Data Science Technology to Better Serve Customers


2020-09-02 03:40 GALA


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01 September 2020 How Avantpage bootstraps its data science strategy Executives and professionals use data and analytics to make predictions, to enhance optimization, and to improve operations and decision making. As it is constantly growing, it enables businesses to become more data-driven with better insights and knowledge. Why data matters Having visibility in what matters to our customers gives us an opportunity to improve the way we deliver our services. Everything we and our partners do leaves a data trail. This information is then used to optimize processes to increase the overall efficiency of our business. Why does it matter? We believe data is the currency of the future. Harnessing data enables us to craft proactive solutions of value, to stay relevant and aligned with our customers, to maximize our cross-functional team’s time and to have intelligible insights, better planning, and forecasting. The types of data that affect change  Like many organizations operating in today’s metrics-driven environment, data is key to justify a business case. Data enables us to gain visibility to the unknown. By soliciting and capturing the right information, we are able to anticipate the workload, the type of project requests, the language distribution before engaging in a conversation with our clients. We reduce risks by systematically tracking our on-time delivery records. Our teams consistently strive to increase efficiency gains through better and more effective processes, leveraging translation memory best practices to shorten delivery cycles and increase quality. Supporting the compliance needs of our clients, listening to how they want to see their data being reported, and ensuring their files and projects are managed according to their regulatory guidelines, helps us to build stronger partnerships.  Such information helps us to be relevant, to communicate effectively to our partners and to help them with their needs. It also provides us with insights into relationships that can be used to improve our business decision making. It transforms the way we do business and drives innovation.  What do we do with data We needed a solid foundation, infrastructure, and processes to utilize the data we garnered, so we created AvantData. It was developed and implemented internally based on the cost-effective but highly skilled talents of our Systems Team. Our leadership team is invested and committed to its success, and the members have been instrumental in its inception and on-going development. Our first applications focused on creating dashboards for internal information, workflows for project optimization, and a portal to service our customers. Efficiency, productivity, and sense of urgency are some of our strengths and we were able to optimize them by leveraging AvantData. For example, thanks to the data, we were able to systematize our projects with optimized workflows. Our system is prompted every 10 minutes, it triggers the creation of a new workflow, automatically builds a project, retrieves its files and notifies the relevant teams.  Our teams leverage AvantData’s insights for decision making and planning. We focus on areas that add the most value for our customers as well as for our business. Using data to understand trends at the client level allows us to foresee peaks in project requests and scale accordingly. AvantData also empowers our employee career paths and opportunities. Finally, it helps to organize our data for a future AI implementation roadmap.  Gathering and managing data is essential to our productivity, customer relevance, and sales effectiveness. A data science strategy requires resources, expertise, and financial investment but it is essential for a company of any size. We find that people, processes, and technology can be combined powerfully, even within a small structure like ours.
2020年9月1日 Avantpage如何引导数据科学战略 管理人员和专业人员使用数据和分析来做出预测,提高优化,并改善运营和决策。随着它的不断成长,它使企业能够变得更加以数据为导向,拥有更好的洞察力和知识。 为什么数据如此重要 了解对于我们的客户来说什么是重要的,使我们有机会改进服务方式。我们和合作伙伴所做的一切都会留下数据记录。然后,这些信息被用于优化流程,以提高业务的整体效率。那这又为什么是重要的呢?我们相信数据化是未来的发展趋势。利用数据使我们能够制极主动的价值解决方案,紧跟潮流并与我们的客户紧密连接,以此最大化利用我们的跨职能团队,同时也使我们有明智的洞察力、更好的规划和预测。 对结果有影响的数据类型 在当今度量驱动环境中,如其他组织一样,数据是证明业务案例合理性的关键。数据使我们能够预测未来。通过搜集和捕获正确的信息,我们能在与客户进行对话之前预测工作量、项目请求类型和语言分布,并通过系统地跟踪准时交货记录来降低风险。 我们的团队一直致力于通过更好、更有效的流程来提高效率,利用翻译记忆来缩短交付周期、提高翻译质量。满足客户的合规需求,倾听他们对于数据报告的预期,确保文件和项目在监管指导方针下进行,都有助于我们建立更强有力的伙伴关系。 这些信息帮助我们和客户保持联系,有效地进行沟通,并满足他们的需要。它还为我们提供了一个洞察人际关系的机会,以此来改善商业决策,改变了工作方式,推动创新。 我们如何处理数据 我们需要一个坚实的基础、设施和流程来利用收集到的数据,所以我们创建了 AvantData。它是根据我们低成本高技巧的系统团队内部开发和实施的。我们的领导团队全力投入,其成员在其成立和发展过程中发挥了重要作用。第一个应用程序侧重于为内部信息创建仪表板,为项目优化创建工作流,以及为客户提供服务的门户。 效率、生产力和紧迫感是推动我们进步的一些优势,而我们也能够利用 AvantData 反向优化它们。举个例子,因为有了数据,我们才能够使用优化后的工作流对项目进行系统化。在这之下,系统每10分钟触发一个新工作流的创建,自动构建一个项目,检索其文件并通知相关团队。 我们的团队利用AvantData的洞察力进行决策和规划。这使得我们能够专注于在客户、业务方面增值最大化的领域。 通过数据来理解客户趋势使我们能够预见项目合作的高峰,并相应地进行业务扩展。AvantData 还赋予我们的员工职业发展机会。最后,它还能为未来的 AI 实现路线图组织数据。 收集和管理数据对我们的生产力,客户相关性和销售效率至关重要。数据科学战略需要资源,专业知识和金融投资等各方面支持,但对于所有规模的公司来说她都是必不可少的。我们发现像我们这样的小公司,人员,流程和技术都可以强有力地结合,发挥巨大的力量。

