EIA Notification in India Excludes Most Official Languages


2020-08-19 19:10 multilingual


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The Indian Government’s release of the Environmental Impact Assessment notification, 2020 has been met with resistance. Many groups, including the Supreme Court, have called for the EIA notification to be released in all recognized languages. The Indian Government has found itself locked in a dispute with the Supreme Court and environmentalists about public access to government documents. The central government had published the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) notification, 2020 earlier this year. The release of the document followed the Official Languages Act, 1963, which stipulates the government must publish notifications only in Hindi and English. Environmental activists and civil society groups have raised alarms about the limited access to the EIA notification, citing the importance of public input about the controversial changes in environmental law that the EIA notification proposes. The changes proposed in the document have to do with how the environment ministry will handle post facto clearance of projects that could pose negative impacts on the environment. Environmental lawyer Ritwick Dutta—founder and organizing trustee of Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment (LIFE)—said in an interview with Livemint, “The central idea behind post facto is that if a person invests large sums of money in an illegal activity, such as construction of a shopping mall, mining, industry, there is a presumption that the investments made were bona fide: with the intention to benefit the nation as a whole and for altruistic purpose. There is also a presumption that the law was violated because of ‘ignorance’.” The debate over how the government will proceed with its monitoring of developmental impacts on the environment has only been amplified by the limitations of input from the population at large. A country whose constitution recognizes 22 official languages, India serves a broad and diverse population, many of whom speak neither Hindi nor English. The disparity in access to the EIA notification led the Dehli High Court to file a plea seeking contempt action against the government for not publishing the EIA notifications with language options for the score of other languages not covered by the Official Languages Act. Although the Supreme Court stayed the contempt proceedings against the environment ministry, it recommends the central government adhere to the request and adopt an amendment to the Official Languages Act that reflects India’s multilingual population. “Your government should consider amendment of the Official Languages Act. These days, translation is the easiest thing on Earth. We translate judgments, Parliament has instant translation software. It is time for you to update your Act,” a bench led by Chief Justice of India (CJI) Sharad Arvind Bobde told Solicitor General Tushar Mehta. While the central government’s access to language services and translation resources is not clear, communities in India have made progress this year to develop machine translation applications, which they hope will promote better multilingual communications. Facing nearly 200,000 objections to the draft of the EIA notification, RP Gupta, secretary of the environment ministry, still insisted the importance of what he believes will be a streamlined process of environmental clearances. In an interview with the Hindustan Times, he said, “I don’t think there is anything disturbing in the clauses. You are right about political issues. Maybe it has nothing to do with an environmental agenda but more to do with political agenda.” He did not comment on the document’s inaccessibility to many of India’s language groups.
印度政府发布的2020年环境影响评估通知遭到阻力。包括最高法院在内的许多团体都呼吁,政府应采用所有公认的语言发布环评通知。 印度政府发现自己陷入了与最高法院和环保人士关于公众获取政府文件的纠纷中。2020年年初,中央政府公布了2020年环境影响评估(EIA)通知。这份文件的发布遵循了1963年颁布的《官方语言法》,该语言法规定政府只能用印地语和英语发布通知。 公众获取环境影响评估通知的途径有限,环保人士和民间社会团体对此事提出了警告,并指出环境影响评估通知对环境法的修改存在争议,公众对此事的意见十分重要。文件中提议的修改涉及环境部将如何做好可能对环境造成负面影响的项目收尾工作。 环境律师丽特威克·杜塔(Ritwick Dutta)是森林和环境法律倡议组织的创始人和组织受托人,他在接受Livemint采访时说:“收尾工作的核心观点是,如果一个人将大笔资金投资于非法活动,比如建设购物中心、采矿、工业建设,那么就存在一个推论,即他所作的投资是善意的:他意图为整个国家谋福利,而且是出于利他的目的。还有一种推论是因为‘无知’而违法。“ 关于政府将如何继续监测发展对环境的影响的辩论,只会因为广大民众的有限参与而加剧。 作为一个宪法承认22种官方语言的国家,印度人口基数大且多元化,其中许多人既不说印地语也不说英语。公众在获取环境影响评估通知受到了差别待遇,德里高等法院因此提出了一项抗辩,要求对政府提出藐视法庭的诉讼,理由是政府没有在环境影响评估通知中公布《官方语言法》未涵盖的其他语言的语种选项。 尽管最高法院中止了对环境部的藐视法庭诉讼,但它建议中央政府坚持这一要求,通过一项《官方语言法》修正案,以反映印度多语种人口的情况。 “贵国政府应考虑修订《官方语言法》。如今,翻译是地球上最简单的事情。我们翻译判决书,议会也有即时翻译软件,”印度首席大法官沙拉德·阿文德·博布德(Sharad Arvind Bobde)领导的法官对副检察长图沙尔·梅塔(Tushar Mehta)说,“是时候修订你的法案了。” 虽然中央政府获得语言服务和翻译资源的途径尚不明确,但印度社区今年在开发机器翻译应用程序方面取得了进展,他们希望这一举措将促进更好的多语言交流。 面对近20万人对环境影响评估通知草案提出的反对意见,日本环境部秘书RP·古普塔(RP Gupta)仍坚持认为,简化环境审批程序十分重要。他在接受《印度斯坦时报》采访时说:“我不认为条款中有什么令人不安的地方。关于政治问题,你是对的。也许它与环境议程无关,而更多的是与政治议程有关。“他没有对印度多数语言群体无法接触政府文件一事发表评论。

