The International Buzz: Game Localization Wishlist


2020-05-23 02:22 Lingua Greca


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Experts Carme Mangiron, Paul Davies, Adolfo Gómez-Urda Montijano and Victor Alonso Lion share their game localization wishlists on this panel discussion. We talk about what games companies wish they could do, what technologies are still missing and overall, what has yet to be achieved in game localization. test Full name Email* Company* Phone* Message* CAPTCHA Book my spot Algorithms in the content industry - How much automation makes sense Oops! We could not locate your form. Isabella Massardo Isabela Massardo has worked in the translation industry since 1988 as a translator, trainer and writer. She writes regularly on topics relevant to the business of translation, with focus on technology and innovation. She co-authored the TAUS Translation Technology Landscape Report (2016) and The Future of the Translation Industry in 2022 (2017). Isabella is a ECQA-certified terminology Manager. She holds a master’s degree in Russian Language and Literature from the University of Parma, Italy. - Panel discussion: 21st Century Translation Technology trends - From 16:15 - 17:00 Stephan Böhmig Luxembourg. I am co-founder of Wordbee, a software company that develops today's probably most innovative collaborative web based translation platform. Translate documents, software and content management systems. - Revealing exciting new developments - From 10:05 - 10:30 - Training - How to handle effortlessly json, xml, idml and other special file formats - From 13:30 -14:15 - Panel discussion: 21st Century Translation Technology trends - From 16:15 - 17:00 Brahim Aïoun Wordbee S.A. is the software publisher of the online Translation Management platform and Translation editor, Wordbee Translator. This web platform based on the SaaS model, enables localization and translation professionals to centralize and manage their translation processes and data from A to Z. José Vega José Vega is the co-founder of Wordbee. He is a senior in information technologies and computational linguistics with a professional experience of more than 30 years in a variety of projects and applications in information management, man-machine interfaces and language engineering. During his career José has occupied upper management positions in different European companies. At Wordbee, José leads the company with great enthusiasm while taking an innovative business development approach in the field of translation technologies. He develops strategic partnerships with global companies, with focus on Asia and the US. José was appointed as advisory expert for different national & European R&D programs. Sara Méndez Wordbee S.A. is the software publisher of the online Translation Management platform and Translation editor, Wordbee Translator. This web platform based on the SaaS model, enables localization and translation professionals to centralize and manage their translation processes and data from A to Z. - Workshop - Financial Management in your TMS - From 14:15 - 15:00 - Training - Everything you were afraid to ask about the New Editor. From 16:15 - 17:00 Mareike Bouriga Wordbee S.A. is the software publisher of the online Translation Management platform and Translation editor, Wordbee Translator. This web platform based on the SaaS model, enables localization and translation professionals to centralize and manage their translation processes and data from A to Z. - Spolight Session - Beebox, Best practices, Success stories. From 14:15 - 15:00
专家卡尔米·曼吉伦、保罗·戴维斯、阿道夫·戈麦斯-乌尔达 ·蒙提亚诺和维克多·阿隆索·莱恩在小组讨论中分享了他们的游戏本地化愿望清单。 大家谈论了游戏公司希望他们能做些什么,哪些技术仍然有欠缺,以及总体而言,在游戏本地化方面还有什么有待实现。 测试 全名 电子邮件* 公司* 电话* 信息* 验证码 订阅我的内容产业中的spot算法——自动化有多大意义 哎呀! 找不到您的表单。 伊莎贝拉·马萨多 伊莎贝拉·马萨多从1988年开始从事翻译行业,担任翻译、培训师和作家。 她定期撰写与翻译业务相关的话题文章,重点关注技术和创新。 她与人合著了《TAUS翻译技术景观报告》(2016)和《2022年翻译行业的未来》(2017)。 伊莎贝拉是ECQA认证的术语经理。 她拥有意大利帕尔马大学俄罗斯语言文学硕士学位。 -小组讨论:21世纪翻译技术趋势-16:15-17:00 斯蒂芬·伯米格 卢森堡。我是Wordbee的联合创始人,Wordbee是一家软件公司,它开发的可能是当今最具创新性的基于网络的协作翻译平台,可以翻译文件、软件和内容管理系统。 -揭示令人振奋的新发展-10:05-10:30 -培训-如何轻松处理json、xml、idml和其他特殊格式的文件-13:30-14:15 -小组讨论:21世纪翻译技术趋势-16:15-17:00 卜拉希姆·艾翁 Wordbee S.A.是在线翻译管理平台和翻译编辑器Wordbee Translator的软件出版商。 这个基于SaaS模式的网络平台使本地化和翻译专业人员能够全程集中管理他们的翻译流程和数据。 何塞·韦加 何塞·韦加是WordBee的联合创始人。他是信息技术和计算机语言的资深专家,在信息管理、人机界面和语言工程的各种项目和应用方面拥有超过30年的专业经验。 在他的职业生涯中,何塞曾在欧洲数家不同的公司担任高层管理职位。何塞以极大的热情领导着Wordbee公司,同时在翻译技术领域采取创新的业务发展方式。 他与全球公司发展战略伙伴关系,重点是亚洲和美国。 他被任命为不同国家和欧洲研发项目的咨询专家。 萨拉·门德斯 Wordbee S.A.是在线翻译管理平台和翻译编辑器Wordbee Translator的软件出版商。 这个基于SaaS模式的网络平台使本地化和翻译专业人员能够全程集中管理他们的翻译流程和数据。 -研讨会-TMS中的财务管理-14:15-15:00 -培训-所有你不敢问的关于新编辑的事情。 16:15-17:00 马雷克·布里加 Wordbee S.A.是在线翻译管理平台和翻译编辑器Wordbee Translator的软件出版商。 这个基于SaaS模式的网络平台使本地化和翻译专业人员能够全程集中管理他们的翻译流程和数据。 -Spolight会议-Beebox、最佳做法与成功故事。 14:15-15:00

