RWS Moravians Reflect on LocWorldWide42


2020-08-05 05:50 RWS Moravia Insights


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Thursday, July 20th, concluded the first ever fully online LocWorld experience. LocWorld is the leading conference for international business, translation, localization and global website management. Like all attendees, we were excited about the speakers and the topics (all about the end-user this year), but we didn’t know what to expect of the new online format. We were curious about how virtual exhibitions and booths and online networking would all work. In the end, the conference exceeded expectations. We collected the impressions of several RWS Moravians and share them here. Dave Van Looy, UK For me, it was a great opportunity to network with fellow loc professionals from all corners of the world. Obviously, online networking comes with challenges and limitations, but overall, it was an intensely productive and rewarding experience. Hats off to the LocWorld team for pulling it off under difficult circumstances. I Ioved the presentation by Bruno Hermann titled “Mixed Globalization and Localization Measurement for Mixed Realities” in which he defined a framework model to apply mixed KPIs and metrics in content-centric and experience-centric ways, helping us go beyond conventional localization metrics and build localization business cases focused on customer experiences. Judith Soloduk, Washington, DC, USA Overall, it was a tremendous opportunity to meet with peers, gain insight into developing technologies and learn how clients are managing localization. Remo, the virtual networking platform, had a very simple navigation and I enjoyed using it. I liked the ability to click on the person at the table to get a little background on them. Lunch and Happy Hour allowed for open dialog around the virtual tables, which was great. The platform successfully enabled lots of information sharing and open dialogues. And the sessions were really interesting—especially the round tables and unconferences where we were able to exchange ideas as peers. It was a great way to develop relationships in a non-threatening environment. Wendy Ting, Guanzhou, China I had a very positive experience at LocWorld’s first virtual event. LocWorld made it possible for people to meet by hosting meet and greets, lunch and Happy Hour sessions on the Remo platform. Since this was a virtual event, there were more representatives from all over the world. Instead of being jetlagged, we all had time zone issues! Many people woke up early or stayed up late just to attend this online event. The sessions themselves were very interesting. I was able to learn about what’s going on in the loc industry. At the same time, it was insightful to learn about the processes that buyers have created and the challenges they constantly face. I feel like I can apply my learnings in future conversations with prospects and clients. Although everyone I met at the session agreed that we all would prefer the real-life LocWorld event, this was still a very successful virtual venue for localization professionals to gather and network. Philippa Nicolle, Cambridge, UK As a first-time attendee of LocWorld, I was intrigued to see how the virtual format would work, and in general, I really appreciated the networking opportunities (particularly the Remo platform). The sessions were very interesting with a great variety of topics and excellent speakers and panellists, and I enjoyed the opportunity to hear and participate in discussions on topics from enterprise translation buyer perspectives as well as from LSP and technology companies. Another highlight was to hear directly from the Translators without Borders team about their global COVID-19 response. People were extremely open and welcoming, and I can tell LocWorld is a very friendly community. I’m thrilled that recordings are available, and I’ll be catching up on some of the sessions I missed in the next few weeks! Joy Chen, New Jersey, USA Attending LocWorldWide gave me a fantastic opportunity to learn what’s happening at the forefront of the industry. I was highly impressed by the innovators in the Process Innovation session. The idea of conducting business intelligence analysis before post-editing in machine translation programs is very relevant to me since we are launching a machine translation program for one of our major clients with full force now. The keynote speech from Larry Hochman was inspirational. There were great affirmation messages related to client services: he described that at the end of the day, the secret to a healthy and long-standing client relationship lies in knowing our clients, simplifying their lives and keeping our promises. I surely intend to share this key takeaway with my team. Miklos Urban, Brno, Czech Republic Besides the superb technical solutions to adapt to the crazy situation and overcome the limitations of remote conferencing, the major takeaways I remember include: "Educate your client" is the mantra of the industry. But, if the client shows little interest in getting educated, let them learn the hard way! MT has a place in all industries. There is no longer an industry that is not a good fit for MT. Certain content may not be a good match, but with a well-designed content strategy, MT benefits are within reach. And an old but important reminder: having a localization strategy is not a ‘thing’. To succeed in localization, one needs an overarching content or even product strategy that involves localization as an integrated part, and also includes multilingual content strategy, internationalization strategy, etc. Localization must play an important role in the product development process. It should not be a separate process or, worst case, an afterthought of going global.   While no one knows what format future LocWorld events will take, we all now know that large online conferences can be effective and rewarding for attendees. Great job LocWorld organizers!
7月20日星期四,第一次完全在线上进行的LocWorld会议体验结束了。LocWorld是国际商务、翻译、本地化和全球网站管理的领头会议。 和所有与会者一样,我们对演讲者和主题(本次主题都围绕终端用户展开)感到兴奋,但我们不知道是否应对新的在线形式有其他的期待。同时我们也很好奇虚拟展览、摊位和在线网络会如何运作。 这次会议远远超出了我们预期。以下是我们收集的几位参会人员的感受。 Dave Van Looy,英国 “对我来说,这是一个与来自世界各地的loc专业人士建立联系的绝好机会。显然,在线会议面临不少挑战和限制,但总的来说,这是一次非常有益的经历。向LocWorld团队致敬,他们在如此艰难的环境下依旧圆满完成任务。 我很喜欢布鲁诺赫尔曼(Bruno Hermann)的题为“混合现实背景下的复杂全球化和地方化测量”的演讲, 他在演讲中定义了一个框架模型,并将其应用在以内容和体验为中心的混合KPI和指标上。这不仅帮助我们突破了传统的本地化指标的束缚,还构建了着重于客户体验的本地化业务案例。” Judith Soloduk,华盛顿特区,美国 ”总的来说,这是一次与同行见面、深入了解技术开发以及客户如何进行本地化管理的绝好机会。 Remo是一个有简单导航的虚拟网络平台,我非常喜欢使用这个平台。我喜欢点击坐在“桌子”旁的人来获得他们的背景信息。在午餐会议和”美好时光“会议期间,我们围绕虚拟桌子进行公开对话。该平台成功地为我们提供了大量的信息共享和开放对话的机会。 会议真的很有趣——尤其是圆桌会议和非会议(指一种由与会者发起,而不是由主办者发起的非正式会议),在那里我们可以像朋友一样交流想法。在安心环境中增进社交关系的真是一个好方法。 ” Wendy Ting,广州,中国 “我在LocWorld的第一次线上活动中获得了非常好的体验。LocWorld通过在Remo平台上举办以”见面“、”问候“、”午餐“和”美好时光“为主题的会议,让我们有机会见到更多的人。由于这是一个线上活动,相较于线下有更多来自世界各地的代表。我们有的是时区问题,而不是时差问题。许多人起早贪黑只为了参加这个在线活动。 会议本身非常有趣,借此机会我得以了解到loc行业正在发生的事情。 同时,了解客户创建的流程以及他们不断面临的挑战也让我增长了不少见识。 我觉得可以在以后与潜在客户、客户的对话中运用自己在这场会议中学到的经验。 虽然我在会议上遇到的每个人都更喜欢线下的LocWorld活动,但对于本地化专业人员来说,这个可以聚在一起进行网络社交的虚拟场所仍然是非常成功的。” Philippa Nicolle,剑桥,英国 “作为第一次参加LocWorld的人,我对虚拟格式的工作原理很感兴趣,总的来说,我真的很感谢这个线上活动(尤其是Remo平台)。会议非常有趣,议题丰富,演讲者和小组成员都很优秀,我很高兴有机会从企业翻译采购商、LSP和技术公司的角度,聆听并参与讨论。会议的另一个亮点是我们能够直接听取“翻译无国界”团队关于全球应对COVID-19的发言。大家在这里畅所欲言,我可以肯定地说LocWorld是一个非常友好的社区。很高兴本会议有录播,我会把接下来的几周错过的会议都补上的!” Joy Chen,新泽西州 ,美国 ”参加LocWorldWide给了我一个极好的机会去了解这个行业的前沿正在发生什么。过程创新环节的创新人员给我留下了深刻的印象。因为我们现在正在全力为一个大客户编写机器翻译程序,此次会议中,在后期编辑前进行商业智能分析的想法正是我想听到的。 拉里·霍奇曼(Larry Hochman)的主题演讲鼓舞人心。他讲述了很多关于客户服务方面的积极消息,他描述说:维持长期、良好的客户关系在于了解客户,简化他们的生活并完成预定的目标。这是我想和大家分享的关键。“ Miklos Urban,布尔诺,捷克共和国 ”除了见识到能适应疫情之下的疯狂现状并能够克服远程会议限制的高超技术解决方案外,我还有其他的收获: “教育你的客户”是这个行业的口头禅。 但是,如果客户对并不想接受教育,那就让他们自己在这条路上摸爬滚打吧! MT在所有行业都占有一席之地,没有一个行业与MT不兼容。 某些内容可能与MT没有很好的匹配,但有了设计良好的内容策略,也可以实现MT带来的好处。 还有一个老生常谈但很重要的事需要提醒:制定本地化策略并非一件“事”。 为了成功实现本地化,需要一个整体内容,甚至需要将本地化作为集成部分的产品策略,还包括多语言内容策略,国际化策略等。本地化必须在产品开发过程中发挥重要作用,这不应该是一个单独的过程,或者更糟一些,成为走向全球化后的“马后炮”。 尽管没有人知道未来的LocWorld活动将采用哪种形式进行,但我们大家现在都已经体会到大型在线会议对与会者来说是高效且有益的。 LocWorld组织者做的非常好!“

