Localization professionals and technology in the fight against COVID-19


2020-05-14 16:50 Wordbee Translator


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The current COVID-19 pandemic has made one thing clear to the entire world: localization professionals, especially translators and interpreters, as well as localization technology play a crucial role in making sure that the right medical information is spread timely among different and most vulnerable communities. Because language barriers still exist and we all must work harder at breaking them down. Support from tech companies against COVID-19 It’s not just social media giants like Facebook and Twitter that are lending a hand in spreading the necessary information in the fight against the novel coronavirus. From the very beginning of the pandemic, Wordbee has launched a support initiative to assist the healthcare industry in its efforts against the COVID-19 virus.  Wordbee has made its full-fledged translation management system available free of charge for two months to all organizations working in the healthcare industry, such as scientific/diagnostic/pathology laboratories, hospitals, nursing homes, biotech and pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and NGOs that help support the delivery of healthcare services. Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies The Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies (OSCMS) initiative was the first to take advantage of the free use and training of the Wordbee TMS and CAT tool, through its localization manager David de Weerdt, former owner of a boutique translation agency, with a sound experience in founding and leading profit and non-profit organizations. The coronavirus crisis has spiked demand for personal protection equipment (PPE) and medical supplies like face masks and shields, gowns and gloves, hand sanitizers and infusion pumps, ventilator machines and so on.  OSCMS aims at providing researched and medically reviewed resources for producing those much needed medical supplies. These resources are localized in several languages by volunteer translators and made available to local manufactures and institutions, who, in turn, use them to produce and distribute protective gear and medical equipment to local hospitals and communities. OCSMS is collecting all the information about COVID-19 that needs to be localized in one document together with the instructions on how to get started with the production of PPE. A curious thing: while I was scrolling through the document in Google Docs, I could see over 50 people connecting from all over the world and consulting the guide. The Facebook Group, where production and manufacturing activities are coordinated. counts 70,000+ people volunteering their skills and technical expertise. Scrolling through the conversations in the group, you’ll see  companies of every size volunteering alongside individuals, all doing their share.     According to Gui Cavalcanti, Co-Executive Director of OSCMS, more than 5.75 million units of medical supplies have been produced across the globe as of May 5, 2020. Exchanges in the OSCMS Facebook group are truly inspiring: members share stories about response efforts and, even more important, critical information on how to produce necessary medical equipment quickly and cheaply. Localization in the fight against COVID-19 A layman could ask: Why is it important to translate? Doesn’t everybody speak a little bit of English? Isn’t machine translation enough? Translation industry professionals know that is not necessarily true, that it all depends on the country and on the audience. In a YouTube interview to global investor and entrepreneur David Orban (starting at 45:02), David de Weerdt explains that in countries like India, for example, where English is one of the main languages, information needs localization because India has different regulations. When it comes to instructions, for example, on how to mould a simple PPE like face masks, it’s important to give the correct information. The instructions are gathered and designed for American communities, where certain fabrics, skills and technologies are available. Although India is a highly technological country, not all the knowledge and technology are evenly distributed. Hence the importance of localization. Over 130 translators organized in 50 groups (each with a team leader who is also a translator) have already signed into their Wordbee platform and are contributing to this localization effort. Jaime Ochoa, Wordbee Account Manager, has been donating his time & skills to assist OSCMS with organizing such a big group of users, as well as to oversee the onboarding and training of translators and project managers. The workflow consists of three steps: translation, review and final validation. The tasks of translation and review are entrusted to professional translators specialized in life science, while the final validation is done by subject matter experts, e.g. doctors, scientists and engineers. “Our end-product is vital life-saving information that can be trusted by makers and manufacturers to make PPE, and which meets with what doctors and nurses in each different country require. We therefore seek and must have the final product in the target language reviewed by senior medical and technical experts in each country.” - David de Weerdt In some instances, subject-matter experts in charge of the review will want changes because in some countries there may not be the technology available to make certain supplies or the input materials needed. A translation management system like Wordbee is essential because it allows to centralize and share linguistic resources safely and keep them constantly updated, ensures communication between the members of the various language teams, and allows for adding as many steps as necessary to the localization workflow. Just like the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t going to disappear any time soon, the OSCMS project is going to be a long-term effort. Translators and interpreters who want to donate their time and expertise can join the Facebook Group OSCMS Localization, Translation and Interpretation and fill in the online form to get started. Check back later for updated information as this project evolves.
当前新冠肺炎疫情大流行向全世界证明了一点: 本地化专才(特别是笔译员和口译员),以及本地化技术有利于确保正确的医疗信息及时在各地和欠发达地区的传播。 语言壁垒仍然存在,我们必须竭尽全力打破这些语言壁垒。 科技公司全力支持对抗新冠肺炎疫情 在抗击新型冠状病毒的斗争中,脸书、推特等这样的社交媒体巨头帮助发布有关新冠疫情的信息。 不仅仅如此,疫情爆发初期,Wordbee(翻译管理系统)都发起了一项支持计划,协助医疗行业努力对抗新型冠状病毒。 Wordbee已经将其成熟的翻译管理系统免费提供给所有为医疗行业服务的组织,如科学、诊断、病理学实验室,医院,疗养院,生物技术,制药公司,医疗设备制造商,以及帮助支持医疗服务交付的非政府组织,为期两个月。 开源新冠肺炎疫情医疗用品 开源新冠肺炎医疗用品(OSCMS)项目首当其冲,利用Wordbee翻译管理系统和CAT工具的免费功能和培训优势,该项目由本地化经理大卫·德·威特(David de Weerdt)实施,他曾在一家专业翻译机构担任负责人,在创建,领导盈利和非盈利组织方面有着丰富的经验。 由于新冠肺炎疫情,个人防护设备(PPE)和医疗用品的需求急剧增加,如口罩和防护罩,防护服和手套,洗手液,输液泵和呼吸机等物资的需求。 开源新冠肺炎医疗用品(OSCMS)项目旨在提供经过研究和医学审查的资源,以生产急需的医疗用品。 这些资源由志愿者翻译以几种语言进行本地化,并提供给本地制造商和机构,然后他们再利用资源来向当地医院和社区生产分发防护设备和医疗用品。 该项目正在收集需要在一个文档中本地化的所有新冠肺炎疫情信息,以及收集生产个人防护设备的说明。 奇怪的是:当我利用谷歌文档滚动浏览文档时,我可以看到来自世界各地的50多人正在联系并查阅开源新冠肺炎医疗用品(OSCMS)项目。 协调生产和制造活动的脸书(Facebook)集团有70,000多人自愿提供他们的技能和技术专长。 浏览群组中的聊天记录,您会看到各种规模的公司与各行各业的人们自愿参与,各尽其责。 开源项目的联合执行董事圭·卡瓦尔坎蒂(Gui Cavalcanti)称,截至2020年5月5日,全球生产的医疗用品已超过575万件。 该项目脸书群组中的交流确实鼓舞人心:成员分享有关疫情应对工作的事迹,更重要的是,分享如何快速、低成本生产必要医疗设备的重要信息。 本地化对抗新冠肺炎疫情 外行会问:翻译为何如此重要? 每个人都懂点英语呀? 机器翻译也是可行的? 翻译行业的专业人士知道,这不一定是真的,这完全取决于国家和受众。 在接受油管(YouTube)全球投资者和企业家大卫·奥本(David Orban)采访时(从45:02开始),大卫·德·威特(David de Weerdt)解释说,在印度这样的国家中,英语是主要语言之一,信息需要本地化,因为印度有不同的规定。 例如,当涉及到如何制作像口罩这样简单的个人防护用品(PPE)的说明时,提供正确的信息是至关重要的。这些说明是为美国社区收集和设计的,在那里可以获得某些织物、技能和技术。尽管印度是一个高科技国家,但并非所有的知识和技术都是均匀分布的。因此可见本地化的重要性。 由50个小组组成的130多名翻译(每组组长也是一名翻译)已经登录Wordbee平台,并为本地化工作做出了贡献。Wordbee客户经理海梅·奥乔亚(Jaime Ochoa)投入大量时间,利用个人技能,帮助开源项目组织如此庞大的用户群,并监督翻译和项目经理的入职培训。 工作流程包括三个步骤:翻译,审阅和定稿。 翻译和审阅的任务委托给生命科学领域的专业翻译人员进行,而定稿则由主题专家完成,如医生,科学家和工程师来完成。 “我们的翻译终稿堪称救生信息,至关重要,制造商可以根据这些信息来制造个人防护设备(PPE),并且可以满足每个国家/地区医护人员的需求。 因此,我们要求必须由每个国家的高级医学和技术专家审核译文终稿。” 大卫·德·威特(David de Weerdt)说道。 在某些情况下,负责审核的主题专家会希望做出更改,因为在某些国家或地区可能没有可用的技术来制造某些供应品或所需的输入材料。 像Wordbee这样的翻译管理系统是必不可少的,因为它可以安全地集中和共享语言资源,并使其不断更新,确保各语言小组成员之间的沟通,并允许在本地化工作流程中添加尽可能多的步骤。 新冠肺炎疫情大流行不会在短期内消失,同样,开源新冠肺炎医疗用品(OSCMS)项目不会是一项短期的项目。 想要贡献自己的时间和专业知识的翻译可以加入脸书群组开源新冠肺炎医疗用品(OSCMS)本地化,口笔译项目,填写在线表格就可以开始了。 稍后查看此项目的更新信息。

