Strategic Planning Models: An Introduction to 5 Popular Models


2020-08-20 03:00 project manager


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Organizations are always looking for ways to improve. It’s how they stay relevant and, more importantly, profitable. But you don’t get better just by desiring it. It takes strategy, and then a model to implement that strategy. No surprise, there are models to accomplish this called strategic planning models. They’re great for businesses, big and small, and assist in project planning and implementing organizational goals in a thorough and structured manner. Once you have decided on an objective, then you must plan a model that will execute it successfully. There are quite a few strategic planning models, and they can be very different from one another. Often the type of organization will dictate which strategic planning model is used. After a brief explanation, we’ll dig into five of the more popular ones. You’re sure to find a strategic planning model among them that works for you. What is a Strategic Planning Model? It’s easy to define what a strategic planning model is because the definition is embedded in its name! A strategic planning model is how an organization takes its strategy and creates a plan to implement it to improve operations and better meet their goals. How they get to this point requires identifying what the company wants, and how it hopes to achieve those goals in the near term. Once they have that target clearly defined, then it’s a matter of working backwards to figure out how to get there. This, of course, is easy to say and extremely difficult to do. In fact, sometimes the complexity involved in trying to put together a plan to strategically meet your goals can feel like it needs a strategic planning model all its own! That’s why there are classic models already in place to help you accomplish your goals. Do You Need a Strategic Planning Model? If all this sounds like a fancy way of saying you need a plan to achieve your goals, well, you’re right. But that doesn’t dismiss its usefulness in achieving those objectives. No matter if you’re a startup or an established, market-dominant brand, if you don’t have a plan to reach your goals, you’re bound to fail. That could be losing market share or shuttering, neither of which is a path forward for a viable enterprise. The benefits of having a strategic planning model are manyfold. For one, it provides a clear path that the organization uses and shares with everyone on its staff. Having all departments work together for a common goal is powerful. The opposite is disastrous. You can’t hit your target, whether it’s a year or five or 10 years in the future, if everyone doesn’t know what it is and how you plan to get there. Think of it as being focused. There are a lot of distractions that occur everyday in every business. Knowing what your topline is helps you prioritize and keep your energies directed on the overall strategy for the company. Another positive from having a strategic planning model is that it improves your knowledge of what works best in the organization. You know your strengths and weaknesses, as well as getting a clear picture of where you are in the marketplace. It even helps you get a clear idea of who your competition is and how you can differentiate yourself from them. Best Practices for Strategic Planning Models We’ll get to the examples in a moment, but regardless of which you choose as most appropriate for your needs, there are best practices to make sure you succeed. When doing the research, assemble a group that is diverse but also appropriate for the goal. Diversity brings more ideas to the table. You’ll want between six and 10 people. Once you start, give it time. The team needs to come up with creative solutions, and then season them, to make sure they’re the right course of action. You might want to remove the team from the work site. A change of environment, without the distractions of the office, can help them settle into a more contemplative state where they can come up with better ideas. Of course, you need to get buy-in from the team or else your hard work will be for naught. Once you have them fully on board, build trust. You want everyone to participate, and to do so in a free and open discussion. That means from the boss on down. It might help to hire an outside facilitator to manage the process. When you have a plan, it must be realistic. If you can’t execute it, then you’ve not done your job. Therefore, it must be actionable, with clearly defined goals, tasks, responsibilities outlined, accountability, deadlines—and all this must be clear to everyone involved. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be flexible. Plans change, so it’s best to not be rigid about it. Finally, don’t think of creating a strategic planning model for your business as a one-and-done process. Not only must your plan be open to edit as internal and external forces demand, but these meetings should be regularly scheduled. Think of it as a process. Meet monthly if you can, or at least quarterly. You can discuss how the plan is being executed and hold people accountable for what they’ve been tasked to execute. This is how you make sure your plan becomes a reality. 5 Popular Strategic Planning Models As we said, there are many models, and we deeply encourage you to go down that rabbit hole. You never know what you might find. But for our purposes, let’s narrow the scope down to five with proven results. 1. Alignment Model This strategic alignment model (SAM) is among the most used. It’s made up of two parts—strategic fit and functional integration. What that means is that the model aligns business and IT strategies. To do this requires identifying the key goals of an organization and then what the steps are to reach those goals. The plan must maximize the process to best achieve those goals. There are four perspectives to guide you in this model: Strategy execution, which is that the business strategy is driving the model. Technology potential, which also sees the business strategy as the driver, but with an IT strategy to support it. Competitive potential deals with using emerging IT capabilities to create new products and services. Lastly, there’s the service level, which is focused on creating the best IT system in the organization. Here, business strategy is important, but only the launching pad. 2. Balanced Scorecard The balanced scorecard (BSC) is made up of clear communications on what is being accomplished. It aligns the work with overall strategy, and prioritizes, measures and monitors progress. The idea is that the model balances strategy with financial measurements. One of the reasons to use BSC is that it helps you see the connections between various parts of your strategic management and planning. Using BSC means exploring four different aspects of your organization. One is the financial performance of the company and what financial resources have been most effective. You also want to gauge the performance of your stakeholders or customers and how you serve them. Internal processes should be judged on their efficiency, too, but also quality. Then there’s the organizational capacity, which looks at your personnel, infrastructure, tech, culture and whatever else can be used to meet your goals. 3. Basic Model Also called the simple model, this one is often used by newer organizations who don’t have a history of strategic planning to help guide them in making decisions. But it’s also a fine model for any organization that doesn’t have the time or resources to spend on deep and extensive strategic planning. First, you establish the mission statement for your organization, if you don’t already have one. That is, a summary of your goals that is created to inspire and transform the organization. Next, you want to figure out what goals must be achieved in order to fulfill the mission statement. From that, break down the tasks that will reach those goals. Schedule, monitor and report on your progress. 4. Blue Ocean Strategy The blue ocean strategy is designed for taking your product to a market where there is none or little competition. Therefore, the research is heavily tilted towards finding a niche that can be exploited for profit, such as where there are few businesses offering a product people have expressed an interest in, and there is little to no pricing pressure. Unlike red ocean strategy, which describes a market that is saturated and products are threatened by pricing pressure that could threaten the business, blue ocean strategy looks for markets where there is room to grow. You’re looking to capture new demand, where your product is either unique or so much better as to make competition irrelevant. 5. Issue (Or Goal) Based The issue-based model (also called goal-based) is the next step up from the basic strategic planning model. It builds on the basic model and is intended for businesses that are more established. Thus, it’s more in-depth and possibly the most popular of all the models we’ve highlighted. To begin, use a SWOT analysis, which is an acronym standing for Strengths, Weaknesses and Threats Analysis. It helps you identify and analyze internal and external factors that impact your business, product or service. Next comes the mission statement, then planning, creating a budget and a schedule to implement it. After a year, you’ll want to monitor the results and report on its progress, making adjustments as needed. How Executes Strategic Planning Models Now that you know about strategic planning models, and have chosen one to reach your organization’s objective, you have a lot of work ahead of you. is an award-winning tool that organizes strategic plans, so you can execute, monitor and report on their progress. Start Planning In-Depth with Gantt Charts You have decided on your target, now you need to know how you get there. That’s as simple as breaking down the goal into realistic tasks, or steps, that end at your objective. You can use a work breakdown structure or collect them on a spreadsheet. Now the fun starts. Upload your tasks into our software, and you get to the planning part of your strategic planning model. Add duration to your tasks, and they instantly populate the Gantt chart tool timeline. Now, you can see your whole project from start to finish. Add priorities, so your team knows what’s important, and break up the project into phases with our milestone feature. There’s a space on each task to write descriptions that guide your team, and they can collaborate by commenting with one another at the task level to facilitate productivity. Multiple Views to Tackle Your Projects There are many ways to work, and we have many tools to get that work done. Besides the Gantt, you can use a task list, calendar or kanban board to manage your work. The board view is especially helpful, as it breaks production into phases and provides transparency into the process, so you can keep traffic flowing and avoid costly bottlenecks. Monitor Your Progress with Real-Time Dashboards Part of any strategic planning model is not just the planning and execution, but monitoring progress to make sure you’re hitting your targets. We have a real-time dashboard that tracks several project metrics, including project variance, which is automatically calculates your planned vs. actual progress. To keep management updated, we have one-click reporting, which can be easily filtered and shared, so stakeholders get only the information they’re looking for. is a cloud-based software made to help teams and projects get better organized. We help you deliver on your strategic plan with tools to help you through every phase of the project. See why tens of thousands of teams are already using our software and take our free 30-day trial today. 3 Best Project Management Charts for Project Planning Project Plan Template Project Planning for Beginners Best Project Planning Software of 2020
组织总是在寻找改进的方法。这是他们如何保持相关性,更重要的是,保持盈利。但你不会只是因为渴望而变得更好。它需要战略,然后制作实施战略的模型。 毫不奇怪,完成这些任务的模型,称为战略规划模型。它们对大小企业都很有用,可以帮助项目规划和以一种彻底和结构化的方式实现组织目标。一旦你决定了一个目标,那么你就必须设计一个能成功执行它的模型。 有相当多的战略规划模型,它们可以和另一个完全不同。通常,组织的类型将决定使用哪种战略规划模型。在简单的解释之后,我们将挖掘出其中五个比较流行的。你一定会在其中找到一个适合你的战略规划模型。 什么是战略规划模型? 战略规划模型很好定义的,因为定义就暗含在它的名称中!战略规划模型是一个组织如何采取它的战略,并创建一个计划来实施它,以改进运营,更好地满足他们的目标。 他们如何走到这一步,需要确定公司想要什么,以及它希望如何在短期内实现这些目标。一旦他们有了明确的目标,那么问题来了,该如何达到这一目标。 当然,这说起来容易做起来难。事实上,有时候为了实现你的战略目标而制定计划的复杂性会让你觉得需要一个完全独立的战略计划模型!这就是为什么已经有了经典的模型来帮助你完成你的目标。 你需要一个战略规划模型吗? 如果这一切听起来像是在说你需要一个计划来实现你的目标,那么,你是对的。但这并不能抹杀它在实现这些目标方面的作用。无论你是刚起步的公司还是已经建立的市场主导品牌,如果你没有实现目标的计划,你注定会失败。这可能会失去市场份额或倒闭,而这两种情况都不是企业生存的出路。 拥有一个战略规划模型的好处是多方面的。首先,它提供了一个清晰的路径,组织可以使用并与员工中的每个人分享。让所有的部门为了一个共同的目标一起工作是很强大的。反之则是灾难性的。如果每个人都不知道你的目标是什么,也不知道你计划如何实现它,你就无法实现你的目标,无论是一年、五年还是十年后的目标。 把它想成是专注的。在每一项业务中,每天都有许多令人分心的事情发生。了解自己的“背线”可以帮助你分清轻重缓急,把精力集中在公司的总体战略上。 战略规划模型的另一个好处是,它提高了你对组织中什么最有效的知识。你知道自己的长处和短处,也清楚地知道自己在市场上的位置。它甚至可以帮助你清楚地知道你的竞争对手是谁,以及你怎样才能将自己与他们区分开来。 战略规划模式的最佳做法 我们将在稍后讨论这些示例,但是无论您选择哪种方法最适合您的需要,都有一些最佳实践可以确保您成功。在做研究的时候,召集一个不同但也适合目标的小组。多样性带来了更多的想法。你需要六到十个人。 一旦你开始了,给它一点时间。团队需要想出创造性的解决方案,然后对其进行分析,以确保它们是正确的行动方针。您可能想要将团队从工作站点移除。换个环境,不受办公室的干扰,可以帮助他们进入一种更沉思的状态,这样他们就能想出更好的主意。 当然,你需要得到团队的支持,否则你的努力工作将是徒劳的。一旦你让他们完全参与进来,建立信任。你希望每个人都参与进来,并且在一个自由开放的讨论中参与进来。这意味着从老板到下属。雇佣一个外部的推动者来管理这个过程可能会有所帮助。 当你有一个计划时,它必须是现实的。如果你不能执行,那么你就没有完成你的工作。因此,它必须是可操作的,明确定义目标、任务、概述的职责、责任、截止日期——所有这些必须对每个涉及的人都清楚。但这并不意味着你不能灵活变通。计划会改变,所以最好不要太死板。 最后,不要认为为你的业务创建一个战略规划模型是一个一次性的过程。不仅您的计划必须按照内部和外部力量的要求开放编辑,而且这些会议应该定期安排。把它看作一个过程。如果可以的话,每月开会一次,或者至少每季度开会一次。你可以讨论计划是如何执行的,让人们对他们的任务负责。这就是你如何确保你的计划成为现实。 5种流行的战略规划模式 正如我们所说的,有很多模型,我们深深鼓励你去那个兔子洞下面。你永远不知道你会发现什么。但出于我们的目的,让我们将范围缩小到5个已经过验证的结果。 1.对齐模式 这种战略对齐模型(SAM)是最常用的模型之一。它由两部分组成——战略契合和功能整合。这意味着模型将业务和IT战略统一起来。要做到这一点,需要确定组织的关键目标,然后确定实现这些目标的步骤。计划必须使过程最大化,以最好地实现这些目标。 在这个模型中,有四个视角可以指导您: 战略执行,即业务战略驱动模型。 技术潜力,它也将业务战略视为驱动因素,但有一个IT战略来支持它。 竞争潜力涉及使用新兴的IT能力来创建新产品和服务。 最后,是服务级别,它专注于在组织中创建最佳的IT系统。 在这里,商业战略是重要的,但只是发射台。 2.平衡计分卡 平衡计分卡(BSC)是由关于正在完成的任务的明确沟通组成的。它将工作与总体战略联系起来,并确定优先次序,衡量和监督进展。其理念是,该模型平衡了战略与财务衡量。使用平衡计分卡的原因之一是,它可以帮助你看到战略管理和计划的各个部分之间的联系。 使用平衡计分卡意味着探索组织的四个不同方面。 一个是公司的财务表现,和什么财务资源最有效。 其次你还需要评估利益相关者或客户的表现,以及您如何为他们服务。 内部流程也应根据其效率来判断,但也应根据其质量来判断。 最后是组织能力,它看你的人员,基础设施,技术,文化和任何其他可以用来实现你的目标的东西。 3.基本模型 也被称为简单模型,它经常被没有战略规划历史的新组织使用,以帮助指导他们做出决策。但对于那些没有时间和资源来进行深入和广泛的战略规划的组织来说,这也是一个很好的模式。 首先,如果你还没有制定使命宣言的话,你要为你的组织建立一个使命宣言。也就是说,你的目标是为了激励和改变组织而创建的。接下来,你要弄清楚为了完成使命陈述,必须实现哪些目标。在此基础上,将实现这些目标的任务分解。计划,监控和报告你的进展。 4.蓝海战略 蓝海战略的目的是把你的产品带到一个没有竞争或几乎没有竞争的市场。因此,研究很大程度上倾向于寻找一个可以盈利的利基,比如很少有企业提供人们感兴趣的产品,而且几乎没有或根本没有定价压力。 与红海战略不同的是,蓝海战略寻找的是有增长空间的市场。红海战略描述的是一个饱和的市场,产品受到价格压力的威胁,可能会威胁到业务。你想要抓住新的需求,你的产品要么是独一无二的,要么是更好的,以至于竞争变得无关紧要。 5.问题(或目标)基准 问题基准的模型(也称为目标基准)是基础战略规划模型的下一步。它建立在基本模型的基础上,是为更成熟的企业设计的。因此,它更深入,可能是我们所强调的所有模型中最受欢迎的。 首先,使用SWOT分析,它是强项,弱点、机会和威胁分析的缩写。它帮助您识别和分析影响您的业务,产品或服务的内部和外部因素。接下来是任务声明,然后是计划,创建预算和执行计划的时间表。一年后,您将希望监视结果并报告其进展情况,根据需要进行调整。 ProjectManager.com如何执行战略规划模型 现在您已经了解了战略规划模型,并且已经选择了一个来实现组织的目标,您还有很多工作要做。ProjectManager.com是一个获奖的组织战略计划的工具,所以你可以执行、监控和报告他们的进展。 开始使用甘特图进行深入规划 你已经决定了你的目标,现在你需要知道如何达到目标。这就像把目标分解成现实的任务或步骤一样简单,最终达到你的目标。您可以使用工作分解结构或在电子表格中收集它们。现在有趣的事情开始了。将你的任务上传到我们的软件中,你就可以进入战略规划模型的规划部分。 向任务添加持续时间,它们就会立即填充甘特图工具时间轴。现在,您可以从头到尾看到整个项目。添加优先级,这样您的团队就知道什么是重要的,并根据里程碑特性将项目划分为不同阶段。在每个任务上都有一个空间来写描述来指导您的团队,并且他们可以通过在任务级别上相互评论来协作,以提高生产率。 多视图来处理您的项目 工作的方式有很多,我们也有很多工具来完成这项工作。除了甘特,你还可以使用任务列表、日历或看板来管理你的工作。董事会的观点是特别有用的,因为它把生产分成阶段,并提供透明度的过程,所以你可以保持交通流动,避免昂贵的瓶颈。 使用实时仪表板监视进度 任何战略规划模型的一部分都不只是计划和执行,而是监控进度以确保你达到了目标。我们有一个实时的仪表盘来跟踪几个项目度量,包括项目方差,它可以自动计算你计划的和实际的进度。 为了保持管理的更新,我们有一键式的报告,可以很容易地过滤和共享,所以利益相关者只能得到他们想要的信息。 ProjectManager.com是一个基于云计算的软件,旨在帮助团队和项目更好地组织起来。我们帮助您交付您的战略计划的工具,以帮助您通过每个阶段的项目。看看为什么成千上万的团队已经在使用我们的软件,今天就开始我们的30天免费试用吧。 用于项目规划的3个最佳项目管理图表 项目计划模板 初学者项目规划 2020年最佳项目规划软件

