I·ATE Food Term of the Week: Cold Soups


2020-08-22 19:00 terminology Coordination


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With this sunny and warm weather, who wouldn’t be keen for a cold soup? It’s refreshing, colourful and loaded with seasonal fruits and vegetables… Ideal for summer evenings! If gazpacho usually comes to mind, there are other cold soup recipes from all over Europe that we propose you to discover, through our I·ATE Food Term of the Week. Let’s start with Spain!  One of the most popular cold soups around the world – the Andalusian Gazpacho, comes from the southern Spanish region of Andalusia. Unlike what most people think (especially abroad), the original version has no bread and is a creamy orange-pink rather than a clear lipstick red. The emulsion of red tomato juice, palest green cucumber juice and golden olive oil produces the right color and a smooth, almost fluffy texture. Although gazpacho is the most famous chilled soup, ajo blanco is the original version. This thrifty mixture dates back to the Morrish middle ages, before the arrival of tomatoes and pepper from the New World in the 16th century. Despite the name of the soup, garlic is rarely the main ingredient in ajo blanco, which we could consider instead as an almond soup, spiced up with garlic. It’s natural creaminess makes it a uniquely refreshing proposition and a lovely starter for a summer lunch or dinner party. Now, let’s fly to Bulgaria and sip their delicious Tarator, a cold soup full of cooling ingredients like cucumber, dill and yogurt, that may remind of Greek Tzaziki. It´s certainly quick and easy to make – within only five minutes, you have a refreshing and healthy lunch or a great first course on a warm evening! The tarator is even better when chilled for a few hours before serving – the flavours then have plenty of time to mingle and enhance each other. And how about French cuisine? Although some may think that having a potato soup served cold is a bit strange, Vichyssoise is undoubtedly one of the richest cold soups. Made with potatoes, leeks and cream, the recipe is most often credited to a French chef working in New York City’s Ritz-Carlton in the 1950s. The soup’s ingredients are simmered on the stove, pureed and then chilled in the refrigerator before serving… Et voilà ! Let’s finish our trip now by trying the most typical Ukranian soup – Borscht, mainly made of beets. Although it is often associated with harsch Russian winters, this glistening borscht is meant to be served cold, at the height of summer. Light, lemony and infused with garlic, the soup is utterly refreshing, even thirst-quenching. We hope you enjoyed this short culinary tour through Europe, sipping delicious cold soups. Have a nice weekend! Written by Laura Campan – Translator, Liaison Interpreter and Communication Manager, currently completing a six-month communication internship at the Terminology Unit of the European Parliament (Luxembourg) Sources: Spanish Food, Ajo Blanco. Available at: http://bit.ly/2uS88dT (Accessed 21 July 2017) Bulgaria Travel, Traditional Bulgarian Cuisine. Available at: http://bit.ly/2eDoakV (Accessed 21 July 2017) The New York Times (2015), Gazpacho, Seville-Style, to Sip in Summer. Available at: http://nyti.ms/2tz7kuh (Accessed 21 July 2017) NYT Cooking, Clear Summer Borscht. Available at: http://nyti.ms/2ukdGMM (Accessed 21 July 2017)
天气晴朗暖和,谁不喜欢喝一碗冷汤呢?冷烫口味清爽,色彩鲜艳,富含时令果蔬,是夏夜的理想选择!如果你通常联想到的是西班牙凉菜汤,那么我们建议你通过“本周食物术语”来发现来自欧洲各地的其他冷汤食谱。 先从西班牙说起吧!世界上最受欢迎的冷汤之一——安达卢西亚凉菜汤(the Andalusian Gazpacho),来自西班牙南部的安达卢西亚地区。不像大多数人所想的(尤其是国外)那样,原版食谱没有面包,颜色是一种奶油般的橙粉色而不是明亮的口红色。红色番茄汁,最淡绿色黄瓜汁和金色橄榄油的乳状液产生了正确的颜色和光滑,几乎是蓬松的质地。 虽然西班牙凉菜汤是最有名的冷汤,但阿约布兰科(ajo blanco)才是最原始的版本。这种节俭的混合食物可以追溯到莫里什中世纪(the Morrish middle ages),即16世纪从新大陆引进西红柿和胡椒之前。尽管汤的名字是怎么叫的,但大蒜其实不是主要成分,我们可以把它看作是用大蒜调味的杏仁汤。天然的奶油味让汤十分清爽,也是夏季午餐或晚餐派对的一个美味的开胃菜。 现在,让我们飞往保加利亚,啜饮他们美味的塔拉托(Tarator),这是一种充满像黄瓜/莳萝和酸奶这样降温解暑成分的冷汤,可能会让人想起希腊的Tzaziki。毫无疑问,汤的做法快速而简单——只需五分钟,你就可以吃到一顿清爽健康的午餐或一个温暖的晚上的第一道菜!在上桌前冰镇几个小时味道会更好——各种风味有足够的时间彼此混合、增强。 法国菜怎么样?虽然有些人可能会觉得冷土豆汤有点奇怪,但奶油土豆汤(Vichyssoise)无疑是最美味的冷汤之一。我们通常认为,这道由土豆、韭菜和奶油制成的菜肴是上世纪50年代,一位在纽约市丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton)工作的法国厨师创造的。汤的原料在炉子上炖,做成浓汤,然后在冰箱里冷冻,然后才上桌……瞧! 现在让我们通过品尝最典型的乌克兰汤——罗宋汤,来结束今天的旅程。罗宋汤主要是用甜菜做的,虽然人们常把它和严酷的俄罗斯冬天联系在一起,但这种闪闪发光的汤应该在盛夏的时候冷饮。清淡、柠檬味、大蒜味的汤非常清爽,甚至可以解渴。 希望您能喜欢这次短暂的欧洲美食之旅,品尝美味的冷汤。周末愉快! 作者:Laura Campan :翻译、通信口译员、通讯经理,目前正在欧洲议会(卢森堡)术语组完成为期六个月的通讯实习 资料来源: Spanish Food,Ajo Blanco,参考网站:http://bit.ly/2us88dt(2017年7月21日查阅) Bulgaria Travel, Traditional Bulgarian Cuisine,参考网站:http://bit.ly/2edoakv(2017年7月21日查阅) 《纽约时报》(2015),Gazpacho, Seville-Style, to Sip in Summer,参考网站:ttp://nyti.ms/2tz7kuh(2017年7月21日查阅) NYT Cooking, Clear Summer Borscht,参考网站:http://nyti.ms/2ukdgmm(2017年7月21日查阅)

