 4. Join Facebook groups Again, you want to join both translation groups and client-specific groups. Single out the active groups and take part in peer-to-peer conversations with an aim to offer value rather than sell anything. Always follow the group guidelines and make sure to give first before you ask for anything. Join at least one group that caters to translation professionals of your target language, as their members often post job opportunities that they either can’t do (different niche) or don’t have the time to do themselves. With client-specific groups, you can gain access to valuable industry information which you can then use to your advantage when you contact a potential client. Don’t direct message (DM) anyone though. Send personal, targeted emails instead. 5. Post a Facebook ad If you want to go a step further, consider creating a Facebook ad. Facebook has highly sophisticated demographic targeting features which make it easy for you to locate your ideal client. You can target by geography, profession, income, education, politics, relationships, life events, the options are simply endless. Thanks to timelines, Facebook knows exactly what its users are doing and someone who posts on their wall that they’ve just moved to your country may be in need of translation services. With Facebook ads you can also target the audience of certain pages and if you already have a list of existing clients, it can even create lookalike audiences. If you are going to go down that route though, I would strongly suggest you contract the services of a FB ad and funnel expert as it’s very easy to throw money out of the window, if you don’t know how to set up your FB ads correctly. Your ad stands a far greater chance of engagement if you offer a free incentive, also known as a lead magnet. You could for example target E-Commerce Directors in your country with a free report explaining how branching out into the English-speaking market — a service you can offer together with a native English speaker — can massively increase their revenue. You will need a landing page to capture their email address in return for the report. While this may not necessarily lead to immediate work, once you have a list of potentially interested leads, you can email them sparingly with interesting reports and successful case studies of other happy clients to keep you top of mind. I use MailerLite for my marketing campaigns. 6. Be active on LinkedIn Last but certainly not least, make LinkedIn your no. 1 prospecting tool. According to Foundation Inc. 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn, so don’t miss out on the massive opportunities this platform has to offer. Create a strong profile with easily searchable long-tail keywords, highlight your expertise and USP in your headline and write an enticing summary about your business that will make you stand out. You have up to 220 characters for your headline and up to 2,600 characters for the About section so make this valuable piece of digital real estate count. Once you have completed your profile, it is time to start making connections. Add as many ideal clients to your network as you can and continue doing so on a daily basis. Be active — daily if you can — with valuable tips about your industry and information that can genuinely help your ideal client and don’t be afraid to tell the world what it is that you do. People won’t buy from you if they don’t know what it is that you are selling. The most engaging posts on LinkedIn are those that strike up a conversation. By asking a question at the end of your post you invite other members of your network to contribute to the discussion. If your post proves popular, it will start appearing in your network’s feeds and your content will be seen by more of your 2nd degree or even 3rd degree contacts. That’s a great way of cross-pollinating audiences and gaining even more exposure. Tell interesting stories and engage on other people’s feeds. Don’t DM anyone though. Let your passion and expertise speak for itself. 7. Be a brand My last tip may sound obvious, but it is — very often — taken for granted. If you want to stand out in this fiercely competitive world, don’t be just a business. Be a brand instead. A brand creates trust and makes you instantly recognisable. It encompasses every facet of your business — from the colors you choose for your website, the tone of your emails or status updates, to the way you deliver your projects. More importantly, it represents your core beliefs and how you want to be perceived by your market, so it must not be overlooked. Don’t be afraid to shine as a translator if you work in a less popular language pair. Once you’ve hit the sweet spot with your particular set of skills and services, competition becomes irrelevant. Clients will not just choose you for what you are, but also for who you are: a professional service provider who knows how to stand out from the crowd.
在一个竞争激烈的行业工作,经常出现供大于求的情况。身为专业人士,为了培训和展示自己而投入大量的时间和精力。我们打磨自己的语言技能,参加几十门课程,做自我推销,给中介发邮件,然后等待工作进入收件箱。 但是所有的语言都是“同等的市场”吗?作为一名希腊语翻译,我是否有和法语或英语翻译的同等机会去得到同样赚钱和有趣的项目?不可否认,某些语言享有比其他语言更高的市场性水平。那么,作为一个非主流语言的翻译家如何改善生活水准呢? 如果你的母语为“较小众”语言,切记不要因此打消你追求翻译职业的念头。若您刚从事该行业或做过一段时间的翻译,,下面的七个营销技巧将帮助你利用小众语言技能。 1.找到自己独特的亮点 刚接触翻译这个行业都会听过这样一个建议:那就是需要选择一个专门适合自己的领域。也就是说,不要做通才,要做专才。但你独特的亮点是什么?你能提供什么让自己有别于其他在同一领域与你竞争的翻译?例如,你是一个翻译公司网站和博客文章的营销翻译,你是否也能确保自己的翻译为搜索引擎优化?如果你的服务不局限于翻译的话,客户会更倾向于选择你做一个项目。我的一位同事翻译证书和正式文件。独特的卖点——无懈可击的DTP服务。他可以使任何翻译过的文档看起来像是原稿的精确副本,包括表格,邮票和签名。客户选择他是因为其水平超越了客户本身对翻译的期望。 若是想不出能够提供额外的服务,可以考虑与另一位专业人士搭档。如果你是一名法律翻译,你能与律师合作提供公证翻译吗?或者你有没有想过和一个以英语为母语的人合作,提供专业编辑,即从你的母语到英语的翻译?通过在套餐中添加额外的服务,不仅可以使自己与众不同,还可以增加服务的感知价值,从而可以收取更高的费用。最后,一旦决定了一个利基,就会考虑更多的利基。如果我们不能指望一个医生治疗所有病痛,为什么还要指望一个医学译者翻译所有的医学文本呢? 2.加入目标语言的专业协会 我的意思是加入两个专业协会。一个翻译关联和一个客户端特定关联。作为翻译协会的一员可通过网络研讨会,会议和CPD课程从更有经验的同事那里学到很多东西。作为一个特定客户协会的成员,潜在客户在哪里,你就在哪里。一些特定于客户的协会只接受行业内的活跃会员,因此会询问你是否可以改为以观察员或顾问会员的身份加入。大流行使得组织会议和贸易展览变得困难,只要恢复正常秩序,你将有机会与潜在客户交流,讨论行业问题,并保持头脑中的首要位置。然而,如果不是住在目标语言的国家,就可能更难联络当地的客户。在这种情况下可以联系当地的大使馆,了解你是否可以成为一个大使馆认可的替代翻译。另外,看看你的潜在客户是否有想要展出的任何国际贸易展。例如,旅游翻译人员可能会想去参观像ITB Berlin和WTM London这样的国家旅游局展览贸易展。 3.不要低估内容写作的力量 让自己变得与众不同的好方法就是把自己定位成一个专家,发表文章是首当其一,尤其是在客户会阅读的杂志上发表。这是专业协会的工作地点,他们会倾向于出版自己的行业杂志或将有至少一个网站。联系杂志的编辑或网站的内容经理,了解是否有任何空间让你发表一篇专家文章。文章应该强调走出去的重要性。例如,谈论成功的国际营销活动,国际临床试验或国际法律活动。 4.加入脸书群组 你希望同时加入翻译组和特定于客户端的组。就要选出活跃的群体,参加点对点的对话,如此一来的目标是提供价值,而不是做销售。始终遵循小组的指导方针,并确保在你要求任何东西之前先付出。至少加入一个为你的目标语言翻译专业人士服务的小组,因为他们的成员经常拱手相让要么做不到(不同的利基),要么自己没有时间去做的工作机会。通过特定于客户的群组可以访问有价值的行业信息,一旦于潜在客户联系便可以利用到这些信息。但是不要直接给任何人发信息(DM)。而是发送私发并且有针对性的电子邮件。 5.在脸书上发布广告 若想更上一层楼,可以考虑在脸书上做广告。脸书拥有高度复杂的人口定位功能,可以帮助你很容易找到理想的客户。还可以根据地理,职业,收入,教育,政治,关系,生活事件来设定目标,让你拥有海量选择。得益于时间线,脸书确切地知道用户的行为,那些在他们的墙上发帖说刚搬到你的国家的人就可能需要翻译服务。脸书广告还可以针对特定页面的受众,如果你已经有了现有客户的列表,脸书广告甚至可以创建类似的受众群体。如果你坚持走这条路,并且不知道如何正确设置餐饮广告,我强烈建议你承包服务的餐饮广告和漏斗专家,原因在于好赚钱。 提供一个免费激励,也就是所谓的“铅磁铁”,你的广告就吸引人的机会将大大提升。例如,你可以向贵国的电子商务主管提供一份免费报告,说明如何向英语国家的市场分支--还可以与英语国家的人一起提供服务--极大地增加他们的收入。你将需要一个着陆页捕获他们的电子邮件地址,以反馈报告。这么做不一定马上有活干,一旦你有了一个潜在感兴趣的线索列表,就可以通过电子邮件给客户发一些有趣的报告和其他满意客户的成功案例研究,留下深刻印象。我使用MailerLite进行营销。 6.活跃在LinkedIn上 最后也是最重要的一点,让LinkedIn成为你的“不”。即一个勘探工具。根据Foundation Inc.的数据显示80%的B2B业务都来自LinkedIn,所以不要错过这个平台提供的巨大机会。用容易搜索的长尾关键词来创建一个强大的个人资料,标题中突出专业知识和独特卖点,并写一个关于业务的总结,这将使你脱颖而出。将有多达220个字符能为标题和多达2600个字符为部分而撰写,因此要让这个宝贵数字使得房地产有价值。 完成好个人资料,可开始建立联系。尽可能多地每天将理想的客户端添加到你的网络中。如果可以的话,每天都要积极地--提供有关行业的价值比高的提示和真正能帮助理想客户的信息,不要在世界面前胆怯自己的所作所为。如果人们不知道你的独特卖点,就不会购买。LinkedIn上最引人入胜的帖子是可以攀谈的那种。通过在帖子末尾提出一个问题,就可以邀请你的网络中的其他成员参与到讨论中来。如果你的帖子很受欢迎,会开始出现在网络提要,而你的内容将被更多的二级甚至三级联系人看到。这是一个交叉授粉的观众和获得更多的曝光率的绝佳方式。讲有趣的故事,关注别人的feed。不过先别跟任何人交谈。让你的热情似火和专业知识不言而喻就能为大众所知。 7.成为品牌 我的最后一个建议可能听起来很浅显,但却常常被认为理所当然。如果你想在这个竞争激烈的世界中脱颖而出,就不仅仅只做生意。而是做一个品牌。品牌创造信任,瞬间被认可。品牌涵盖了业务的每一个方面--从你为网站选择颜色,你的电子邮件或状态更新的语调,到你交付项目的方式。更重要的是代表了核心信念,以及你希望是如何被市场感知,因此这一点不容忽视。 如果处在一个不太流行的语言环境中工作,不要害怕成为一个出色的翻译。一旦你的技能和服务达到了最佳状态,竞争就变得无关紧要了。客户选择你不仅仅是因为你是什么样的人,而是因为你是谁:一个专业的服务提供者,懂得如何从人群中脱颖而出。

