Gallaudet University Partners with Apple and AppTek


2020-08-27 19:00 multilingual


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In a moment when universities need the latest technology more than ever, Gallaudet University has announced two important partnerships with Apple and AppTek, which aim to provide its deaf and hard-of-hearing students with tools necessary to succeed in an increasingly technological world. As the fall term commences, Gallaudet University has announced a couple exciting pieces of news for its deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Gallaudet is a federally chartered private university for the education of the deaf and hard of hearing located in Washington, D.C. In a statement on Thursday morning, Gallaudet University President Roberta J. Cordano announced that the university would begin a partnership with Apple to improve access and expand academic and career opportunities for Gallaudet students. In her statement, the president said, “Beginning this fall, Gallaudet will provide all students and faculty with an iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, and SmartFolio for iPad Pro to support their learning and teaching. Students and teachers at the Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center will also participate in this new initiative.” Providing students better access to the most up-to-date technology, the partnership will also establish an Apple scholarship program for students of color with disabilities. The scholarship will go to students pursuing studies in information technology, computer science, and other science, technology, and math related fields. “Gallaudet has been at the forefront of advancing education and acceptance of Deaf culture in this country for more than 150 years,” said Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives. “We are honored to work together with this incredible institution to create even more opportunities for Gallaudet students and for all underserved and underrepresented communities.” Furthermore, through the Connected Gallaudet initiative, Gallaudet students will participate in research projects to design bilingual applications. One project in particular was also announced this week, which revealed a partnership between Gallaudet University and AppTek, a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and machine translation (MT). This application aims to provide video conference participants with live closed captions and deliver more control of the user interface (UI), allowing users to enhance the readability of real-time conversation transcripts and enjoy a more meaningful flow of spoken content. “While much of the world is relying heavily on videoconferencing applications to communicate safely during the COVID-19 pandemic, commonly used applications unfortunately do not provide reliable, real-time capabilities that allow deaf and hard of hearing participants to engage fully,” said Mike Veronis, AppTek Chief Revenue Officer and Program Manager for the 21st Century Closed Captioning project. “We are passionate about and humbled at the opportunity to collaborate with Gallaudet on bridging that gap by developing new tools to give the deaf community greater freedom, control, and access to virtual communication.” Integrating AppTek’s ASR platform, the application will incorporate the latest AI and ML technologies to enable this assistive service, which will be available to users on demand. Over time, Gallaudet also intends to incorporate multilingual capabilities using AppTek’s Multilingual Automatic Speech Recognition and Neural Machine Translation technologies. Along with new technology and the application development project, Gallaudet University will also grant some students the opportunity to take part in the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (AWDC) through the partnership with Apple. The annual event brings together over 5,000 developers, innovators, and entrepreneurs for engineering sessions, forums, laboratories, and keynote presentations about the latest app and software innovation.
在大学比以往任何时候都更需要最新科技的时刻,加劳德特大学宣布了与苹果公司和美国应用科技公司建立两项重要合作伙伴关系,旨在为聋人和重听学生提供必要的工具,以便他们在技术日益发达的世界中取得成功。 随着秋季学期的开始,加劳德特大学宣布了几个令人振奋的消息,为聋人和重听的学生。在周四上午的一份声明中,加劳德特大学校长罗伯塔宣布,该大学将开始与苹果公司合作,以改善加劳德特大学学生的学习和工作机会。 校长在声明中说:"从今年秋季开始,加劳德特将为所有学生和教师提供iPad Pro、Apple Pencil和SmartFolio for iPad Pro,以支持他们的学习和教学。洛朗·克莱克国家聋人教育中心的学生和教师也将参与这项新举措。" 为了让学生更好地获得最新的技术,这一合作关系还将为有色人种的残疾学生设立苹果奖学金计划。该奖学金将授予在信息技术、计算机科学和其他科学、技术和数学相关领域学习的学生。 “150多年来,加劳德特一直站在这个国家推进教育和接受聋人文化的最前沿,”苹果公司环境、政策和社会倡议副总裁丽莎·杰克逊说。“我们很荣幸能与这所令人难以置信的机构合作,为加劳德特的学生以及所有服务不足和代表不足的社区创造更多机会。” 此外,通过联合加劳德特大学倡议,加劳德特学生将参与设计双语应用的研究项目。本周还特别宣布了一个项目,该项目揭示了加劳德特大学与美国应用科技公司之间的合作关系,美国应用科技公司是人工智能(AI)和机器学习(ML)领域的领导者,用于自动语音识别(ASR)和机器翻译(MT)。 该应用旨在为视频会议参与者提供实时闭合字幕,并提供更多的用户界面(UI)控制,让用户增强实时对话记录的可读性,享受更有意义的口语内容流。 "虽然世界上大部分地区在COVID-19大流行期间严重依赖视频会议应用进行安全沟通,但遗憾的是,常用的应用并没有提供可靠的、实时的功能,无法让聋人和重听参与者充分参与其中。"美国应用科技公司首席收入官兼21世纪封闭字幕项目项目经理迈克说。"我们对有机会与加劳德特合作,通过开发新的工具来弥补这一差距,让聋人社区有更大的自由度、控制力和获得虚拟交流的机会,我们对此充满热情,并感到惭愧。" 整合美国应用科技公司的ASR平台,该应用程序将融入最新的AI和ML技术,以启用这种辅助服务,用户可按需使用。随着时间的推移,加劳德特还打算利用美国应用科技公司的多语言自动语音识别和神经机器翻译技术融入多语言能力。 除了新技术和应用开发项目,加洛德特大学还将通过与苹果公司的合作,给予部分学生参加苹果全球开发者大会(AWDC)的机会。这一年度盛会汇聚了超过5000名开发者、创新者和企业家,参加工程会议、论坛、实验室以及关于最新应用和软件创新的主题演讲。

