Copywriting 101: The Beginner’s Guide to Copy


2020-06-20 03:50 Lingua Greca


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Copywriting has become one of the most in-demand skills of 2020. In fact, copywriting jobs can pay upwards of $100k per year. Why? Every business can benefit from someone who writes great copy. From startups to Fortune 500s and everything in between, copywriting can make or break the success of an organization.  The truth of the matter is this; anyone can become a copywriter. You don’t need a degree or specialized training to master this skill.  So whether you’re looking to start a career as a freelance copywriter or just want to improve the copy for your own business, this guide will give you the blueprint for getting your feet wet with copywriting.  What is Copywriting? Copywriting is the art of writing text for marketing purposes. It’s designed to sell your products or services while establishing a voice for your brand. The main intention of copywriting is to persuade people to take a particular action, whether it’s purchasing, signing up for something, or any other type of conversion. Copywriting comes in many different forms—advertisements, web pages, brochures, white papers, social media content, and company taglines would all fall into the copywriting category, and that’s just barely scratching the surface.  But copywriting is much more than just words. Great copy tells a compelling story and represents your brand image. It pulls on the strings that trigger the decision-making process for whoever reads what you’re writing.  Copywriting doesn’t sell products or services; it sells emotion and lifestyle.  According to Google Trends, the global interest in copywriting is currently at an all-time high, based on search data over the last ten years. That’s why it’s so important today, more than ever before, to master your copywriting skills.  10 Elements of Great Copywriting So what makes great copy? As someone with years of experience writing copy and managing different copywriters, I know what it takes to have success in this space. There are certain elements that can take average copy and bring it to that next level. These are the top ten that you should be focusing on as a beginner: 1. Grammatically Sound This should go without saying, but you’d be surprised how often I find errors in copy. If your text has spelling or grammar errors, it can have an adverse effect on your ultimate goal. When people discover an error in copy, especially short-form copy, it gives them a negative perception of the brand, product, or service.  Don’t get me wrong; nobody is perfect. As someone who writes 25,000+ words per week, I make my fair share of mistakes. But one or two grammar issues buried in a 3,000-word blog post can be forgiven. A spelling error on a homepage or sales email that’s just a few lines long is much more significant.  So ignore the urge to rush through this process. Run your text through editing software. Read it out loud. Double and triple-check it before you go live. Have someone else proof your work if necessary.  2. Persuasion  Great copy is persuasive. You must write in a way that convinces someone to complete the desired action.  Why should someone buy your product? Why should they sign up for your email newsletter? You’re not selling watches; you’re selling luxury. You’re not selling insurance; you’re selling protection. Identify the emotions that you’re trying to trigger from the reader, and find the right word combination to reach those feelings.  3. Jargon-Free Leave industry-specific terms out of your copy.  If you’re a lawyer, someone without legal training should be able to understand what you’re saying. If you’re a doctor, make sure anyone outside of the medical field can comprehend your copy.  Avoid slang and acronyms at all costs. Slang is usually perceived as unprofessional (unless that’s part of your brand image), and you can’t assume that everyone is familiar with the acronyms that you’re using. Great copywriters know how to take a complex subject and explain it in terms that a fifth-grader can understand.  4. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA) Explaining your brand, products, services, or company mission is just half of the battle. You also need to leave your audience with a clear direction of action. What’s the ultimate goal of your copy? It should be clear to whoever is reading it. If you want people to buy something, make sure that message has been conveyed. People shouldn’t be left wondering what to do. Write CTAs that drive conversions. 5. SEO Friendly This element is exclusive to website copy.  It’s always in your best interest to write text that makes your content search-friendly. Use keywords that will help your pages rank high in SERPs (search engine page results). There are lots of factors that go into high-ranking content; keywords are just one of them. While SEO-friendly text is important, it won’t necessarily make or break you. So don’t force keywords if it hurts the quality of your copy.  6. Direct Great copy is straight to the point. You must be able to convey your message in as few words as possible. Use short sentences, short paragraphs, and avoid “fluff” or “filler” phrasing.  Learn how to write copy that’s punchy. If you use long sentences, it’s easy for the reader to get distracted or lost along the way.  Earlier I discussed the importance of writing grammar-free copy. There are certain exceptions to grammar rules if you’re being direct. For example, you could write three one-word sentences in a row to illustrate a point.  7. Captivating Lead The best copy begins with a stunning lead. Whether it’s a headline, subheader, subject line, or introductory phrases, you need to find a way to capture the attention of readers. Use action words as an attention grabber. You could start off by using a statistic, number, or enticing fact. There’s an age-old copywriting adage that says the purpose of a headline is to get someone to read your first line. The purpose of your first line is to get people to read your second line, and so on. So if your lead doesn’t captivate your audience, the rest of your copy won’t stand a chance. 8. Channel Specific Each piece of copy you write can’t necessarily be repurposed or re-used on every marketing channel. Landing pages should have different copy than a billboard. Emails should have different copy than a social media post.  Even if you’re promoting the same exact product or promotion, you need to write uniquely for every distribution method.  The tone, style, length, and delivery are just a handful of factors that you’ll want to switch up based on the channel. Generally speaking, copy gets longer the further down the sales funnel. While this isn’t necessary a tried and true rule, it applies in most scenarios. A billboard for brand awareness won’t be more than a few words. Your homepage copy will have less text than an interior landing page. Product pages will be a little more descriptive than a landing page.  The tone of email copy will vary from the delivery style of product pages and landing pages.  So don’t just blindly write copy without understanding how it will be consumed. Always know what distribution channel you’re writing for, and adjust accordingly.  9. Audience Awareness  In addition to the distribution method, you need to have a clear understanding of who will be reading your copy.  A person on your homepage might not be familiar with your brand, whereas an email subscriber already knows who you are. So you won’t necessarily have to introduce yourself and share your brand story in every email campaign. That’s a waste of valuable text, and the repetitive nature can quickly lose the attention of your audience.  Create copy that’s appealing to your specific niche. Don’t try to target everyone. A business that sells surfboards and skateboards doesn’t have the same audience as a B2B selling enterprise SaaS. Know the difference. 10. Clear Understanding of the Offering It’s a common mistake for beginner copywriters to dive directly into the writing process. But you shouldn’t start writing a single word until you have a firm grasp of the product, service, brand, or offer.  Let’s say you’re a freelancer that gets hired by a business to create landing page copy. Depending on the complexity of the offering, it could take you hours or days before you would even consider writing anything.  If you don’t have a clear understanding of the offer, it’s impossible for you to convey that message to another person.  Good vs. Bad Copy: Real Examples Now that you’ve had a chance to learn about what makes great copywriting, it’s time to look at some real-life examples.  I’ll show you some pieces of copy that I love, and explain what it makes it so great. We’ll also take a look at some not-so-great examples and discuss those as well. Good Example — Basecamp Have you heard of Basecamp? If not, let’s see if you can figure out what it is after reading some copy on the Basecamp homepage. This copy is excellent. For starters, the header tells you exactly what the platform is in less than ten words, while clearly identifying the target (remote workers). The rest of the text follows a simple format; problem (before Basecamp) and solution (after Basecamp). This copy is written in terms that anyone can understand while giving readers a clear sense of how the product will benefit them. Basecamp isn’t selling product management software—they’re selling a solution to working remotely. The copy ends with an obvious call-to-action; give Basecamp a try. Good Example — Cards Against Humanity When was the last time you learned how to play a new game? It can be a frustrating experience, especially with a group of people. Whether there’s one person explaining the rules or multiple people telling you different things at the same time, it takes a while before you can get the hang of it. This product copy from Cards Against Humanity does an excellent job of explaining how to play in just four sentences. The tone and style of this copy are obviously geared toward a specific audience. It calls the reader and their friends “despicable” and “awkward.” The opening sentence describes the game as “a party game for horrible people.” If you’re offended by this copy, then Cards Against Humanity is definitely not for you.  The second paragraph does an excellent job describing the simplicity of how the game is played. Readers are left with clear CTAs—buy now or download for free.  Bad Example — Cultivated Wit Cultivated Wit is a comedy company. They do lots of things right, and they actually have one of my favorite “About Us” pages on the Internet.  With that said, this email opt-in copy on the homepage is just something I can’t get behind.  I completely understand what these guys were going for with this copy. It’s made to be ironic, since it’s extremely vague, and the words point that out.  But that’s also the biggest problem with this text—it doesn’t actually say anything.  Even though it’s funny, nothing about this gives me a reason to subscribe to their email club, which is what this copy was written to accomplish.  Bad Example — Discovery Channel I love the Discovery Channel. I could spend all day watching shows about nature, science, and technology; I find it fascinating.  However, the copy from this Discovery Channel advertisement a few years ago could definitely use some improvement. It’s tough to say what’s going on here. What exactly is being advertised? The bottom right of the advertisement has a CTA to buy tickets, but it’s unclear what the tickets are for. Doing some reformatting and adding a verb to this lead could make the copy easier to understand.  Something along the lines of “Take a Sneak Peek Inside the Dead Sea Scrolls” would add some clarity. But as it stands in the ad, it’s just a bunch words out of context.  10 Copywriting Formulas If you’re new to copywriting, you can follow different formulas to guide you through the process. There are dozens of different copywriting formulas out there, but I’ve narrowed down my top ten for beginners. Think of these copywriting formulas as a quick template or cheat sheet.  1. FAB Formula This is one of the most basic copywriting strategies that you can follow. Instead of just listing the features of a product or service, you need to find ways to highlight the end results and take away the user will get. Features — What are you offering? Advantages — How does it help solve a problem or make things better? Benefits — What does the reader get out of this? The FAB formula is perfect for copy related to products or services.  2. BAB Formula The BAB formula is ideal for storytelling. It’s designed to identify pain points being felt by the reader. Before — This is what your life is like now. After — This is how you’ll feel once the problem has been solved. Bridge — This is how you get there. We saw some copy earlier in this guide from Basecamp as a “good example” that follows the BAB formula.  3. The 4 P’s Formula Picture — Grab the reader’s attention by painting a picture that creates desire.  Promise — Explain how the offering delivers that desire. Prove — Use evidence to support that promise.  Push — Convince the reader to commit. The 4 P’s formula takes a unique approach to conversions. This type of copy gets the reader to commit by proving that you can deliver a promise.  4. The 4 U’s Formula Useful — How can you help the reader? Urgent — Create a sense of urgency. Unique — Explain how the benefits can’t be found elsewhere. Ultra-specific — Don’t be vague.  The 4 U’s formula works well for advertisements or social media copy. Find ways to create a sense of urgency, like FOMO, as an emotional trigger that gets the reader to act quickly.  5. The 4 C’s Formula Clear — Make sure your copy is as clear as possible. Concise — Keep it short and to the point.  Compelling — Spark some interest and grab the attention in an irresistible way. Credible — Explain why the reader should trust your product, service, or brand. These are just general best practices that should be followed with all of your copy. Regardless of the length, goal, or distribution channel, the 4 C’s are ideal for beginner to prioritize.  6. ACCA Formula Awareness — Identify the problem or situation at hand. Comprehension — Explain how the problem affects the reader. Conviction — Persuade the reader to follow your solution.  Action — End with a strong call-to-action. Compared to the other formulas on our list, the ACCA formula is different because of the “comprehension” phase. It’s your job to give the reader a deeper understanding of the problem and solution. Tell people what’s happening and how it affects them before diving into the CTA. 7. “So What?” Formula The idea behind this formula is simple. Every time you make a statement, ask yourself, “so what?” This forces you to explain the benefits in greater detail.  Our agency creates the best website content! So what? So we can help you generate more traffic, drive conversions, and rank higher in SERPs. The first part of that copy isn’t useful without the “so what” aspect. 8. OATH Formula The OATH formula forces you to write copy that’s audience-specific. It can help you write unique copy based on the reader’s market awareness of your brand, product, or service. Oblivious — Reader has no clue about your brand or offer. Apathetic — They are aware of you but uninterested or indifferent. Thinking — The reader has identified a potential need. Hurting — They have a problem that desperately needs to be solved. As you can see, the copy should be written differently depending on which stage of OATH you’re trying to target.  9. PAS Formula Problem — Identify the problem at hand. Agitate — Explain the negative impact of having this problem. Solve — Offer a solution. The PAS formula goes beyond just identifying a problem. It invokes fear in the reader by explaining what could happen to them if the problem isn’t solved.  10. The “Objections” Formula Write copy that addresses common objections a reader could have with your offering. Don’t have time? It takes just 15 minutes. Don’t have money? We offer financing. It won’t work for you? Here’s our money-back guarantee. Don’t believe me? Here are statistics to back up our claims. Tips For Improving Your Copy Right Now Like anything else, the best way to improve your copy right now is with practice. Every piece of copy you write won’t be the best of all time. But with practice, you’ll get much better.  As a beginner, you should master shorter copy before you tackle larger projects. Start with headlines and value propositions before you move to landing pages or white papers. Be conversational. Write the way that you talk. Spend more time researching and planning than you do actually writing.  Take note of the great elements of copywriting that I explained earlier in this guide. Follow the lead of the good examples that I showed you, and avoid the mistakes of the bad ones. If you’re struggling, you can always use a copywriting formula to guide you through the process. Author Recent Posts Best VPN Services - June 17, 2020 Best Time Tracking Software - June 15, 2020 Best Helpdesk Software - June 11, 2020
文案已经成为2020年最抢手的技能之一。 事实上,文案工作的年薪高达10万美元。 为什么?任何企业都可以从写出好文章的人那里获益。从创业公司到财富500强,以及介于两者之间的所有公司,文案可以决定一个组织的成败。 事情的真相是这样的; 任何人都可以成为一名文案工作者。 你不需要学位或专门的训练就能掌握这一技能。 所以,无论你是想以自由撰稿人的身份开始你的职业生涯,还是只是想为你自己的事业改进文案,这篇指南将为你描绘一幅蓝图,让你的脚踏实地地写作。 什么是文案? 文案写作是为营销目的而撰写文本的艺术。 它的目的是销售您的产品或服务,同时为您的品牌建立一个声音。 文案的主要目的是说服人们采取特定的行动,无论是购买、注册某种东西,还是任何其他类型的转换。 文案有很多不同的形式——广告,网页,小册子,白皮书,社交媒体内容和公司标语——都属于文案范畴,而这仅仅是一部分而已。 但文案不仅仅是文字。 伟大的文案讲述了一个引人入胜的故事,代表了你的品牌形象。 它牵动着那些阅读你所写内容的人的决策过程。 文案不销售产品或服务; 它卖的是情感和生活方式。 根据谷歌趋势,基于过去十年的搜索数据,目前全球对文案的兴趣空前高涨。 这就是为什么如今掌握文案写作技巧比以往任何时候都更重要。 优秀文案的10个要素 那么,什么才是好的文案呢? 作为一个有多年写作文案和管理不同文案经验的人,我知道在这个领域取得成功需要什么。 如何使普通文案进阶到优秀文案?以下是你作为初学者应该关注的十大问题: 1.语法正确 这是不言而喻的,但你会惊讶于我经常在文本中发现错误。 如果你的文本有拼写或语法错误,它会对你的最终目标的实现产生不利影响。 当人们发现文案中的错误时,尤其是短格式文案,它会给他们一个品牌,产品或服务留下负面的印象。 我不是说不能犯错; 人无完人。 作为一个每周写25,000多字的人,我也犯了很多错误。 一篇3000字博文中出现一两个语法问题是可以原谅的。 可是在主页或销售邮件此类只有几行字的文本中,出现拼写错误,后果则非常严重。 所以忽略匆忙完成这个过程的冲动。 通过运行编辑软件检查您的文本。 大声念出来。 在你上线之前再检查两遍三遍。 如果有必要,请其他人来帮助你检查。 2.具备说服力 伟大的文案是有说服力的。 你必须用一种能说服别人的方式来写作。 为什么有人要买你的产品? 为什么他们要注册你的电子邮件账户? 你不是在卖手表; 你在卖奢侈品。 你不是在卖保险; 你在兜售保护措施。 找出你试图从读者那里引发的情绪,并且用合适的词组来表达这些情绪。 3.不适用行话 请将特定行业的术语从文本中删除。 如果你是个律师,没有受过法律训练的人要能理解你想说什么。 如果你是一名医生,确保任何医学领域以外的人都能理解你的文本。 不惜一切代价避免使用俚语和首字母缩略语。 俚语通常被认为是不专业的(除非这是你品牌形象的一部分),因为不是每个人都熟悉你使用的首字母缩略语。 优秀的文案作家知道如何处理一个复杂的主题,并用五年级学生都能理解的语言来解释它。 4.强烈的行动号召力(CTA) 解释你的品牌,产品,服务或公司使命只是成功的一半。 你还需要给你的听众留下一个明确的行动方向。 你文案的最终目标是什么? 不管是谁在读,都应该很清楚这一点。 如果你想让人们买东西,要确保这个信息已经被传达了。 不应该让人们不知道该做什么。你要写的是具有强烈行动号召力的文案。 5.具有易于搜索的关键词 此要素只针对网站上的文案。 写一篇让你的内容搜索友好的文章总是最符合你的利益的。使用有助于你的网页在SERP(搜索引擎页面结果)中排名靠前的关键词。 高排名内容设计许多因素; 关键字只是其中之一。 尽管搜索友好的关键词很重要,但这不一定决定您的成败。 因此,如果关键字会影响您的文案质量,请不要强行使用。 6.开门见山 伟大的文案开门见山。 你必须能用尽可能少的词传达你的信息。 使用短句,短段落,避免“模糊”或“赘述”的措辞。 学习如何写出有力的文案。 如果你使用长句,读者很容易在阅读过程中分心或迷失方向。 前面我讨论了无语法错误的重要性。 如果你是直截了当的,语法规则也有某些例外。 例如,你可以连续写三个单字句子来说明一个观点。 7.引人入胜的开头 好的文案总是有引人入胜的开头。 无论是标题,小标题,主题行,还是介绍性短语,你都需要找到一种方法来抓住读者的注意力。 用行为词来吸引注意力。 你可以从一个统计数据,数字或诱人的事实引入。 有一句古老的文案格言这样说道:“标题的目的是让别人有兴趣去读你的第一行。” 你的第一行的目的是让人们去读你的第二行,以此类推。 所以,如果你的导语不能吸引你的听众,你的其他部分就没有机会了。 8.为不同的分销渠道编写不同的文案 你写的每一篇文案都不一定能在每个营销渠道中被重复使用。登陆页应该有不同于广告牌的文案。电子邮件应该有不同于社交媒体帖子的文案。 即使你正在推广同样的产品或促销活动,你也需要为不同的分销方式编写出不同的文案。 口吻,风格,长度和传播只是少数几个因素,你需要根据不同的分销渠道编写不同的文案。 一般来说,越往下走,文案越长。 虽然这并不是一条必要的,行之有效的规则,但它适用于大多数情况。 一个品牌意识的广告牌不会超过几个字。 您的主页将比内部登陆页有更简短的文案。 产品页面会比登陆页面更有描述性。 邮件文案的语气会根据产品页面和登陆页面的交付风格而不同。 所以不要只是盲目地写文案而不了解它将如何被使用。 永远要知道你写的是什么分销渠道,并做出相应的调整。 9.具有观众意识 除了了解分销渠道之外,你还需要对谁将阅读你的文案有一个清楚的了解。 你主页上的人可能不熟悉你的品牌,而电子邮件订阅者已经知道你是谁。 所以你不必在每次电子邮件活动中都介绍自己和分享你的品牌故事。 这是对有价值的文本的浪费,而且重复的性质会让你的听众的很快失去注意力。 创建一个对特定领域有吸引力的文案。 不要试图针对每个人。 一个销售冲浪板和滑板的企业和一个销售企业SaaS的B2B企业没有相同的受众。你要知道其中的区别。 10.清楚了解品牌 对于初学者来说,直接投入到写作过程是一个常见的错误。但是,在你对产品、服务、品牌或提供有了一个确切的了解之前,你不应该开始写一个字。 假设你是一个自由职业者,被一家公司雇佣来编辑登陆页面的文案。 根据产品的复杂程度,你可能要花上几个小时或几天的时间才会考虑写任何东西。 如果你没有一个清晰的理解,你就不可能把这个信息传达给另一个人。 好的文案和坏的文案都像什么样子? 既然你已经有机会了解了什么是优秀的文案,现在是时候来看看一些现实生活中的例子了。 我会给你看一些我喜欢的文案,并解释为什么它们是优秀的文案。 我们还会看一些不太好的文案,并做出讨论。 好的文案-Basecamp 你听说过Basecamp吗? 如果不是,看看你看了Basecamp主页上的一些文案后,能不能搞清楚它是什么。 这个文案很棒。 对于初学者来说,头用不到十个字就告诉您它的平台到底是什么,同时清楚地识别目标读者(远程工作者)。 其余的文案都采用简单的格式; 问题(Basecamp前)和解决方案(Basecamp后)。 这份文案是用任何人都能理解的话语编写而成的,同时读者能清楚知道产品将如何使他们受益。 Basecamp并不是在销售产品管理软件,而是在销售远程工作的解决方案。 文案以一个明显的行动号召结束; 试试看Basecamp。 好的文案-反人类卡片 你上次学会玩新游戏是什么时候? 这可能是一次令人沮丧的经历,尤其是和一群人在一起。 不管是一个人解释规则,还是多个人同时告诉你不同的事情,你都需要一段时间才能掌握其中的诀窍。 这个产品文案用四句话清楚解释了反人类卡的出色表现。 这份文案的基调和风格显然是面向特定受众的。 它称读者和他们的朋友是“卑鄙的”和“笨拙的”,开篇的句子将游戏描述为“恐怖的人的派对游戏”。 如果你觉得这个文案冒犯了你,那么反人类牌绝对不适合你。 第二段很好地描述了游戏的简单性。 读者将能清晰地感受到行动号召力-立即购买或免费下载。 不好的文案- Cultivated Wit Cultivated Wit是一个喜剧公司。 他们做了很多正确的事情,而且他们在互联网上有一个我最喜欢的“关于我们”页面。 话虽如此,这个电子邮件选择在主页上的文案却是我无法苟同的。 我完全理解这些家伙使用这份文案的目的。 这是为了讽刺,因为它是极其模糊的,而文字指出了这一点。 但这也是这个文本最大的问题--它实际上什么都没说。 尽管这很有趣,但这并没有让我有理由订阅他们的电子邮件订阅号,而这正是写这份文案的目的。 不好的文案-探索频道 我喜欢探索频道。 我可以整天看有关自然,科学和技术的节目; 我觉得内容很吸引人。 但是,几年前探索频道的广告文案有些地方绝对可以进一步改进。 很难说这是怎么回事。 到底在宣传什么? 广告右下角有一个买票的行动号召,但我根本不清楚这票是做什么用的。 进行一些格式化操作,并向此导语添加一个动词,可以使文案更容易让人理解。 一些类似于“偷看死海古卷”的东西会增加一些清晰度。 但在广告中,这只是一堆断章取义的词语。 十个文案写作的公式 如果你刚开始写作,你可以遵循不同的公式来指导你完成整个过程。市面上有很多不同的文案公式,但是我已经缩小了十个适合初学者的公式。 可以将这些文案公式看作是一个快速模板或小抄。 1.FAB公式 这是你可以遵循的最基本的文案策略之一。与其仅仅列出产品或服务的特性,你需要找到突出显示最终结果的方法,并且把用户将得到的带走。 特色-你提供什么? 优点--它如何帮助解决一个问题或使事情变得更好? 好处-读者从中得到了什么? FAB公式是有关的产品或服务完美文案的绝佳助手。 2.BAB公式 BAB公式非常适合讲故事。 它的目的是找出读者所感受到的痛点。 以前-这就是你现在的生活。 这是问题解决后你的感受。 联系-这就是你去那里的方法。 我们在本指南前面看到了一些来自Basecamp的副本,作为遵循BAB公式的“好例子”。 3.4P公式 图片--通过画一幅创造欲望的图片来抓住读者的注意力。 承诺----解释产品是如何实现这种愿望的。 证明--用证据来支持这个承诺。 推动-说服读者承诺。 4p公式采用了一种独特的转换方法。 这种类型的文案通过证明你能兑现承诺来让读者做出承诺。 4.4 U公式 有用--你如何帮助读者? 紧急--创造一种紧迫感。 独特--解释这些好处在别处是找不到的。 尽可能具体--不要含糊。 4 U公式适用于广告或社交媒体复制。 想办法创造一种紧迫感,就像FOMO一样,作为一种情绪触发,让读者迅速行动起来。 5.4C公式 清晰-确保你的副本尽可能清晰。 简明扼要--保持简短,切中要害。 引人入胜--激发一些兴趣,以一种不可抗拒的方式抓住注意力。 可信--解释为什么读者应该信任你的产品,服务或品牌。 这些只是一般的最佳实践,您的所有副本都应该遵循这些实践。 无论长度,目标或分发渠道如何,4个C都是初学者确定优先级的理想选择。 6.ACCA公式 意识--识别手头的问题或情况。 理解--解释问题如何影响读者。 信念-说服读者遵循你的解决方案。 行动--以强烈的行动号召结束。 与我们列表中的其他公式相比,ACCA公式是不同的,因为“理解”阶段。 你的工作是让读者对问题和解决方案有更深入的理解。 在进入CTA之前,告诉人们正在发生什么以及它对他们的影响。 7.“那又怎样?”公式 这个公式背后的想法很简单。 每次你发表声明时,问自己:“那又怎样?”这迫使你更详细地解释好处。 我们的文案创造最好的网站! 那又怎样? 因此,我们可以帮助您产生更多流量,推动转换,并在SERP中排名更高。 该文案的第一部分没有“那又怎样”方面是没有用处的。 8.OATH公式 OATH公式迫使你写的副本是特定的受众。 它可以帮助你根据读者对你的品牌,产品或服务的市场认知来编写独特的文案。 一无所知-读者对你的品牌或报价一无所知。 冷漠--他们看到你的文案,但不感兴趣或无动于衷。 思考--读者已经确定了一个潜在的需求。 伤害--他们有一个迫切需要解决的问题。 正如你所看到的,文案应该写得不同,这取决于你试图针对哪个阶段的OATH。 9.PAS公式 问题-确定手头的问题。 鼓动-解释有这个问题的负面影响。 solve--提供解决方案。 考绩制度的公式不仅仅是确定一个问题。 它通过解释如果问题得不到解决可能会发生什么来唤起读者的恐惧。 10.“反对”方式 写一份副本,说明读者对你的文章可能有的共同反对意见。 没时间? 只需15分钟。 没钱? 我们提供融资。 对你不起作用? 这是我们的退款保证。 不相信我? 以下是支持我们说法的统计数字。 着手改进文案的窍门 就像其他任何事情一样,现在最好的方法就是练习。 你写的每一篇文章都不会是最好的。 但是通过练习,你会变得更好的。 作为一个初学者,你应该先掌握较短的文案,然后再着手处理较大的项目。 在你转到登陆页或白皮书之前,先从标题和价值主张开始。 要健谈。 用你说话的方式写。 花更多的时间研究和计划,而不是实际写作。 请注意我在本指南前面解释过的文案写作的重要元素。 以我给你看的好例子为榜样,避免犯坏例子的错误。 如果你正在挣扎,你可以随时使用文案公式来指导你完成这个过程。 作者 最近的帖子 最佳VPN服务-2020年6月17 最佳时间追踪软件-2020年6月15号 最佳帮助台软件-2020年6月11日

