10 Top Leadership Qualities for Entrepreneurs, Managers, and other Business Leaders


2020-08-01 23:41 Lingua Greca


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In 2020, being a good leader is more important than ever. Whether you're dealing with difficult economic times, the need to diversify your workforce, or another pressing issue, the way you lead your company makes a huge difference to employees' motivation and your future success.  According to the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer, 64% of people expect CEOs to take the lead on policy rather than wait for governments. But how can you lead effectively if you don't feel confident as a leader? A good leader makes a good team, so it's important to develop leadership qualities. The good news is that leadership skills can be learned. In this guide, I'll share ten top attributes of a great leader that entrepreneurs, managers and business leaders should work on. Why It Pays to Develop a Good Leadership Style Before we get into the key characteristics of a leader, let's look at why it matters to your business. One of the key words to describe a great leader is inspirational—someone who excels at motivating others to take responsibility and to excel.  Good leadership sets an example that others in the organization will follow. That's why Inspirational leaders get more from their employees. And that, in turn, makes for a happier and more productive workplace. Some of the key qualities of a good leader include communication, social responsibility, integrity, empathy and vision. In the rest of this guide, I'll explore these and other leadership qualifications, outlining what they are, why they're important and how you can improve or develop these skills. 1. Communication Communication is the act of, or ability to, give and get information. Communication isn't just about listening and speaking, or reading and writing, but also about observing non-verbal cues. Unsurprisingly, good communication is one of the most important qualities of a leader. Being able to communicate well means everyone on the team will understand your expectations. Equally important, you'll understand what matters to employees and what's happening in any interaction. Some ways to improve your communication skills include: Learn to read body language and other forms of non-verbal communication. Ask questions to encourage team members and employees to share their thoughts. Focus on key points to avoid wasting time. Learn more about improving communication skills in the following articles: Communication How to Improve Remote Team Communication With monday.com Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo Microsoft PowerPoint 7 Interactive Presentation Ideas to Engage Your Audience Andrew Childress 2. Connection When thinking about what makes a great leader, the ability to connect with people throughout the organization in a genuine way is another important quality. When people feel connected to you, then you've got a stronger company that's better able to cope with whatever situations it finds. T-Three Consultancy says you can become a more connected leader by: learning more about your employees helping them to deal with challenges and develop skills being vulnerable, and asking for help when you need it 3. Integrity/Trustworthiness According to Edelman, 56% of people don't trust those who stay silent on important issues. More than ever, customers expect businesses to show their ethics—and abide by them. In other words, companies and their leaders must do the right thing.  One key reason to do this is to safeguard your reputation. Ethical businesses also result in better employee performance and retention. If you're going to show your integrity as a leader, it makes sense to: Define your values and the company's values. Create a code of conduct or code of ethics. Make ethics part of performance evaluations. Live by the code you've set out. Find other resources on how to be an ethical leader in:  Management What Is Ethical Leadership? How to Be a More Ethical Leader Andrew Blackman Management How to Build Employee Loyalty (And Why It Matters) Andrew Blackman 4. Social Responsibility Some people see big business as having a "take, take, take" attitude. But what they want to see, especially young consumers, is businesses that put something back. Like integrity, showing corporate social responsibility can help your brand get known for the right reasons. And you can help people, too. So, consider: purchasing resources for a charitable organization donating money for a good cause encouraging employees to raise funds for a good cause Learn some other ways to give back to your community in the following article: Community Community Involvement: How to Be a Company That Gives Back Andrew Childress 5. Decisiveness At some point, a leader's got to lead. A big part of that is making timely, well-informed decisions. Get it right, and your business will thrive, but even a decision that later turns out to be wrong can provide valuable information. While decisiveness is one of the key qualities of a leader, you'll need to develop this skill by: creating mechanisms for collecting key business information communicating regularly with executives and employees using dashboards and tools to help you to understand and evaluate information having a clear perspective on your business goals Get more tips on making decisions in the following articles: Management What Are the Problems With Groupthink? +How to Avoid Them Andrew Blackman Microsoft PowerPoint How to Quickly Make a Decision Tree in PowerPoint By Customizing Templates Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo 6. Empowerment Empowerment is all about helping people in your company to grow and succeed. It's important because people who feel stuck or unhappy will want to leave. In contrast, those who feel empowered will stick around. That gives your business the benefit of their experience.  So, what is a good leader to do to empower employees? Try: understanding what interests them and how they'd like to progress (performance evaluations or informal chats can be a good way to find out) giving employees a chance to take responsibility for a project, and supporting their decisions providing training and learning opportunities for employees mentoring employees to help them to develop their own leadership skills Learn more about employee training and mentoring in the following articles: Management 10 Reasons Why Your Small Business Should Invest in Employee Training Andrew Blackman Small Business How to Make a Great Employee Training Plan (For Small Business) Andrew Blackman Mentoring How to Be a Mentor in Your Workplace Andrew Blackman 7. Empathy Empathy is one of the leadership qualities that's sometimes underrated, yet it's one of the most important. It's essential to see your employees as whole people rather than worker drones. And it's also important to understand that their lives outside the office might affect their performance inside it.  As an empathetic leader, you'll develop a deeper, more trusting relationship with your employees. After all, 90% of employees believe empathy is an important workplace value. Often, they'll be inspired to put more into their work, which will be good for business.  To work on empathy, try this: Ask more questions. Listen attentively to the answers. Avoid judgment. Learn more about developing empathy in the following articles: Communication How to Develop & Show More Empathy in Your Workplace Andrew Blackman Diversity 10 Ways Your Business Benefits From Having a More Inclusive Leadership Team Andrew Blackman 8. Delegation As an employee, one of the most annoying experiences you can have is having a leader who micromanages. It suggests that the leader doesn't trust you and it's a huge disincentive to stick around.  One of the best leadership qualities is knowing how to delegate a task. Successful delegation stops leaders from being overwhelmed and develops employees' skills. To delegate successfully, you must: Choose the right person for the job. Set out your expectations clearly in terms of outcomes, deadlines and accountability. Provide support without taking over. You can also provide incentives for successful completion of important tasks. Learn more about leadership and business in the following article: Small Business How to Overcome Big Problems When Running a Small Business Julia Melymbrose 9. Transparency People work more effectively when they understand what they're working towards. That's why transparency is another of the characteristics of a good leader.  When employees feel that information is hidden, it creates a culture of mistrust, and rumors can run rife. Put everything out in the open, and it quells the rumors and creates an atmosphere of openness. Some of the ways I've seen leaders cultivate a culture of transparency include: creating dashboards with key business metrics that all employees can access sharing roadmaps for product development openly blogging about the company culture, achievements, and even failures 10. Vision As a leader you need to know where your business is going. Having vision is all about the big picture about where you want your business to end up. Your vision will incorporate many of the other leadership qualities. You'll think about what your business stands for as well as its products and services.  Having vision as a leader will help you steer your business the right way. Here are some more resources to help you articulate and act on your vision. Branding How to Write a Great Tagline For Your Business (+Workable Examples) Julia Melymbrose Small Business How to Manage the 5 Stages of Small Business Growth Successfully Andrew Blackman Small Business How to Plan a Successful Small Business Exit Strategy Andrew Blackman 3 Business Leaders Who Show Leadership Qualities Wondering who is an example of a good leader? Here are three people who have the attributes of a great leader: 1. Richard Branson  As mentioned earlier, the ability to communicate is one of the fundamental leadership qualifications. Richard Branson really exemplifies communication skills. He's also in touch with world events. Plus, he's quick to give a thoughtful and empathetic response on his personal blog, like his response to the 2020 global pandemic. 2. Ben & Jerry's This is a recent example of social responsibility and integrity. In the wake of the death of George Floyd, and the resulting protests, many companies struggled to know how to respond. Not so Ben & Jerry's.  The company posted a letter on its blog and shared it widely, titled: "We Must Dismantle White Supremacy." What's more this wasn't just a performative action: racial justice is one of the causes the company cares about, so there's more content and, importantly, more action.   3. Dan Price For me, the story of Dan Price, founder of a card payments company, highlights the leadership qualities of integrity and empathy. And you can bet his employees felt empowered, too.  He realized that while he himself was a millionaire, a lot of talented employees were struggling to make ends meet. So, he mortgaged his homes, cashed in his stocks and used his savings to offer employees a minimum salary of $70,000 a year. His employees have been able to pay off debts and start families as a result.  Learn More About the Qualities of a Good Leader To learn more about leadership, corporate social responsibility, and change management, check out the articles below: Presentations 12 Best Ted Talks of All Time (For Business Leaders in 2018) Laura Spencer Diversity How Your Business Can Fight Homophobia and Protect All Employees (IDAHOBIT Day 2020) Daniel Strongin Careers 10 Tips for Dealing With Difficult Changes in Work & Life Andrew Blackman Start Building Your Leadership Qualities Today I've shared lots of resources on leadership qualities in this article. Now, it's over to you to figure out what will make you a good leader in your company.
当一名好领导在2020年显得比以往任何时候都重要。无论在经济困难时期,还是面对员工多样化的需求或其他紧迫的问题,你领导公司的方式对员工的积极性和你未来是否成功都有着巨大的影响。 根据《2018年度爱德曼信任度调查报告》,64%的人希望CEO能在政策上起带头作用,而不是等待政府的指令。但如果你作为一个领导者却没有足够的自信,怎么能当一个好领导呢?一个好的领导可以造就一个好的团队,所以培养领导素质是很重要的。 好消息是,领导能力是可以培养的。在这本指南中,我将向大家分享领导必备的十大优秀品质。 为什么需要培养好的领导风格 在我们深入探讨领导者的关键特征之前,先来看看它为什么如此重要。一位伟大领导者必备能力之一是“激励”,即善于鼓舞他人承担责任并勇于超越。 一个好领导可以为组织中的其他人树立榜样。这就是为什么善于鼓舞人心的领导者能从其员工身上获利,且反过来还能使工作场所更快乐、更富有成效。 优秀领导者的一些关键品质包括沟通能力、社会责任感、正直、同情心和远见。在本指南的其余部分,我将深入解释这些领导能力,概述其意义和重要性,以及如何提高或发展这些技能。 1.沟通 沟通是提供和获取信息的行为或能力。沟通不仅仅是听和说,读和写,还包括观察非语言暗示。 显而易见,良好的沟通能力是领导者最重要的品质之一。良好的沟通能力意味着团队中的每个人都能理解你的目标。同样重要的是,你能明白员工在意的是什么,以及工作过程中的动静。 提高沟通能力的一些方法包括: 学会解读肢体语言和其他形式的非语言交流。 提出问题来鼓励团队成员及员工分享他们的想法。 关注重点,避免浪费时间。 在以下文章中了解更多有关提高沟通技巧的内容: 沟通 如何改善与Monday.com团队的远程沟通 Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo Microsoft PowerPoint 7个在演讲时吸引观众互动方法 Andrew Childress 2.联络 要想成为一名优秀的领导者,另一项重要的品质就是能够以一种真诚的方式与组织中所有人建立联系。当人们感觉与你紧紧相连时,你的公司就变得更加强大,能够更好地应对任何可能出现的情况。 T-Three咨询公司表示,通过以下方式,你可以成为一个和下属关系更密切的领导者: 了解更多关于员工的信息 帮助他们应对挑战和提升自身技能 在需要时向他人求助并示弱 3.诚实守信 据《爱德曼信任度调查报告》称,56%的人不信任那些在重要问题上保持沉默的人。 顾客比以往任何时候都更期待企业具有道德感,换句话说,公司及其领导人必须有一个正面形象。 这样做的一个关键原因是这能维护你的声誉。 有道德的企业还能提高员工的绩效和留用能力。 如果你想表现得像一个正直的领导,那么你应该: 明确你和公司的价值观。 建立行为准则或道德准则。 将道德操守作为业绩评价的一部分。 平时按你规定的准则要求自己。 其他有关领导道德的文章请点击: 管理 什么是有道德的领导以及如何成为一个更有道德的领导者? Andrew Blackman 管理 建立员工忠诚度的方法及其重要性 Andrew Blackman 4.社会责任 有些人认为大企业展现的是一种“不断索取”的态度。 但顾客(尤其是年轻消费者)希望看到的,是会回馈社会的商家。 就像诚信一样,展现企业的社会责任感可以在你帮助别人的同时帮助你的品牌获得知名度。 因此,请考虑: 为慈善组织购置物资 为慈善事业捐钱 鼓励员工为慈善事业筹钱 下面的文章中有其他回馈社会的方式: 社会 如何做一个回馈社会的公司 Andrew Childress 5.果断 在某种程度上,一个领导必须会决策,其中很重要一步就是及时做出明智的决定。 决策做对了,你的生意就会兴旺发达;但即使错误的决定也能提供有价值的信息。 决断力是领导者的关键素质之一,你可以通过以下方式来培养这种能力: 创建用于收集关键业务信息的机制 定期与主管和员工沟通 使用报表和工具帮助您理解和评估信息 对业务目标能看得透彻 在以下文章中了解更多关于做决定的诀窍: 管理 什么是群体思维?以及如何避免 Andrew Blackman Microsoft PowerPoint 如何在PowerPoint中通过自定义模板快速生成决策图表 Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo 6.放权 放权能帮助公司的员工获得成长和取得成功。 这一点很重要,因为那些感到难以升职或不开心的人会想离开;相反,那些感觉拥有了权利的人会留下来,他们的经验会帮助你的企业发展。 那么,一个好的领导者应该怎样放权呢? 可以尝试如下方法: 了解他们感兴趣的是什么,以及他们希望如何进步(绩效评估或非正式的聊天可能能很好地找出答案) 给员工一个承担项目责任的机会,并支持他们的决策 为员工提供培训和学习机会 指导员工,帮助他们培养自己的领导能力 在以下文章中了解有关员工培训和指导的更多信息: 管理 企业应该投资员工培训的10大理由 Andrew Blackman 小型企业 如何制定一个优质的员工培训计划(适用于小企业) Andrew Blackman 职业辅导 如何成为职业辅导员? Andrew Blackman 7.同理心 同情心是领导需要具备的一个重要品质,但常常被人低估。你需要把你的员工看作独立的个体而不是工作机器,而且你也需要明白员工在办公室外的生活可能会影响他们在办公室内的表现。 一个有同情心的领导会和员工建立更深厚、更具信任的关系。 毕竟,90%的员工认为有同理心是一种重要的职场价值观。一般来说,领导有同理心会激励员工做更多的工作,这将有利于您的生意。 想要培养同理心,可以尝试下面这些做法: 问员工更多的问题。 对他们的回答上心。 避免评判他人。 在以下文章中了解更多关于培养同理心的知识: 沟通 如何在工作中培养和表现出更多的同理心 Andrew Blackman 多样性 更具包容性的领导团队为企业带来的10大好处 Andrew Blackman 8.分配任务 员工最烦的就是有一个管得太细的领导, 这说明他没得到领导的信任,这也往往是阻碍员工留下来的因素。 好的领导应该知道如何委派任务。 完美的任务分配可以使领导者免于被繁重的工作压垮,并发掘员工的技能。 要想成功委派任务,必须做到如下几件事: 选择适合这项工作的人。 明确任务的目标、截止日期和需承担的责任。 支持你的员工但不要亲力亲为。 员工成功完成任务后可以给出适当奖励。 在下面的文章中了解更多关于领导力和商业的知识: 小型企业 如何解决小生意中遇到的大问题 Julia Melymbrose 9.足够透明 人们了解自己的工作目标时的工作效率会更高。 所以一个好领导应足够透明。 员工感到被隐瞒时,就会形成一种不信任的氛围,公司里会谣言四起。 公开一切信息,就能平息谣言,营造一种开放的氛围。 我见过领导者培养透明文化的一些方法包括: 创建所有员工都可以访问的关键业务指标的报表 公开产品开发流程图 写有关公司文化、成败的博客 10.远见 作为一名领导者,你需要知道你的业务走向。 远见是你希望你的企业最终走向何方的大愿景。你的远见能反映出你所具备的其他优秀领导品质。你会思考企业的定位及其产品和服务。 作为一个领导者,有远见会帮助你把你的生意导向正确的方向。 这里有一些更多的资源来帮助你清晰地表达自己的愿景并付诸行动。 品牌化 如何为你的企业写一个好的广告语(附有可行的例子) Julia Melymbrose 小型企业 成功管理小型企业的五个阶段 Andrew Blackman 小型企业 已成功的小型企业如何激流勇退 Andrew Blackman 展现领导品质的3位企业领袖 想知道谁是好领导的榜样? 这三位具备一个好领导应有的素质: 1.Richard Branson 如前所述,沟通能力是领导应具备的基本品质之一。Richard Branson不仅拥有卓越的沟通技巧,还关注世界大事。 因此他能很快在个人博客上给出了深思熟虑的、富有同理心的回应,就像他对2020年新冠疫情的回应一样。 2.Ben&Jerry's 这是最近一个有关社会责任感和诚信的例子。 乔治·弗洛伊德去世以后引发了强烈抗议,许多公司都在苦苦思索如何应对。 Ben&Jerry却能轻松应对。 他在公司博客上发布了一封信并分享至各处,标题为:《我们必须破解白人至上主义》。而且这不仅仅是作秀,他的公司确实关心种族歧视,并因此策划出更多的内容,也采取了更多的行动。 3.Dan Price 对我来说,信用卡支付公司创始人Dan Price的故事凸显他的正直和同理心。 你也可以肯定他的员工也觉得自己是被重用的。 他意识到,虽然他自己是个百万富翁,但许多有才华的雇员却在为收支平衡而苦苦挣扎。 于是,他抵押了自己的房子,兑现了自己的股票,用自己的积蓄给员工提供了最低7万美元的年薪。 他的员工因此得以还清债务,成家立业。 了解更多优秀领导者的素质 要了解更多关于领导能力、企业社会责任和变革管理的知识,请阅读以下文章: 演示文稿 史上最棒的12场Ted演讲(2018年度商业领袖演讲) Laura Spencer 多样性 你的企业如何对抗同性恋恐惧症并保护所有员工(2020 IDAHOBIT Day) Daniel Strongin 职业生涯 10个应对工作和生活中困难的小贴士 Andrew Blackman 从今天开始培养你的领导能力 我在这篇文章中分享了很多关于领导能力的资源。 现在,轮到你思考如何才能成为一个好领导了。

