What the Business Practices Education Committee Is Doing for ATA Members


2020-06-06 02:20 Lingua Greca


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ATA’s Business Practices Education Committee offers many opportunities for members to get involved, give back to the Association, work with fellow members, and broaden their professional network. Have you ever asked yourself what the Business Practices Education Committee is up to these days? Probably not. In fact, you’re more likely wondering: “What is the Business Practices Education Committee?” For the uninitiated, the Business Practices Education Committee was established in 2005 to provide ATA members with information about sound business practices for the translation and interpreting industry. Fine, you say, but what has it done for me lately? That’s a good question, so let’s elaborate. Business Practices Listserv: To begin with, the committee’s core project remains the Business Practices listserv, which recently migrated to groups.io under the name ATA-Business-Practices. As of the end of April 2020, the group had 847 members, who typically submit anywhere from several dozen to several hundred posts per month. Discussions are moderated with a light touch primarily by Paul Merriam. The archives contain nearly 3,400 topics dating back to 2005, with the very first post by ATA Past President Dorothee Racette welcoming subscribers to a group intended for the discussion of topics related to conducting business in the translation and interpreting industry. Not surprisingly, California Assembly Bill 5 and “Sons of AB 5” have provided a seemingly endless source of discussion in recent months along with a wide variety of other topics ranging, for example, from language services providers and machine translation to nondisclosure agreements, client/project management software, unpaid translations tests, and much more. To join the group, send an email to ATA-Business-Practices+subscribe@groups.io. The moderator will contact you with further instructions to complete your subscription. Brainstorm Networking: In addition, the committee has hosted a one-hour Brainstorm Networking event at every ATA Annual Conference since 2014. ATA Past President David Rumsey, who was president-elect at the time, first came up with the idea for the Chicago conference to replace the former speed networking event. Participants in the brainstorming event join a group of typically between four and six people around a table and have a few minutes to introduce themselves, after which they discuss a scenario provided for them involving an ethical issue or some other sort of business-related problem. When time is called, everyone moves to a different table and starts over with a new group and a new scenario. Online Resources: The committee is also responsible for compiling, editing, and updating the resources available on ATA’s website under Resources > Business Practices. This material is listed under the general headings “Getting Started,” “Taking Care of Business,” and “Tools and Resources.” Topics include “Finding Jobs, Getting Hired,” “Determining Rates,” “Getting Paid,” “Apply Best Practices,” and “ATA Certification,” among others. If you haven’t visited the page recently, check it out. There’s bound to be something of interest to you. ATA Mentoring Program: The Mentoring Program was originally conceived by former ATA Secretary Courtney Searls-Ridge, who administered the program alone for roughly 10 years before Susanne van Eyl took charge in 2011 and tweaked the format to boost participation. This ATA member benefit was recently brought under the umbrella of the Business Practices Education Committee, where it is once again being revamped. The Mentoring Program pairs translators and interpreters seeking to learn a new skill with ATA members possessing more experience in the relevant area. Mentees are typically industry newcomers, although students and linguists with less than one year of experience are directed to The Savvy Newcomers blog (more on this below). Even longtime ATA members can benefit from the mentee experience if they would like to learn something new; for example, adding a new specialty, marketing to direct clients, becoming a better proofreader, or fine-tuning their business skills. Key to the mentee’s success over the course of the program is the articulation of clear and actionable goals at the outset. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/ATA-mentoring. The program begins each year on April 1 with an application deadline in early March. Previously, it ran for 12 months, but beginning this year the program will run for six months, after which the mentor-mentee pair will have the option of extending for an additional six months. The application process is more streamlined if you have paired up with a mentor and agreed on your objectives. But if you haven’t already found one, the Mentoring Committee can pair you with a suitable mentor. Mentees and mentors generally meet about once per month, typically via Skype or a similar platform for Q&A or other discussion. It’s also worth noting that certified translators earn continuing education points for participating. If this sounds intriguing and you think you would like to be a mentor or a mentee, please contact the Mentoring Committee at mentoring@atanet.org and mark your calendar for the 2021 program year! Masterminds Program: The committee also has a Masterminds program in the works. The idea is to bring together independent groups of around a half-dozen self-guided professional peers of approximately the same level of experience to discuss opportunities and things they have struggled with in their business. These peer groups will typically meet for six to 12 months in a venue of their choosing to brainstorm solutions and set goals, as well as to encourage and hold each other accountable for attaining their goals. This is conceived as a supplement to the Mentoring Program and other ATA continuing education offerings. The program is expected to be launched later this year at the ATA’s 61st Annual Conference in Boston—yet another reason to attend! The Savvy Newcomer Blog: Always popular, The Savvy Newcomer blog aims to provide high-quality, peer-reviewed content directed at newcomers to the industry, although the information is often also relevant for more experienced practitioners. The blog began as an independent activity, yet always collaborated informally with the Business Practices Education Committee and looked to the Business Practices listserv as a source of inspiration for blog topics. So, it seemed a natural fit for the Practices Education Committee when ATA decided a few years ago that it was time to bring the blog under the umbrella of a committee; nevertheless, it remains essentially an autonomous operation. The Savvy Newcomer was founded by Spanish Language Division members Helen Eby, Jamie Hartz, and Daniela Guanipa in 2013, but was ultimately the product of a broader effort by ATA to assist students and newcomers to the profession that went through several stages of development before taking on its current form. Meanwhile, the founding members are part of a whole team of volunteers working to provide fresh and reposted content on a weekly basis. Topics include “So You Want to Be a Freelance Translator (or Interpreter): Starting from Scratch,” “Questions to Ask Before You Accept a Translation Project,” “Attending Your Clients’ Conferences,” and “Translating for Pharma.” Of course, this barely scratches the surface of what the blog has to offer, so if you haven’t visited lately, check it out under https://atasavvynewcomer.org. A New Blog for Experienced Translators/Interpreters: Finally, the committee is busy developing another blog to be geared toward more experienced translators and interpreters, with content to be added initially on a monthly basis. The name of this new blog was recently determined by vote in a poll posted to the Business Practices listserv. Henceforth, it will be known by popular demand as… (drumroll please)… The ATA Business Practices Blog. A launch date has not been set, but look to this blog for guidance on next level business practices later this year when it is expected to go live. What Can You Do to Help? Now that we’ve answered the question of what the Business Practices Education Committee is doing for ATA members, you may find yourself wondering what you can do for the committee. As a matter of fact, the committee is currently looking for a social media manager to coordinate and promote its blog content on social media. This would be a great way for a gregarious newcomer to raise their profile or for any ATA member who enjoys social media to give back to the profession. Complete the form online at https://buff.ly/2YfpoaQ if you are interested in becoming the committee’s social media manager. And if you have any questions, you can contact Sarah Symons Glegorio at sarahsg@sharktranslations.com for more information. Michael Engley, CT is currently a member of ATA’s Business Practices Education Committee. Previously, he served as administrator and assistant administrator of the German Language Division (GLD), as well as the dictionary review coordinator for the GLD’s newsletter interaktiv. He is an ATA-certified German>English translator specializing in corporate communications and financial translation. Contact: michael@bullishtranslations.com.
ATA的商业实践教育委员会为会员提供了许多参与、回馈协会、与其他会员合作并拓宽其专业网络的机会。 你有没有问过自己商业实践教育委员会最近在忙什么?可能没有。事实上,你更可能想知道:“什么是商业实践教育委员会?“对于外行人士,商业惯例教育委员会于2005年成立,目的是向ATA成员提供有关笔译和口译行业良好商业惯例的信息。好吧,你说,但最近对我有什么影响?这是个好问题,我们来详细说明一下。 Business Practices Listserv:首先,委员会的核心项目仍然是商业实践Listserv,它最近迁移到组.io以ATA商业惯例的名义。截至2020年4月底,该组织共有847名成员,他们通常每月提交几十到几百个帖子。讨论主要由保罗·梅里亚姆主持。这些档案包含了近3400个主题,可追溯到2005年,ATA前任总裁Dorothee Racette的第一个帖子欢迎订阅者加入一个旨在讨论笔译和口译行业业务相关主题的小组。毫不奇怪,近几个月来,加州议会法案5和“AB5之子”提供了似乎没完没了的讨论来源,以及各种各样的其他话题,例如,从语言服务提供商和机器翻译到保密协议、客户/项目管理软件,免费翻译测试,等等。若要加入群,请发送电子邮件至ATA商业惯例+subscribe@groups.io。版主将与您联系以获得进一步的指示,以完成您的订阅。 头脑风暴网络:此外,自2014年以来,委员会在每届ATA年会上都会举办一个小时的头脑风暴网络活动。当时当选总统的前总统大卫•拉姆齐(davidrumsey)首先提出了芝加哥会议的想法,以取代以前的速度网络活动。头脑风暴活动的参与者加入一个通常四至六人的小组,围坐在一张桌子旁,并有几分钟时间进行自我介绍,然后讨论为他们提供的涉及道德问题或其他商业相关问题的场景。当时间被调用时,每个人都会转移到不同的表中,从一个新的组和一个新的场景重新开始。 在线资源:委员会还负责汇编、编辑和更新ATA网站资源>商业惯例下的资源。这些材料列在“入门”、“管理业务”和“工具和资源”的总标题下。主题包括“找到工作、获得聘用”、“确定费率”、“获得报酬”、“应用最佳实践”和“ATA认证”等。如果你最近没有访问过这个页面,那就去看看吧。一定有你感兴趣的东西。 ATA辅导计划:辅导计划最初由ATA前秘书Courtney Searls Ridge构想,在Susanne van Eyl于2011年上任之前,他独自管理了大约10年的课程,并调整了形式以提高参与度。这项ATA成员福利最近被纳入商业实践教育委员会的保护伞下,在那里它再次被修改。 指导计划将寻求学习新技能的译员和口译员与在相关领域拥有更多经验的ATA成员配对。受训者通常是行业新人,但不到一年工作经验的学生和语言学家会直接访问“精明的新人”博客(更多信息见下文)。即使是长期的ATA成员,如果他们想学习新的东西,他们也可以从见习者的经验中受益,例如,增加一个新的专业,向直接客户进行营销,成为一个更好的校对者,或者微调他们的业务技能。受训者在课程中取得成功的关键是在一开始就明确和可行的目标。更多信息,请访问https://bit.ly/ATA-mentoring。 该项目每年4月1日开始,申请截止日期为3月初。此前,这项计划为期12个月,但从今年开始,这项计划将持续6个月,之后,导师-学员组合将有权选择再延长6个月。如果你和一位导师结对并就自己的目标达成一致,申请过程会更为精简。但如果你还没有找到合适的导师,导师委员会可以给你找一个合适的导师。学员和导师通常每月会面一次,通常通过Skype或类似的平台进行问答或其他讨论。同样值得注意的是,认证翻译人员通过参与获得继续教育分数。如果这听起来很有趣,并且你认为你想成为一名导师或实习生,请联系导师委员会:mentoring@atanet.org为2021计划年做好你的日程表! 策划者计划:委员会也有一个策划计划正在进行中。这个想法是将大约6个具有相同经验水平的自我指导的专业同行组成的独立小组聚集在一起,讨论他们在业务中遇到的机遇和事情。这些同侪小组通常会在他们选择的地点举行为期6至12个月的会议,以集思广益的方式解决问题,设定目标,并鼓励彼此为实现目标负责。这是作为导师计划和其他ATA继续教育课程的补充。该计划预计将于今年晚些时候在波士顿举行的ATA第61届年会上推出,这又是一个出席的理由! Savvy Newcomer Blog:一直很受欢迎,精明的新人博客旨在提供高质量的、同行评议的内容,针对行业的新手,尽管这些信息通常也与更有经验的从业者相关。博客一开始是一个独立的活动,但总是与商业实践教育委员会进行非正式合作,并将商业实践列表服务作为博客主题的灵感来源。因此,当ATA几年前决定将博客置于一个委员会的保护伞之下时,它似乎很自然地适合实践教育委员会;然而,它本质上仍然是一个自主的运作。“精明的新人”由西班牙语系成员海伦·埃比、杰米·哈茨和丹妮拉·瓜尼帕于2013年创立,但最终是ATA更广泛努力的产物,旨在帮助学生和新入职者,这一职业在形成目前的形式之前经历了几个发展阶段。同时,创始成员是整个志愿者团队的一部分,每周提供新鲜和转发的内容。主题包括“所以你想成为一名自由翻译(或翻译):从头开始”,“接受翻译项目前要问的问题”,“参加客户会议”和“为制药公司翻译”。当然,这几乎触及了博客所能提供的内容的表面,所以如果你没有访问过最近,看看下面https://atasavvynewcom.org。 一个新的博客为有经验的笔译/口译员:最后,委员会正忙于开发另一个博客,面向更有经验的笔译和口译员,内容最初将每月添加一次。这个新博客的名字是最近在商业惯例列表服务上投票决定的。从今往后,它将被大众需求称为……(请击鼓)…ATA商业实践博客。发布日期还没有确定,但是可以在今年晚些时候通过这个博客获得下一级商业实践的指导。 你能帮什么忙呢? 既然我们已经回答了商业实践教育委员会为ATA成员做什么的问题,您可能会发现自己在想您能为委员会做些什么。事实上,该委员会目前正在寻找一位社交媒体经理来协调和推广其在社交媒体上的博客内容。这将是一个很好的方式,一个社交新人,以提高他们的形象,或任何ATA成员谁喜欢社交媒体回馈专业。在线填写表格https://buff.ly/2YfpoaQ如果你有兴趣成为委员会的社交媒体经理。如果您有任何问题,请联系Sarah Symons Glegoriosarahsg@sharktranslations.com了解更多信息。 Michael Engley,CT目前是ATA商业实践教育委员会的成员。此前,他曾担任德语部门(GLD)的行政官和助理行政官,以及GLD时事通讯interaktiv的词典审查协调员。他是ATA认证的德语>英语翻译,专门从事企业通讯和金融翻译。联系人:michael@bullishtranslations.com。

