Building a Global Brand Through Localization


2020-06-13 04:00 Lilt


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Developing a brand is a long process, one that often takes years to craft. Even then, it’s never perfected - it’s something that companies are constantly trying to improve as goals shift and business objectives change. In a world that’s becoming more globalized and more connected as each year passes, brand is extremely valuable. And with the increased connectivity, it’s more important than ever for companies to localize content so all prospective users and customers can understand the brand vision. Here are four key things to remember when building a global brand with localization in mind.   Establish a Process Processes and workflows are two things that can be difficult to change after years of implementation. One common issue that companies fall prey to early on is not setting up a proper foundation for localization. In our recent Q&A with our Head of Revenue (AMEA) Roberto Sastre, he noted that putting localization in the background is an issue. “Often, it’s because there’s a focus on the product, and they usually just need a quick translation that needs to be done,” he said. “When that’s the case, they don’t always think ahead to future expansion, so localization usually takes a back seat. Later on, though, the process isn’t in place so it becomes harder to follow the right steps consistently.” For larger companies with well-rooted processes, it’s common to see a workflow that isn’t as fast, cost-efficient, or high-quality enough. While it requires a new mindset to move to something new, Roberto says he sees a lot of companies with long histories of experience in localization making the change and rebuilding processes.   Local Voices in a Global Market While it’s easy to think that it’s possible to get your website up and running in another country, it’s not. There is a big difference between localizing content and simply translating it with Google Translate - the quality varies, the tone is lost, and the subtle nuances of intent and meaning can change dramatically. Depending on where you’re expanding or establishing your brand, your consumers will likely have different wants and needs, and the cultures are often drastically different. Marketing copy, for instance, has a range of use cases and often needs to be tweaked to connect with the right people.  Investing in localization is a good reminder that your brand should keep the local voices in mind when trying to connect globally. After all, two-thirds of buyers will choose to purchase a product with information in their preferred language, a number that increases to 85% when considering non-English speakers.   Maintain Consistency No matter where they’re based, customers all over the world should know what to expect when they come across your brand. And it’s not just what to expect - it’s about the experience as well. Users want to experience the same level of care and intent, no matter where they are, so it’s important to build and maintain consistency across a brand. When the team at Cricut was growing into European marketss, for example, they knew one of the big challenges was consistency. “To see success in [European stores], we have to localize packaging, and the product experience needs to be localized as well,” said JP Teerlink, a Product Manager at Cricut. “Ultimately, our goal is to provide the same level of experience internationally that we’re providing to our US-based customers. Localization is a huge part of that goal.” To help establish that consistent brand look and feel, glossaries and style guides are two helpful assets that can help keep internal teams, localization teams, and translators on the same page. Keeping that information up to date and organized can be a huge benefit in the long run.   Your Brand is Alive and Breathing Ultimately, a brand is constantly evolving and always changing, much like language and culture. The services and technology you use to localize and translate content should be evolving and learning with your brand. A big part of that is staying in tune with your customers and keeping content up to date to help the user experience stay consistent. For example, if you use a translation management system (TMS) that can connect with your internal content management system (CMS), you won’t have to worry about keeping content up to date and translated in all of your required languages - it’s automated.   Though it is a long and winding journey, your brand can be maintained with the right focus and the right translation services and technology behind it. Using a network of translators and a tool that can help to keep your voice consistent is powerful, and something that can change the way companies think about building their global brands.   Want to learn how Lilt can modernize your localization workflow? hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(4453601, '09092ab8-f30e-47c4-b2fb-99a92ea02c32', {});
品牌发展是一个漫长的过程,一个往往需要数年时间来打造的过程。 即便如此,该过程也从未做到过完美——随着目标的转变和业务目标的改变,公司一直在不断努力改进品牌发展过程。 在日益全球化和联系日益紧密的世界中,品牌是极其珍贵的。 随着世界联系日益紧密,公司对内容进行本地化至关重要,比以往任何时候都要重要,以此这样,所有潜在用户和客户都能了解品牌愿景。 通过本地化建立全球品牌,需要记住以下四点关键事项。 建立流程 此处的流程和工作流程是两码事,经过多年的贯彻落实后很难轻易改变。公司早期的一个常见问题是没有为本地化奠定合适的基础。最近,我们对营收主管罗伯托·萨斯特(Roberto Sastre)进行问答采访,他指出忽视本地化,把它放在后台是一大问题。 他说:“通常,这是因为企业仅关注产品本身,只需快速翻译内容即可。” “在这种情况下,企业往往没有提前规划未来的业务拓展,因此本地化通常退居次要地位。 但后来,流程尚未到位,所以很难始终如一地遵循正确的步骤。” 对于具有全面流程的大型公司来说,通常,工作流程不够快,成本高,质量低。 罗伯托说,虽然需要一种新的思维方式才能走向新的事物,但他看到许多在本地化方面有着丰富经验的公司正在进行变革和重建。 全球市场中的本地声音 人们通常认为在另一个国家建立和运行网站是件易事,但事实并非如此。 本地化内容和简单地用谷歌翻译内容有很大的区别——质量参差不齐,语气丢失,意图和意义的细微差别会发生巨大变化。 扩张或打造品牌的地点不同,消费者的需求可能不同,而且文化也往往大相径庭。 例如,营销文案用途广泛,为了与合适的消费者联系,也需要调整。 投资本地化提醒我们,品牌朝着全球化发展时,应该把当地的声音牢记在心。 毕竟,三分之二的买家会选择购买一款带有他们喜爱语言信息的产品,如果考虑到非英语使用者,这一数字增加到85%。 保持一致性 无论身在何处,世界各地的客户都应该知道,当遇到您的品牌时,他们会期望什么。 这不仅仅是期待,也是体验。 客户无论身在何处,都希望获得同等的关注和热情,因此建立和维护品牌的一致性至关重要。 例如,当Cricut的团队发展到欧洲市场时,他们知道最大的挑战之一就是一致性。 Cricut产品经理JP Teerlink表示:“要想在欧洲市场占有一席之地,我们必须对包装进行本地化,并且还必须对产品体验进行本地化。“ “最终,我们的目标是在国际上提供与美国客户相同水平的体验。 本地化是该目标的重要组成部分。” 为了帮助建立一致的品牌外观和理念,品牌术语和风格指南是极其有用的财富,可以帮助保持内部团队,本地化团队和翻译人员站在同一战线上。 从长远来看,保持这些内容的更新和组织是百利而无一害的。 你的品牌是有生命的,生机勃勃的 归根结底,品牌与语言和文化一样,不断发展和变化。 用于本地化和翻译内容的服务和技术应该随着品牌而不断发展进步。 主要是与客户保持一致,并保持内容的最新性,以帮助用户体验保持一致。 例如,如果您使用一个可以与内部内容管理系统(CMS)连接的翻译管理系统(TMS),您将不必担心内容是否新颖并将其翻译成您所需的所有语言——翻译管理系统是自动化的。 尽管这是一段漫长而曲折的过程,但可以通过正确的重点以及背后正确的翻译服务和技术来维护您的品牌。 使用翻译人才网络和可以帮助您保持一致声音的工具非常有效,并且可以改变公司建立全球品牌的方式。 想了解Lilt如何现代化本地化工作流程吗? (Lilt,一款帮助翻译工作者提高工作效率的软件)hbspt.cta._relativeURLS=true;hbspt.cta.load(4453601,'09092AB8-F30E-47C4-B2FB-99A92EA02C32',{});

