The best 25 global websites of 2020


2020-05-30 05:10 Lingua Greca


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In keeping with past years, I’m pleased to announce the top 25 websites from the 2020 Web Globalization Report Card. When compared with last year’s top 25 list, there are a number of new entrants to the list: Airbnb: As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the company doubled its language portfolio over the past year, going well past 60 languages. That, and an improved web redesign, has positioned the website well for the (post-pandemic) future. Sanofi: At 39 languages, Sanofi is on par with two other medical companies in regards to global reach. But it stands apart in global consistency and depth of localization. Mastercard: Mastercard added six languages over the past year. It supports a global template and also invests heavily in localization, including culturally relevant photographs. Mitsubishi Electric: Has made substantive improvements over the past two years. It now uses geolocation as part of its global navigation strategy and supports a consistent global template. It also stands apart from competitors in its investment in and promotion of local social networks. The top 25 websites support an average of 61 languages. If we exclude Wikipedia (with support for 297 languages), the average is 50 languages, still well above the average of 33 languages for all 150 websites studied. Also, nearly every company on this list invests in country codes, global templates, local-languages social networks, and are committed to investing in local-language content — not just once the site is launched, but as a going concern. Web globalization is a journey, often progressing one language or one country at a time. Many of the companies on this list have been on this journey for decades — and it shows. Anyone who is looking to learn more about best practices in web and content globalization, can learn a great deal by studying these websites. Congratulations to everyone on the list! The 2020 Web Globalization Report Card Bio Twitter Latest Posts The Worldly Marketer: What you need to know about web globalization best practices - May 26, 2020 Join me in reinventing the translation industry - May 14, 2020 Think outside the country (name): A world map of country name origins - May 6, 2020 Why deglobalization will not dampen web globalization - April 22, 2020 Volvo: The best global automotive website of 2020 - April 15, 2020 Twitter Facebook
与过去几年一样,我很高兴宣布2020年网站全球化报告中排名前25位的网站。 当与去年的25强榜单相比时,有一批新入围的网站: 爱彼迎:正如我在前几篇文章中提到的,公司的语言类型在过去一年翻了一番,远远超过了60种语言。 再加上改进后的网站设计,使该网站很好地适应了(大流行后的)未来。 赛诺菲:赛诺菲拥有39种语言,在全球范围内与其他两家医疗公司不相上下。 但它在全球一致性和本土化深度方面与众不同。 万事达卡:万事达卡在过去一年增加了六种语言。 它支持全球模板,还在本地化方面投入巨资,包括与文化相关的照片。 三菱电机:该网站这两年有实质性的改进。 它现在使用地理定位作为其全球导航战略的一部分,而且还支持一致的全球模板。 它还在投资和推广本地社交网络方面有别于竞争对手。 排名前25位的网站支持平均61种语言。 如果我们排除维基百科(支持297种语言),平均值是50种语言,仍然远高于所有150个被研究网站33种语言的平均值。 此外,几乎每家上榜的公司都投资于国家代码,全球模板,本地语言社交网络,并致力于投资本地语言内容--不仅是在网站推出之后,而且是作为一个持续经营的企业。 网络全球化是一个旅程,通常一次只发展一种语言或一次只在一个国家开拓市场。 这份榜单上的许多公司已经有几十年的历史--它显示了这一点。 任何想要了解更多关于网络和内容全球化的最佳实践的人,都可以通过研究这些网站学到很多东西。 恭喜上榜的每一个网站! 2020年网站全球化报告 生物 推特 最新上榜 今世的市场员:关于网站全球化最好的实践,你想知道什么-2020.05.26 和我一起重塑翻译行业-2020年5月14号 国名外想:国名起源世界地图-2020年5月6号 为什么去全球化不会抑制网络全球化--2020年4月22日 沃尔沃:2020年度全球最佳汽车网站-2020年4月15日 推特 脸谱网

