Technical Writer as an Information Architect


2020-07-30 20:10 clickhelp


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Technical writing is a complex process that requires proper orchestration. We can see how it is evolving with time, too. Technical writing is now more integrated into user experience than ever before. The thing about integration - you can’t do this on a micro level, you need the bigger picture. We mean, you could, but the results would be not as great as when we actually consider technical documentation an important part of user experience from the very beginning. So, a very definite set of responsibilities has been shaped. Something a bit different than just a tech writer. This role is called ‘Information Architect’, and today’s blog will be dedicated to this phenomenon. Understanding Information Architecture To understand information architecture, let’s turn to something more common - software architecture. A software architect is someone who’s working on the most high-level development stuff. The backbone of development in the form of high-level choices like standards, tools, major goals, and direction is built by a software architect. You can fix low-level things pretty quickly, but serious mistakes at higher levels of a project can be fatal. This is why a software architect is such a highly-praised role. Their level of responsibility is huge. An information architect is sort of doing the same thing for technical writing projects. We often mention this simple fact - technical communication should be tailored specifically for the target audience and provide a smooth user experience. The input of each technical writer is enormous in this regard, of course, but still limited. Some things can be only seen and fine-tuned from a higher perspective. An information architect is the one to build a strategy all help authoring processes will be aligned with. Skills Needed to Be a Great Information Architect Can any technical writer become an information architect? I am going to answer this as follows: most technical writers clearly have a perfect background for this role. Here’s what’s required from an information architect skill-wise: Being able to compose a comprehensive content strategy Having a clear understanding of how the product described in the documentation works and how users are interacting with it Being aware of outputs or versions of technical documents that need to be created and the underlying differences between them Understanding help authoring processes within the company Good communication skills for working with tech writers and cross-team collaboration Actually, this role is not a recent invention - it exists in every successful documentation team. Quite often, the responsibilities of it are fluid and different team members are stepping into this role from time to time. Especially, it is true for more experienced tech writers. However, having a designated person to fulfill this role has many advantages: A specific process will be set up to control how well technical documentation is aligned with the audience and the overall company’s goals No parts of the process will be left out how this could have happened when these responsibilities are not explicitly assigned to anyone Technical documentation will be more comprehensive and cohesive Conclusion Information architecture is something any tech writing team should consider. Modern user manuals cannot be standalone entities - companies are striving to reach this seamless overarching experience for their users. And, information architects can be of great help here. Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
技术写作的过程很复杂,需要进行适当规划。我们可以看看它是如何随着时间演变的。现在的技术写作比以往更加注重融入用户体验。关于融入用户体验,这是一件不能在微观层面上做的事,而需要从宏观着手。我们的意思是,你可以从微观入手,但是这样做的结果并不如一开始就将技术文档视为用户体验的重要部分好。因为,一套非常明确的责任体系早已经形成,这一点与单纯的技术作家略有不同。我们把这个角色称为“信息架构师”,今天的博客将谈谈这方面的内容。 理解信息架构 为了理解什么是信息架构,我们可以从更为常见的概念入手——软件架构。软件架构师是从事最高级别开发工作的人。高级别开发工作的主要部分是由软件架构师构建的,比如标准、工具、主要目标和方向。虽然你可以很快改正低级别的错误,但是项目更高级别上的严重错误可能是致命的。这就是软件架构师备受赞誉的原因。他们的责任十分重大。 信息架构师在技术写作项目中也扮演同样的角色。技术写作应该专门为目标受众量身定制,并提供流畅的用户体验,这是我们经常提到的一个简单事实。当然,每个技术作者在这方面的投入都已经十分巨大,不过仍然有限。有些事情只能站在更高的角度去看,去调整。信息架构师负责构建策略,所有的辅助性创作都要与之保持一致。 成为一名优秀的信息架构师所需的技能 任何技术作家都能成为信息架构师吗?大多数技术作家显然都具备成为信息架构师的完美条件,这是我的回答。以下是信息架构师需要具备的技能: 能够编写内容全面的策略 清楚地了解文档如何描述产品以及用户如何使用产品 了解需要创建的技术文档的数量或版本,以及它们之间存在的潜在差异 了解公司内部的辅助性创作过程 拥有与技术作家和跨团队合作所需的良好的沟通技巧 实际上,信息架构师这个角色并不是最近诞生的,每一个成功的文档团队中都有他们的身影。很多时候,信息架构师的职责并不固定,有时会有不同的团队成员担任这一角色,对于更有经验的科技作家来说更是如此。不过,指定一个人来履行这个角色有很多好处: 一个特定的流程将被建立,以控制技术文档与受众以及公司总体目标之间的一致性 在这些责任没有明确分配给某个人的情况下,流程中的任何部分都不会被遗漏 技术文档将更加全面连贯 结论 信息架构是所有技术写作团队都应该考虑的事情。现代的用户手册不可能是独立存在的,公司正在努力为用户提供无缝式全面体验。信息架构师在这方面可以提供很大的帮助。 祝你的技术写作顺利! 单击帮助小组 跨平台和设备编写、主持以及提交文档

