What You Need to Know About Localizing Corporate Communications


2020-08-20 22:50 RWS Moravia Insights


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With companies directing so much attention towards building effective consumer relationships, the importance of internal communication can be overlooked. However, as global companies grow, CEOs and communications strategists are beginning to realize the importance of investing in employee relations. Globally Speaking Radio guest and global corporate communications expert Ray Walsh guides international companies to close the communication gap between headquarters and global workforces. We spoke with Ray on Globally Speaking, and a summary from that podcast episode (#101) follows. The value of internal communications Positive, clear internal communications have a tremendous influence on employee branding and can drive motivation, dedication and alignment with company goals. Clear communication has everything to do with engagement. The number of employees who are disengaged at work has averaged a steady 70% over the last two decades, and research shows that engaged employees are 21% more productive than their uninspired counterparts. When a company invests in its employees, for example through culturally relevant, engaging internal communication, this can increase overall productivity and make people feel like a part of the organization. It can also reduce problems with employee retention if they feel the organization is invested in their specific needs and growth. “It's about winning the hearts and minds of your workers,” asserts Ray. Internal communication is critical in a broad range of situations. Maybe your sales teams are not meeting their quotas. Or consider a scenario where accidents are on the rise and you need to provide effective communication on how to mitigate them. Maybe the trainings that you deploy do not change employee behavior. It could be that there are complaints from global offices that they don’t feel connected to the operations or business. These things are all resolved with clear corporate communication. Effective internal communications are crucial to companies' day-to-day practices. Although it may seem like an extra expense, Ray urges communications directors to consider this: “If the content doesn't enable and improve global communications, then it's not really meeting its purpose”. Companies are likely already spending money on global communications, but if the readership is low, it’s essentially a waste of money. Closing the gap with localization Research shows that many companies are leaving their international employees on the back-burner. By using outdated strategies like maintaining content only in English, organizations can risk losing employee motivation and loyalty. But how do you communicate with workers in different nations? How do you appeal to those based outside your borders? At its most basic level, internal communication requires that company-wide information and branch updates be culturally and linguistically sensitive. By appealing to the languages and cultures of your individual branches, you can better inform your employees and build a stronger rapport within your workforce. This can mean everything from translating text into different languages to changing the tone of voice of a video message. Ray explains that, “if employees don't think that the content is relevant to their experience, they're not particularly interested in it”. And don’t think that just because employees are highly educated and speak English well that they will always get the intended message if you leave everything in English. Cultural nuances play a big part in language, and certain words or images will not always translate the same in different parts of the world. Organizations need to learn to “combine the big picture with the local details,” explains Ray. “That's something we can accomplish through localization”. Local topics will likely be more engaging to employees, so don’t bog them down with global corporate content about people they will likely never meet. When is localization appropriate? In essence, any time you want global employees to do something or believe something, localization must play a part. “All communications can fit into two categories: to inform or to persuade. If it's to inform, it's just facts. But persuading somebody to care, that's where culture and language are going to play a huge role,” says Ray. For instance, if an organization rolls out a new collaboration portal, it may need to employ localization to convince employees to use it. By explaining the value and benefits of the program to the workers in their local languages, they may be more inclined to engage. Or, consider a situation in which you want employees to complete training on sexual harassment. In order to actually see a change in behavior, effectively localized training will need to be implemented to accommodate different cultural perspectives of the issue. On the other hand, basic reports containing statistics and data don't necessarily need to be localized. For the most part, factual information can remain in the main language of the company. (Localization is a nice-to-have in this case.) The value of operational detail in communications Ray poured years of professional experience into his book Localizing Employee Communications: The Handbook. During the process, he found himself reevaluating the importance of operational detail in localization. He concluded that a clear set of procedures should be in place that are built on three pillars: A robust messaging framework – You want to give local teams a theme for the month or quarter. Let them know what information you want to distribute. Appropriate imagery – You want to provide visual assets “that are easy to use and culturally appropriate,” says Ray. This is important and can avoid legal problems down the line. A comprehensive calendar – This is a record of all major events the company will be involved in, such as trade shows or the publication date for a major annual report. Building an evolving network Ray believes you need a global team to execute the adaptation of company-wide communications to local audiences. He explains that by “building a network of people who oversee communications and execute communications locally, you can see your employee engagement start to shift”. Further emphasizing the need for dedicated communication resources, Ray advises companies to team up with everyone from HR to executive assistants. And lastly, he describes that it can be helpful to build a relationship with local internal communications teams who can help deliver engaging content. They will know what is new and exciting in their area and which topics will be of interest to local employees. The world is rapidly changing and becoming increasingly complex. As such, the need for effective communication has never been greater. Internal communication is the cornerstone of an engaged workplace and when delivered effectively, it will increase job satisfaction and alignment with company goals and encourage productivity.   Listen to Globally Speaking’s 101st episode for the full discussion on the value of internal corporate communication and subscribe to the podcast to be notified of upcoming episodes.
随着公司愈发关注建立有效的消费者关系,内部沟通的重要性可能会被忽视。然而,随着全球性企业的成长,首席执行官(CEO)和沟通策略分析师开始意识到处理好员工关系的重要性。 《全球化说》广播嘉宾雷·沃尔什(Ray Walsh)是全球企业沟通专家,他指导跨国公司缩小总部和全球各地员工之间的沟通距离。我们在《全球化说》节目中采访了雷,下面是节目总结(#101)。 内部沟通的价值 积极、清晰的内部沟通对员工品牌的塑造有巨大影响,可以激发员工的积极性,培养员工对公司的献身精神,促使其个人目标与公司目标保持一致。 清晰有效的沟通与员工参与度密切相关。过去的20年里,工作中不投入的员工的平均人数稳定在70%,研究表明,投入的员工比不投入的员工的工作效率高21%。当一家公司对员工进行投资时,例如展开与文化相关且意趣盎然的内部沟通,可以提高整体生产力,使员工感觉自己是公司的一部分。如果员工觉得公司致力于满足他们的特殊需求和成长,还可以减少员工留任方面的问题。雷说:“这是为了赢得员工的心。” 内部沟通在很多情况下都是必不可少的。例如,您的销售团队没有完成指标;或某个事态不断升级,您需要就如何减轻事态影响进行有效的沟通;或您安排的培训并不能改变员工的行为;或公司位于全球各地的办事处抱怨说,他们觉得自己与运营或业务方面没有联系。 这些事情都可以通过清晰有效的企业内部沟通解决。有效的内部沟通对公司的日常工作至关重要。 尽管这看似是一笔额外的开支,但是雷敦促通信主管将这一点考虑在内:“如果沟通内容不能实现和改善全球通讯,那么它就没有真正达到目的。”公司可能已经在全球通讯上花钱了,但如果读者人数少,那基本上就是浪费钱。 用本地化缩小差距 研究表明,许多公司都把其国际员工放在次要位置。这些公司使用的策略已经过时,比如只用英语进行内容维护,这样可能会面临员工积极性和忠诚度降低的风险。 但是您如何与不同国家的员工交流呢?您如何吸引外国人? 在最基本的层面上,内部沟通要求公司范围内的信息和分公司的更新在文化和语言上保持敏感。通过对各个分公司的语言和文化进行宣传,您可以更好地通知员工,并在员工队伍中建立更牢固的融洽关系。 这意味着要做很多事情,比如将文本翻译成不同的语言,改变视频信息的语调。雷解释说:“如果员工认为内容与他们的经验不相关,他们就不会特别感兴趣。” 而且不要以为仅仅因为员工受教育程度高,英语说得好,就能够理解所有用英语传达的信息。文化的细微差别在语言中起着很大的作用,某些词语或图像在世界不同地区的翻译并不总是相同的。 雷说,企业需要学会“将全局与局部细节结合起来”。“这是我们通过本地化可以实现的事情”。本地话题可能会更吸引员工,不要用企业的全球内容战略羁绊员工,因为他们可能永远不会见到与这些内容相关的人士。 什么时候进行本地化比较合适? 事实上,任何时候您想让全球员工做点什么或者相信点什么,本地化都必须发挥作用。“所有的沟通都可以分为两类:通知或说服。如果是通知,那就是事实。但如果要说服人们去关心,那这就是文化和语言发挥巨大作用的地方,”雷说。 例如,一家公司推出了一个新的协作门户,可能需要利用本地化来说服员工使用它。通过用当地语言向员工解释该方案的价值和益处,那么员工可能更倾向于参与其中。 或者,如果您希望员工完成有关应对性骚扰的培训,那么为了看到员工行为实际上发生了变化,将需要实施有效的本地化培训,以适应对这一问题的不同文化观点。 另一方面,不一定需要对包含统计信息和数据的基本报告进行本地化处理。大多数情况下,事实信息可以用公司的主要语言阐述。(在这种情况下,本地化是一个可有可无的选择。) 操作细节在沟通中的价值 雷将多年的专业经验倾注于他的《本地化员工沟通:手册》一书中。在写书的过程中,他发现自己重新评估了本地化中操作细节的重要性。 他的结论是,应建立一套明确的程序,以三个支柱为基础: 一个强大的消息传递框架——能够为本地团队提供每月或每季度的主题。让他们知道您要分发的信息内容。 适当的图像——能够提供“易于使用且文化上适当的”视觉资产,雷说。这一点很重要,可以避免法律问题。 一份全面的日历——记录了公司将要参与的所有重大事件,比如贸易展或一份重大年度报告的出版日期。 构建一个不断发展的网络 雷认为需要一个全球性的团队来执行公司范围内的沟通策略,以适应当地员工。他说,通过“建立一个监督沟通并在本地执行沟通策略的人脉网络,你可以看到员工敬业度的转变”。雷进一步强调了专用沟通资源的必要性,他建议公司从人力资源到行政助理的所有员工通力合作。 最后,他说,与当地的内部沟通团队建立联系大有裨益,这些团队可以帮助提供吸引人的内容。他们知道当地什么事物是新的、使人兴奋的,以及哪些话题将是当地员工感兴趣的。 世界瞬息万变,日趋复杂。因此,有效沟通比以往任何时候都更加必要。内部沟通是忙碌的工作场所的基石,如果沟通有效,就能够与公司目标保持一致,提高工作满意度、公司生产力。 请收听《全球化说》栏目第101集广播,获取关于企业内部沟通价值的完整讨论,并订阅播客,以获得即将播出的节目的通知。

