Video-Fix: The Race to Decode a Mysterious Language


2020-08-30 20:30 terminology Coordination


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In around 1900, British Archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans excavated tablets with an unknown script at Knossos, on the island of Crete. The script was dubbed ‘Linear B’. Its discovery sparked a race to decipher the script, with multiple people dedicating decades of their lives to decoding the mysterious language of Linear B. Evans himself spent 30 years trying to decode the script. US American Classics Lecturer Alice Kober spent 20 years on the script, until her premature death at the age of 43 in 1950. But it was architect Michael Ventris, who had an amateur passion for ancient languages, who finally unravelled Linear B in the early 1950s. But what did he decipher? Was Linear B Minoan? Etruscan? A form of Basque? Find out here:
大约在1900年,英国考古学家阿瑟-埃文斯爵士(Sir Arthur Evans )在克里特岛的克诺索斯( Knossos)挖掘出了带有未知文字的石板。这种文字被称为 "线性B"。它的发现引发了一场破译文字的竞赛,许多人花了几十年的时间来破译线性B的神秘语言。 埃文斯本人花了30年时间试图破解剧本。美国美国古典文学讲师爱丽丝·科伯( Alice Kober)花了20年时间研究文字,直到1950年43岁时英年早逝。但最终在20世纪50年代初解开线性B的,是对建筑师迈克尔·文特里斯(Michael Ventris),研究古代语言是他的业余爱好。 但他破译了什么?线性B是米诺斯人吗?或是伊特鲁里亚?一种巴斯克语? 请在此查看:

