Video-Fix: What’s that Ringing in Your Ears?


2020-09-06 18:10 terminology Coordination


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That muffled ringing sound that you hear in your ear when you’re all alone and quiet actually has a name. Originating from Latin tinnire (= to ring), tinnitus is defined as a sensation of noise that is typically caused by a bodily condition and can usually be heard only by the person affected. The term is interesting due to its imitative origin, meaning that it can be recognized if you associate it to a sound or phonetic symbol – in this case, a ringing tone.   In today’s Video-Fix, Marc Fagelson explores the reason behind this auditory sensation and how its effects can be reduced.   Sources Merriam-Webster. 2020. Tinnitus | Definition of Tinnitus by Merriam-Webster. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 August 2020]. Written by Lara Karlović, a digital marketing enthusiast with experience in social media management, SEO content writing and optimization and content marketing.
当你独自一人安静的时候,你听到的在耳朵里嗡嗡的声音其实是有名字的。耳鸣来源于拉丁语tinnire(发出响声),被定义为典型的由身体状况造成的噪音感觉,通常只有被影响的人才能听到。 这个术语之所以有趣,是因为它的模仿性起源,意思是如果你把它和一个声音或者是音标联系起来,就能分辨出它——在这个例子中是一个铃声。 在今天的视频中,马克·菲戈尔森揭示了产生这种听觉的原因,说明了怎么可以减少它对我们的影响。 资料来源 韦氏大词典。2020年。耳鸣韦氏对耳鸣的定义。[在线]网址:。[2020年8月28访问]。 由Lara Karlovic撰写,她是一位数字营销爱好者,在社交媒体管理,SEO内容写作和优化以及内容营销方面都有经验。

