10 Key Facts About Dominican Republic


2020-08-26 02:30 GALA


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06 July 2020 Rosario Traducciones continues its linguistic tour #SpanishAroundTheWorld #ElEspañolEnElMundo through Latin America. In this edition, we come ashore the most visited island in the Caribbean. Rosario Traducciones y Servicios SA has embarked on a virtual linguistic tour to different Latin American countries in celebration of the region's diversity and rich culture. In this third edition, we are traveling to the Dominican Republic, the most touristic Caribbean destination, birthplace of bachata and merengue. 1) One country, three languages The Dominican Republic is a Caribbean country that occupies two-thirds of the island known as La Española (Haiti occupies the other third of the island). Even though Spanish is the official language and the most widely spoken as a country colonized by the Spaniards in the 19th century, upon the arrival of slaves from the United States, English was introduced, its use increasing with each generation. Likewise, close to the border with Haiti, French is spoken, and French idioms and foreign words can be heard across the island. 2) First European settlement La Española was home to the first European settlement in the New World. It was here that Christopher Columbus landed in 1492 on his first voyage across the Atlantic. At that time, the island was inhabited by a tribe called Taino, who called the island Ayti or Hayti (mountainous land or high land). It was here that the Spaniards built a colony—its first in the Americas—and a logistics base for conquering most of the western hemisphere. 3) Santo Domingo, a model capital Its capital city Santo Domingo was founded in the 15th century and served as a model for the rest of the cities built on the new continent. In fact, the city’s cathedral is the oldest in the Americas. Its first stone was set in 1514 by Diego Colón, Christopher Columbus’s son. 4) The most touristic destination in the Caribbean Tourism is the island’s main source of revenue. For several decades now, the tourism industry has been growing. The government has taken full advantage of this boom, which has led to the construction of hotel complexes, shopping centers, and other recreational centers. Its beautiful beaches, kind people, tropical climate make it one of the most visited Caribbean destinations by tourists from Europe, the United States, and Canada. 5) Land of bachata and merengue The Dominican Republic is credited with creating and developing the style known as merengue, a fast-paced rhythmic dance music. Meanwhile, bachata, a type of music and dance that originated in the countryside and rural informal settlements in the Dominican Republic, has become very popular in recent years. 6) Birthplace of baseball greats Baseball is the official sport of the Dominican Republic. First introduced at the end of the 19th century, it quickly became the most popular sport on the island. Some of the best baseball players in history were born here, and many major league baseball teams have many Dominican players. 7) The oldest university in the Americas Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo was the first university to open its doors in the Americas. Bula papal Apostolatus Culmine authorized the creation of Universidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino on October 28, 1538. There is some question as to whether it was really the first, since some say it was actually the National University of San Marcos in Peru. This basically boils down to a legal questions because at that time, Santo Domingo belonged to the Spanish crown and had to adhere to Spanish legal regulations, not those of the Pope, who authorized the creation of the institute. 8) Large cocoa exporter Cocoa exports are another one of the country's main sources of income. Two percent of cocoa consumed worldwide is produced in the Dominican Republic, making it the third largest exporting country and the eighth largest producer worldwide. Its high quality and low price makes it one of the preferred sources in the United States, whose consumers value its high butter content. 9) A truly Dominican stone Larimar is a semi-precious stone of volcanic origin, extracted from the deep layers of the mountains in the southwest of the island. Its unique blue tones make it an object highly coveted by tourists. First discovered by a priest, the stone was rediscovered in 1974 by Miguel Méndez, a local jeweler. He named it by joining two words: Lari (from Larisa, his daughter's name) and mar (the word for sea in Spanish) invoking the turquoise waters of the Caribbean. 10) The highest mountain in the Caribbean Pico Duarte, a mountain in the Cordillera Central range, is considered the highest of the Greater Antilles. Mountaineers and school groups alike climb it. Pico Duarte and Pico La Pelona are twin peaks. According to current topographic data, the two mountains have the same altitude of 3,087 meters above sea level.
2020年7月6日 Rosario Traducciones穿越拉丁美洲,继续其语言之旅#世界上的西班牙语#。本期,我们将来到加勒比海上游客最多的岛屿。 Rosario Traducciones y Servicios SA已开始了一次虚拟的语言之旅,前往不同的拉丁美洲国家,以庆祝该地区的多样性和丰富的文化。在第三版中,我们将前往多米尼加共和国,这是加勒比地区最具旅游特色的目的地,也是巴恰塔和梅伦格的诞生地。 1)一个国家,三种语言 多米尼加共和国是一个加勒比国家,占据了埃斯帕尼奥拉岛三分之二的面积(海地占据了该岛另外三分之一的面积)。尽管西班牙语是其官方语言,也是该国在19世纪西班牙殖民统治时期使用最广泛的语言,但随着美国奴隶的到来,英语被引进,随着一代代人口的增长,英语的使用频率也在增加。同样,在靠近海地边界的地方,人们讲法语,全岛都能听到法语习语和外国词汇。 2)第一个欧洲人定居地 埃斯帕尼奥拉是第一个欧洲人在新大陆的定居地。1492年,克里斯托弗·哥伦布第一次横渡大西洋的航行就是在这里登陆的。当时岛上居住着一个叫泰诺的部落,他们把这个岛叫做艾提或海提(山地或高地)。西班牙人就在这里建立了殖民地--这是他们在美洲的第一个殖民地--以及为征服西半球大部分地区做准备的后勤基地。 3)模范首都圣多明各 它的首都圣多明各建于15世纪,是新大陆上其他城市的典范。事实上,这座城市的大教堂是美洲最古老的。它的第一块石头由克里斯托弗·哥伦布的儿子迭戈·科隆在1514年奠基。 4)加勒比地区最具旅游价值的旅游目的地 旅游业是该岛的主要收入来源。几十年来,旅游业一直在增长。政府充分利用了这一繁荣,这种繁荣让酒店综合体,购物中心和其他娱乐中心被建立起来。它美丽的海滩、善良的人民、热带气候使它成为接收来自欧洲,美国和加拿大游客最多的加勒比旅游目的地之一。 5)巴恰塔和梅伦格的土地 多米尼加共和国被认为创造和发展了一种叫梅伦格的,快节奏而富有律动的舞曲。与此同时,巴恰塔,一种起源于多米尼加共和国乡下和农村非正规居住地的音乐和舞蹈类型,近年来非常流行。 6)棒球巨星的诞生地 棒球是多米尼加共和国的官方运动。19世纪末被首次引入,很快成为岛上最受欢迎的运动。历史上一些最好的棒球运动员都诞生在这里,许多美国职业棒球大联盟的球队都有很多多米尼加球员。 7)美洲最古老的大学 圣多明各自治大学是美洲第一所开放的大学。1538年10月28日,教皇下诏授权创建圣托马斯·阿基诺大学。它是否真的是第一所大学还存在一些疑点,因为有人说事实上秘鲁的国立圣马科斯大学才是。这基本上归结为一个法律问题,因为在当时,圣多明各属于西班牙王室,必须遵守西班牙的法律规定,而不是教皇的规定,而教皇则授权创建宗教学院。 8)大型可可出口国 可可出口是该国另一个主要收入来源。全球消费的可可中有2%产自多米尼加共和国,这使它成为全球第三大出口国和第八大生产国。其质优价廉使其成为美国的首选来源之一,美国消费者看重其高脂肪含量。 9)一块真正的多米尼加宝石 拉利玛是一种由火山运动形成的半宝石,它从该岛西南部山脉深层岩石中被开采出来。其独特的蓝色色调让游客对它十分渴望。这块石头最初是由一位牧师发现的,1974年被当地珠宝商米格尔·门德斯重新发现。他用两个词来命名它:Lari(取自他女儿的名字Larisa)和mar(西班牙语中表示海的单词),这两个词让人想起了加勒比海的青绿色水域。 10)加勒比海最高的山峰 杜阿尔特峰位于科迪勒拉山系的中部范围,被认为是大安的列斯群岛的最高峰。登山者和学校团体都会攀登这座山。杜阿尔特峰和拉佩洛纳峰是双峰。根据现有的地形数据,这两座山海拔相同,均为海拔3087米。

