Tricky Grammar in User Guides


2020-07-01 13:30 clickhelp


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All technical writers are famous for being meticulous about grammar, style, and punctuation. Reviewers and editors are even more scrupulous. If we count the time wasted on checking grammar in user guides, it will probably drive us to the conclusion that this is one of the most important parts of the process. Wait, what?... Did I just say ‘time wasted on checking grammar’? I did, yes. Well, you see, technically, the main aim of technical writing is to deliver a clear message to their audience, not just produce grammatically correct technical texts. Let me explain further how proofreading can become a time-devouring monster that will interfere with your best-laid help authoring plans. And, hopefully, at the end of this blog, you will learn how to fight it. They say we live in a focus-based universe. I find it hard to argue with that. Creating a tech writing project can be a great example here - while you are focusing on how grammatically correct things are, you are forgetting about other crucial things, letting them slip away. You are too focused on smaller stuff to see the bigger picture. This is why grammar should not be placed on a pedestal of technical writing. I bet you know a lot of grammar and punctuation rules and this is awesome. And, I am sure that you are still learning or revising things. Especially when you are creating technical texts not in your mother tongue. But try thinking about all the times when you put the writing process on hold to get a very specific grammar rule from Google and that took you more time than you are ready to admit. Sometimes, procrastination is to blame - who doesn’t like googling ‘important things’ when they actually have a help topic to write. But, there’s one more possible reason for this behavior - inability to evaluate how important a grammar rule is. This might sound blasphemous, but hear me out. Putting Grammar and Punctuation Rules to the Test All grammar and punctuation rules can be broken down into two categories: essential and non-essential. If you accept this concept, you will see that some rules are not worth worrying about. How do you differentiate? We can’t take every single grammar rule and just put it into two columns for reference. So, we’ll need to get creative. Here are some things that point to the fact that a rule is essential: Information in a sentence gets ambiguous. Technical texts should be able to convey a straightforward message, any ambiguity, any chance that a sentence can have more than one meaning to it, is a clear indication that a serious mistake took place. Information in a sentence is vague and unclear. If the first point can mislead a reader, this one will leave them confused. And, instead of case deflection through technical documentation, you will have frustrated users calling support. Your gut is telling you something is off. When you work a lot with texts and you’ve studied grammar thoroughly, you just develop a hunch when it comes to mistakes. Trust this feeling. Non-essential rules are the opposite of everything mentioned earlier - they do not distort the message and are often just acceptable variations of one thing. A couple of examples to explain what I mean: Articles. Articles can be safely omitted in titles, everyone knows that. But if you take a look at technical documentation, you will often see articles omitted in other places too, like brief 'what's new' descriptions in software manuals. Is this a mistake? Not really. These are like mini-titles. Fewer words in this example means faster getting the info across. Prepositions. In many cases, several prepositions can be used with the same word, and the difference there will be that one is used less often, or refers to a certain type of English, like U.S. English. Or, a shift in meaning is barely noticeable like: There’s some truth in it. There’s some truth to it. Both mean that something is partially true. If you dig deeper, you might find out that there’s a slight difference which wouldn’t really matter if you decided to use either of the prepositions in your text. This can apply to using tenses, too. Present Simple instead and Present Perfect, for example, can be interchangeable. If no confusion is caused by using one tense form and not the other, it is OK. Conclusion Now that we got rid of this grammar craze and freed up some precious time, it should be put to good use. We’ve focused enough on details - it is the right moment to take a step back and see the whole picture. Use this opportunity to make sure you are on track with the bigger goals! Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
所有的技术文档工程师都是出了名的对语法,风格和标点符号的使用一丝不苟。 审稿人和编辑更是细致入微。 如果我们估算一下检查语法在整个用户指南撰写过程中浪费的时间,我们可能会得出这样一个结论:检查语法是用户指南撰写的一个重要过程。 等等……我刚才是不是说“时间浪费在检查语法上了”?没错,是的。 你看,从技术层面上讲,技术写作的主要目的是向读者清晰地传递信息,而不仅仅是生成一份语法正确的技术文档。 我将进一步解释语法检查如何会成为“时间杀手”,成为你完美创作计划的阻碍。 希望在这篇博客的最后,你能学会如何对抗它。 有人说我们生活在一个基于焦点的宇宙中。这一点很难辩驳。 就拿创建一个技术写作项目来说——如果你只把注意力集中在语法的正确程度上,你会忘记一些其他重要的事情。 你太专注于小的事情而看不到大的全貌。 这就是为什么语法正确不应该是技术写作的重点。 你肯定知道很多语法和标点符号的使用规则,这很棒。 而且,我确信你还在学习或修改东西。 尤其是当您正在创建非母语的技术文本时。 但是试着想一想,当你为了从谷歌获取一个非常具体的语法规则而把写作过程搁置起来的时候,你花了比你预计的更多的时间。 有时候,拖延症是罪魁祸首——当人们需要就某个说明主题进行写作任务的时候,谁不希望能在谷歌上检索到“重要的东西”。 但是,这种行为还有一种可能的原因——人们无法评估语法规则有多重要。 这可能不太中听,但请听我说完。 语法和标点符号规则测试 所有的语法和标点符号规则都可以分为两大类:本质和非本质。 如果你接受这个观念,你就会明白有些规则其实不值一提。 如何区分呢? 我们不能把所有语法规则都划分清楚。 所以,我们需要变通。 以下是一些事实,表明规则是必不可少的: 句子中的信息模棱两可。 技术文本应该能够传达一个直截了当的信息,句子中出现任何意思模棱两可的地方都清楚表明该句发生了严重错误。 句子中的信息含糊不清。 如果说第一点可以误导读者,那么这一点就会让他们感到困惑。 而且,技术文档无法直接处理,您将会收到用户失望地寻求技术支持的电话。 你的直觉告诉你有些不对劲。 当你学习大量的课文,并且你已经把语法学得很透彻的时候,你就会在出错的时候产生一种预感。 相信这种感觉。 非本质规则是前面提到的一切事物的反面——它们不会扭曲信息,往往只是一件事物的可接受变体。 下面举几个例子来进一步解释: 冠词。 冠词可以在标题中省略,这一点大家都知道。 但是如果你看一看技术文档,你会经常看到一些冠词在其他地方也被省略了,比如软件手册简介中的 “what's new"。 这是个语法错误吗? 不是。 这些就像小标题。 在这个例子中,更少的单词意味着更快地传递信息。 介词。 在多数情况下,几个介词可以与同一个词一起使用,区别是其中一个介词使用频率较低,或用于某种类型的英语,如美国英语。 还有一种情况,介词不同,但是句子意思几乎相近,比如: There’s some truth in it. There’s some truth to it. 两句话都表明某事有点道理。 如果你更深入地挖掘,你可能会发现它们之间有一个细微的差别,而这一点对于你在写作时决定使用哪一个介词并不重要。 这也同样适用于时态的使用。 例如,一般现在时和现在完成时可以互换。 如果没有因为使用一种时态形式而不使用另一种时态形式而造成意思混淆,那就没问题。 结论 既然我们摆脱了这种语法狂热,腾出了一些宝贵的时间,就应该好好利用这些时间。 我们已经把足够的注意力集中在细节上了——现在该是是退一步看文档全局的时候了。 好好利用这个机会,确保你在更大的目标上走上正轨! 祝您顺利完成技术写作! 单击帮助小组 跨平台和设备撰写、存放和交付文档

