Why Machine Translation with Post Editing is a Relic of the Past


2020-06-11 02:40 Lilt


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In today’s connected, global world, companies that plan to extend beyond the borders of their founding nation are urged to think about localization. Many companies need to translate content to connect with citizens even in their own countries.  Since language is the strongest connection point in an expanding digital world, it’s not only important to target a message to the right people, but also to craft it in the appropriate tone. Often it takes thousands of words to build a brand, one that can crumble with just a single incorrect phrase. It’s never been more important to localize content, and do it correctly for your audience. Within the localization and translation communities, machine translation (MT) has been a hot topic since its inception in the 1940s. Ever since, computing technology and processing power has only increased its importance now that systems can translate text near instantaneously. But sometimes overlooked in the source-to-output translation equation is the human translator, without whom much of the raw MT output wouldn’t be usable. That’s where Machine Translation with Post Editing (MTPE) comes into play - a workflow where the raw MT output is edited by a human translator prior to final delivery. In theory, MTPE is the ideal solution to a number of issues with traditional translation and machine translation: speed, cost and accuracy. Traditional translation (humans translating source text into another language), while the most accurate, is typically a slower and costlier workflow. Machine translation is much faster but falls prey to quality issues. MTPE solves those problems by taking the speed and cost efficiency of MT and combining it with the accuracy of human translation.  Or does it? As translation technology has continued to advance with new outputs like neural and adaptive machine translation, the relative effectiveness of MTPE has decreased. Anthony Teixeira, a freelance translator for over 12 years, is cautious of MTPE.  “It is tempting to think that because MT engines output a draft, translators save time when typing the translation,” Teixeira says. “The truth is that, often rather than not, the output will require so much rework that it would be faster to type the translation out from the start.” Even in the cases where the MT output is acceptable with only minor revisions required, he continues, any potential time saved is often lost because the translator is required to compare the source text to the output, understand context, find what’s wrong, and write out the correct translation. MT models are then only trained every so often, so translators are also seeing and correcting the same MT output mistakes over and over again. Teixeira isn’t the only linguist out there that holds this view of MTPE. According to their independent research study, The State of the Linguist Supply Chain, CSA Research found that only 37% of linguists think the MT output that they work with is good. Over 80% also see such varying quality of output that it’s likely hard to find consistency in projects. Since the raw output is still machine translated, it often sounds more literal than a native or fluent speaker’s translation based on context and emotion.  So what is the future of machine translation? CSA Research’s study shows that 71% of linguists prefer an adaptive machine translation solution, one that can learn from and train as a result of direct feedback given by the translator. That human-in-the-loop workflow results in a constantly updated translation model that’s more efficient, faster, and more cost-effective than MTPE or other translation methods. MTPE, as a concept, was correct in that the building blocks of a modern translation workflow would pair human linguists with machine translations. But adaptive, neural machine translation has proven that there’s a more effective way to augment human skill with AI - and that’s the real future of translation.   Want to learn more about Lilt's AI-powered translation services? hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(4453601, '09092ab8-f30e-47c4-b2fb-99a92ea02c32', {});
在如今这个高度联系的全球化世界里,一家公司若计划将业务扩展到创始国家之外,就必须考虑本地化问题。许多公司需要翻译自己的产品内容,以便与各国甚至本国公民建立联系。 语言是不断扩展的数字化世界中最强大的联结点,所以重要的不仅是将信息定向传达给合适的受众,以精心打磨的恰当口吻来表达也同样关键。 建立一个品牌通常需要几千个字,但摧毁一个品牌只需一个错误的短语。将产品内容本地化以及站在受众的角度提供精准服务,正拥有着前所未有的重要性。 自20世纪40年代问世以来,机器翻译(Machine Translation,简称MT)一直是本地化行业和翻译界的热门话题。 从那以后,计算机技术和处理能力的重要性只增不减,因为系统几乎可以做到瞬时翻译文本。但有时,在从源文本到译文输出的整个翻译局面中,人工翻译却被忽略了,没有人工翻译,很多原始的MT输出译文将无法使用。 这就要提到“机器翻译+译后编辑”(MTPE)的模式——一种将原始MT输出译文由人工翻译编辑后再最终交付的工作流程。 理论上,MTPE是解决传统翻译和机器翻译的速度、成本和准确性等问题的理想方案。传统的翻译即译员人工将源文本翻译成另一种语言,虽然是最准确的,但通常工作流程较慢且成本较高。机器翻译速度要快得多,但会受到译文质量问题的困扰。MTPE综合了机器翻译的速度和成本效率以及人工翻译的准确性,从而解决了这些问题。 确实是这样吗? 随着翻译技术的不断进步,新的翻译产品层出不穷,如神经机器翻译和自适应机器翻译,MTPE的相对有效性已在逐步下降。 安东尼·特谢拉是一名拥有超过12年翻译工作经验的自由撰稿人,他对MTPE持谨慎态度。 特谢拉说:“人们很容易认为,机器翻译引擎输出的草稿替翻译人员节省了输出译文的时间。而事实是,机器翻译的输出译文通常需要大量的返工,还不如翻译人员从一开始就直接把译文打出来。” 他还表示,即使机器翻译输出的译文质量尚可,只需要少量修改,任何可能节省的时间往往也都会被浪费掉,因为翻译人员需要花时间将源文本与输出译文进行比较,理解上下文,找出错误之处,并写出正确的译文。 MT模型只会偶尔进行训练调试,因此翻译人员也只能一次又一次地发现并纠正同样的翻译输出错误。 特谢拉并不是唯一一个持有这种观点的翻译家。美国CSA Research咨询公司的独立研究报告《翻译学者供应链的现状》称,只有37%的翻译学者认为他们打过交道的MT输出译文质量不错。 超过80%的人认为译文产出质量参差不齐,不同的项目中很难发现一致性。 由于原始输出译文是机器翻译的,因此与母语者或该语言熟练使用者基于语境和情感的翻译相比,它读起来往往更字面化。 那么机器翻译的未来何去何从? CSA Research公司的研究显示,71%的翻译学者倾向于自适应机器翻译解决方案,它是一种可以从译者直接反馈的结果中学习和自我训练的解决方案。 这种人工参与的工作流程塑造了一个不断更新的翻译模型,它比MTPE或其他翻译方法更高效,更快速,也更经济。 MTPE这个概念曾经符合时代的需求,因为现代翻译工作流程的构建模块将翻译学者和机器翻译结合了起来。 但是,自适应机器翻译和神经机器翻译的面世已经证明,要利用人工智能来增强人类技能,还有更有效的方法——这才是翻译真正的未来。 想了解Lilt的人工智能翻译服务吗?点击hbspt.cta._relativeURLS=true;hbspt.cta.load(4453601,'09092AB8-F30E-47C4-B2FB-99A92EA02C32',{});

