Five reasons NOT to manage translation projects in an “Excel TMS”

不在“Excel TMS”中管理翻译项目的五大理由

2020-05-15 17:20 Smartcat


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According to our research, 40% of small translation companies and up to 15% of midsize ones come to Smartcat after managing their translation projects in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Let’s see why they make the switch, and why you should, too. How the story goes We’ve all been there: You want to keep track of your translation projects, so you quickly create a spreadsheet in Excel. Let’s say it goes something like this: So far so good, right? But over time, you need to track more parameters… … add more projects and customers… … and more people to manage them… Fast-forward a year, and you have an ugly mess of a spreadsheet that only a mother can love. What’s the big deal, you might ask? Why fix what’s not broken? Well, we can’t answer for your specific situation, but here’s the kinds of inefficiencies we saw with our customers who switched to Smartcat from an “Excel TMS”. Pains Reinventing the wheel You might argue that when you build your spreadsheet, you can fine-tune it to your own processes and make it just the way you want it. In reality, though, you’ll be facing a lot of design choices that many before you have already faced — and solved. Yes, it might take a while to get used to the way things work in “some tool”, but in return you’ll be using something that specialized developers have put a lot of time and effort into for the benefit of the whole industry. Spreadsheets are not omnipotent It might be tempting to think that you can do anything with a spreadsheet. But you really can’t. At some point you’re bound to run into something that cells and formulas can’t help with: For example, assigning linguists or issuing invoices. Unless your side gig is software engineering and you are willing to invest hundreds of hours writing add-ons that will make it work “just the way you need it.” Versioning hell When it’s just you, it’s easy to track everything in an Excel file. But as you grow, you inevitably need to exchange information with your colleagues. Sending over that Excel file and trying not to get a versioning mess is a challenge in itself, not to mention that such communication is way slower than what might be necessary in a modern setting. Data corruption Of course, you could use a shared online spreadsheet instead. But then you run into problems with access control. Project managers start seeing each other’s projects, which is inconvenient at best and insecure at worst. Someone can accidentally break a formula that you use to calculate returns without your even noticing, and your whole revenue report is suddenly a mess. Low performance Spreadsheets are not meant to be used for tracking thousands of projects. The more you enter and manage, the slower it will go. So you will be left with either the choice of deleting old lines, splitting the “database” into several spreadsheets, or just getting used to the low performance. Obviously, none of these options is really a solution to the problem. The Solution We get it: You have already put so much effort into it that you don’t even want to think about letting it go. It doesn’t help that most TMS tools cost an arm and a leg, so you might be tempted to keep doing things the “good old way”, even if you know it’s not that, well, good. Luckily, there’s Smartcat, which is free to use with most of the features you might need in the beginning. And, as you grow, the subscription price starts at $249 as of this writing, and does not depend on the number of users you want to have in your account — the #NoLicense approach. Smartcat is also arguably the most comprehensive TMS out there as it includes not just project management but also content synchronization, translation automation a.k.a. CAT tool, the largest industry marketplace, and automated invoicing and payments. You can even create ready-to-go projects and customer quotes using a website URL, which Smartcat will automagically turn into an XLIFF file. If you’re already using another CAT tool, you can easily use it with Smartcat. The platform does not lock you in, and you can export all your projects, translation memories, glossaries, and whatnot in industry-standard formats and import them in the CAT tool of your choice. In short, this means you have complete CAT interoperability in Smartcat. As for the “Excel TMS”, you know it’s not a great approach in 2020. It’s time to admit it’s holding you back. And now is your chance to move forward.
根据研究显示,40%的小型翻译公司和多达15%的中型翻译公司在微软Excel或Google Sheets中管理完他们的翻译项目后会使用Smartcat。 我们需明确这种改变以及自身也同样做出改变的原因。 事件进展如何 我们切身经历着:您想要跟踪翻译项目,就可以在Excel中快速创建一个电子表格。 假设它是这样的: 目前看来感觉良好吧? 但随着时间的推移,你需要跟踪更多的参数… …添加更多项目和客户… …还有更多的人进行管理… 快进一年,你会看到一张只有母亲才会喜欢看上去却十分糟糕的电子表格。 你可能会问,有什么大不了的? 为什么要修理完好无损的东西? 我们无法为你解答,但以下是我们看到的从“Excel TMS”转到Smartcat有关用户效率低下的情况。 痛心疾首 重振信心 你可能会争辩在构建电子表格时,可以根据自己的流程对其进行微调,并使其符合自身要求。 然而在现实中,还将面临许多之前已经面对并解决的设计选择。 是的,可能需要一段时间来习惯“某些工具”中的工作方式,但作为效益,你将为了整个行业的利益而使用专门的开发人员还有投入大量时间和精力。 电子表格并非全能 人们可能会认为使用电子表格可以做任何事情。 但事与愿违。 在某些时候,你肯定会遇到一些单元格和公式无法解决的问题:例如,指派语言学家或开具发票。 除非你的副业是软件工程,并且你愿意投入数百个小时编写附加程序,使电子表格能够“以你所需要的方式”工作。 版本控制混乱 只有自己才能更轻易去跟踪Excel文件中的所有内容。 但随着自身不断成长,需要与同事交流信息,这不可避免。 发送Excel文件并试图避免版本控制混乱本身就是一个挑战,更不用说这种通信比现代环境中可能需要的速度要慢得多。 数据损坏 当然也可以使用共享的在线电子表格。 但你会遇到访问控制的问题。 项目经理开始看到对方的项目会觉得往好了说是不方便,往坏了说是不安全。 有人可能会不小心打破一个公式,你用来计算回报,却没有注意到自己的整个收入报告其实一团糟。 低性能 电子表格无法用来跟踪成千上万的项目。 你越涉及,管理得越多,电子表格运行得更慢。 因此,要么只能选择删除旧行,要么将“数据库”拆分成几个电子表格,要么只能习惯低性能。 显然,这些选择都不是真正解决问题的办法。 解决方案 我们得出结论:明明为表格下足功夫,甚至不想这份成果付诸东流。您认为大多数翻译管理系统工具毫无用处,因为该工具花费高,就可能会继续使用“好的老方法”,即使深知这并不是那么好。 幸运的是有了Smartcat,就可以免费使用你可能需要的大部分特性。 而且随着你不断晋升,到本文撰写时,那么订阅价格就从249美元开始,并且不依赖于你想要帐户中拥有的用户数量--#nolicense方法。 Smartcat也可以说是最全面的翻译管理系统,不仅包括项目管理,还包括内容同步,翻译自动化。 CAT工具,最大的行业市场,以及自动发票和支付。 你甚至可以使用网站URL创建即用项目和客户报价,Smartcat会自动将其转换为XLIFF文件。 如果你已经在使用其他CAT工具,那么将其与Smartcat一起使用简直得心应手。 该平台不会锁定,你可以以行业标准格式导出所有项目,翻译记忆,词汇表等,并将它们导入所选择的CAT工具中。 简而言之,这意味着你在SmartCat中具有完全的CAT互操作性。 话说回到“Excel TMS”,在2020年尚未成熟。确实使用起来还没这么便利。 但这是你前进和弯道超车的机会。

