Looking Towards the Future of Localization: A Recap


2020-06-25 02:00 Lilt


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The translation and localization industries have changed quite a bit over the last few decades. Over the course of that time, we’ve seen the power and might of machine translation as it’s started to revolutionize the way translation is done.  Lilt’s sales strategy leader Paula Shannon knows a thing or two about where the industry has been and where it’s headed. In our recent Q&A webinar, Paula focused on adaptive neural machine translation and how it, combined with the human-in-the-loop translation approach, is changing the way linguists and localization leaders think about the translation process. With the human-in-the-loop workflow, Paula says that the entire machine translation process becomes more efficient and more humanlike than ever before. Traditionally, raw machine translation output is reviewed and edited by a linguist, otherwise known as MT post-editing. What that leads to, however, is a decrease on both the quality and efficiency sides of the equation. As shown in the MT post-editing portion of the graphic above, the MT system only gets better once retrained, so the same translation errors are repeated until the whole system is updated. That leads to a less efficient workflow for the linguist, as they’re constantly having to correct the same mistakes. The quality also suffers - the output is still translated solely by a machine, so linguists have to not only edit for errors but also edit for human-like prose and consistency. What that leads to is dissatisfaction, Paula says. “Linguists don’t love post-editing, and I don’t think they’re at their best when they do it,” she says. A 2020 CSA Research study shows that 71% of linguists prefer the adaptive, human-in-the-loop translation workflow over working with raw MT output. And according to Paula, the human translator is crucial to the entire workflow. “When we think about MT post-editing as an industry, let’s be honest: embedded in that notion is the idea that we’ll improve over time because we’re removing the human from that equation,” she says. “We should look towards the process that harnesses the most efficient, intelligent automation that’s open to human feedback. We’ll get higher value, better content out of that system.” One of the biggest benefits of a human involved translation system is that it unlocks the real potential of machine translation to tackle marketing and consumer content, something that has been a challenge in the industry for a long time. With MTPE, localization teams are doing everything they can to produce high-value content. Most notably, they’re using rich corpora and maintaining in-depth glossaries and termbases to help translators output the best content possible.  But ultimately, those translators are still editing machine-translated content. With a human-in-the-loop workflow, however, the translators are making decisions in the moment leading to more humanlike content. The system then learns from those decisions to make more informed, more human-like translations in the future. The result? A system that can translate marketing and consumer-facing content more effectively and efficiently. That’s something that companies, no matter their size or localization maturity, can look towards.  To hear more from Paula about the current state of localization and what the future holds, watch the Looking Towards the Future of Localization webinar on-demand by clicking this link. Interested in learning more about Lilt’s human-in-the-loop machine translation? hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(4453601, '09092ab8-f30e-47c4-b2fb-99a92ea02c32', {});
过去的几十年,翻译和本地化行业发生了巨大变化。 在这段时间里,随着机器翻译开始彻底改变翻译方式,我们已经看到了机器翻译的力量和潜力。 Lilt的销售策略负责人Paula Shannon对于该行业的发展状况和发展方向了如指掌。 在最近的问答网络研讨会中,Paula专注于自适应神经机器翻译,并将其与“人机回圈翻译”相结合,正在改变语言学家和本地化领导者对翻译过程的思考方式。 Paula说,借助“人机回圈”工作流程,整个机器翻译过程变得比以往更高效,更人性化。 一直以来,原始机器翻译输出由语言学家审核和编辑,也称为机器翻译的译后编辑。 但是,这影响了质量和效率的提高。 如上图的机器翻译的译后编辑所示,机翻系统仅在重新优化后才会升级,因此机翻错误会重复出现,直到升级整个系统。 这样,语言学家的工作效率降低,因为他们必须不断纠正相同的错误。 质量也会受到影响——输出仍然只能由机器翻译完成,因此语言学家不仅要编辑错误,而且还要编辑类似于人类的表达和一致性内容。 Paula说,这导致了不满。 她说:“语言学家不喜欢译后编辑,而且我认为他们译后编辑时并没有竭尽全力。” 2020年CSA研究表明,有71%的语言学家更喜欢自适应的“人机回圈翻译”工作流程,而不是原始的机翻输出。 根据Paula的说法,人工翻译对于整个工作流程至关重要。 她说:“坦率地讲,当我们将机器翻译译后编辑视为一个行业时,这个概念的内涵是,随着时间的推移,我们会不断改进,因为我们未把人这一因素考虑在内。”“我们应该关注利用最有效、最智能的自动化过程,并接受人类的反馈。我们将从这个系统中获得更高的价值和更好的内容。” 人工参与翻译系统的最大好处之一是,释放了机器翻译解决营销和消费者内容的真正潜力,而这正是长期以来该行业面临的挑战。 借助机器翻译译后编辑,本地化团队将竭尽所能来制作高价值的内容。 最值得一提的是,他们使用丰富的语料库并维护深入的词汇表和术语库,以帮助译员输出尽可能最佳的内容。 但归根结底,那些译员仍然在编辑机器翻译的内容。 然而,有了“人机回圈”工作流程,翻译人员正在做出决策,从而产生更人性化的内容。 然后,系统从这些决策中学习,以便在将来做出更明智,更像人工翻译的译文。 结果呢? 一种可以更有效地转换营销和面向消费内容的系统。 无论规模大小或本地化成熟度如何,这都是公司可以期待的。 要了解来自Paula的更多信息,了解本地化的现状以及未来发展,请点击此链接观看点播《面向本地化的未来》网络研讨会。 有兴趣了解更多关于Lilt的人机回圈机器翻译吗? hbspt.cta._relativeURLS=true;hbspt.cta.load(4453601,'09092AB8-F30E-47C4-B2FB-99A92EA02C32',{});

