Localization vs. Internationalization: Acting Globally, Thinking Locally


2020-09-03 04:20 Lilt


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With more and more people looking to access information and participate in world events, companies are beginning to bring more of their content online. Localization is a term common to many of those companies as they start to grow and expand business across the world.  But internationalization and localization are two concepts that, while similar, are not interchangeable. They’re all aiming to accomplish a similar goal - so what’s truly the difference between the two?    Globalization Starting at the highest level, globalization is simply the idea of bringing different countries and cultures together, whether separated by people, economies, or borders. Oftentimes, globalization is thought of as the umbrella goal that localization, internationalization, and translation all work to accomplish.   Localization vs. Internationalization The distinction between localization and internationalization is a bit more subtle, but ultimately, the two differ in their areas of focus.  Internationalization is a building block at the beginning of an application or product that defines a framework for adaptability. Simply put, internationalization “prepares” applications and products to easily support languages. The process typically starts early on with developers as they build the application or product. For example, different countries read and write differently than others. In the United States, the date is formatted M/D/Y, while a large majority of the world otherwise uses the D/M/Y format. While this may not seem like much, it’s important for applications and products to be built in such a way that allows them to easily adapt depending on where they’re located. Localization, on the other hand, is the process of actually adapting to a specific locale or region. This often includes all visible pieces, like text and images, to make sure that they align with the culture. Locales are defined by pairing a language with a region - for example, French (France) and French (Canada) are two different locales, even though they share a common language.   Act Locally, Think Globally  One of Disney/Pixar’s recent films, Inside Out, focuses on the emotions and feelings of its main character, a young girl growing up in a new city. While director Pete Docter knows that the imagery and experiences shown in the movie may hit home for audiences in the US, it was important to build a system that could easily adapt for international markets as well. Credit: Disney/Pixar “In Japan, broccoli is not considered gross. Kids love it,” he said. “So we asked them, ‘What’s gross to you?’ They said green bell peppers, so we remodeled and reanimated three separate scenes replacing our broccoli with green peppers.” This is a great example of internationalization and localization in action. Doctor and his team built in the process for easy adaptability, allowing animators to quickly swap in more relevant content, like memories of soccer for worldwide audiences instead of hockey for US audiences, so it makes sense locally. • • • Ultimately, internationalization and localization are two important tools that help companies grow globally while maintaining an amazing user experience. For some, that simply means localizing the content of a website, while to others, that means building an app with an internationalization foundation.  If you’re thinking about localizing your content to expand globally, be sure to request a live demo of the Lilt platform today and chat with an expert to see how adaptive machine translation can improve your efforts.
随着越来越多的人希望获得信息和参与世界活动,公司开始将更多的信息放到网上。随着这些公司开始在世界各地发展和扩大业务时,本地化成为一个通用的术语。 但国际化和本地化是两个相似的概念,但不能互换。他们都是为了实现一个相似的目标--那么两者之间真正的区别是什么呢? 全球化 从最高的层面讲,全球化仅仅是把不同的国家和文化聚集在一起的想法,不管是被人民,经济,还是被边界隔开。通常,全球化被认为是本地化,国际化和翻译都要完成的总括目标。 本土化与国际化 本地化和国际化之间的区别更加微妙,但归根结底,两者在关注的领域上有所不同。 国际化是应用程序或产品开始时定义适应性框架的构建块。简单地说,国际化为应用程序和产品“准备”轻松地提供支持语言。这个过程通常在开发人员构建应用程序或产品时就开始了。 例如,不同国家的读写方式不同。在美国,日期的格式是M/D/Y,而世界上大多数国家使用的是D/M/Y格式。虽然这看起来并不起眼,但对于应用程序和产品来说,以这样一种方式构建非常重要,即允许它们根据所处的位置轻松地进行调整。 另一方面,本地化是实际适应特定语言环境或区域的过程。这通常包括所有可见的片段,如文本和图像,以确保它们与文化保持一致。区域设置是通过将一种语言与一个地区配对来定义的--例如,法语(法国)和法语(加拿大)是两种不同的区域设置,即使它们使用同一种语言。 立足本地,放眼全球 迪斯尼/皮克斯最近的一部电影《内而外》聚焦于其主角--一个在新城市长大的年轻女孩的情绪和感受。导演皮特·多克特知道电影中展现的情景和体验可能会让美国观众很感兴趣,同时建立一个能够轻松适应国际市场的系统也很重要。 信誉:迪斯尼/皮克斯 “在日本,西兰花不被认为是恶心的。孩子们喜欢它,“他说。“所以我们问他们,‘你觉得什么恶心?’他们说是青椒,所以我们重新制作了三个单独的场景,用青椒代替了西兰花。” 这是国际化和本土化在实践中的一个很好的例子。专家和他的团队在这个过程中建立了一个简单的适应性,让动画师可以快速地交换更多相关的内容,比如全世界观众对足球的记忆,而不是美国观众对曲棍球的记忆,所以它在当地是有意义的。 ••• 归根结底,国际化和本地化是两个重要的工具,可以帮助公司在全球范围内增长,同时维持惊人的用户体验。对一些人来说,这仅仅意味着网站内容的本地化,而对另一些人来说,这意味着构建一个具有国际化基础的应用程序。 如果您正在考虑将内容本地化扩展到全球,请确保今天就请求一个Lilt平台的现场演示,并与专家沟通,看看自适应机器翻译如何改进您的工作。

