Changes, challenges, and opportunities: 10 takeaways from the #LocFromHome conference


2020-05-04 00:10 Smartcat


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When things started to get a little crazy a few weeks back, we wondered what we could do to brighten the mood and stay connected within the industry. So we set out to put our trusted technology-plus-people combo to the test and organized the #LocFromHome conference. To our delight, it turned out to be a great success. Here are just some numbers: 12 hours of non-stop streaming, 2400+ live attendees in total, 500+ simultaneous viewers, 500+ people joined the #LocFromHome community on Slack, 85% of attendees rated the event at 8/10 or higher in a post-event survey, 90% of attendees said that they would likely attend the future LFH event, should we organize one. (Spoiler: we will
几周前,当事情开始变得有点疯狂时,我们想知道能做些什么来让气氛变得愉快些,并保持行业内的联系。 因此,我们开始对值得信赖的技术+人的组合进行测试,并组织了#LocFromHome会议。 令我们高兴的是,结果大获成功。 下面仅是一些数字: 12个小时不间断的流媒体, 共计2400+现场观众, 同时有500多个人在观看, 超过500人加入了Slack上的#locfromhome社区, 活动后的调查中显示,85%的参与者对活动的评分为8/10或更高, 90%的与会者表示,如果我们组织未来的LFH活动,他们很可能会参加。 (剧透:我们会

