How AI and Technical Writers Can Boost Customer Experience


2020-04-24 22:00 clickhelp


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AI is a technology with crazy potential. And, a lot of weird things are happening around it, too - you might have noticed that recently vendors can call anything ‘AI’ just to get their target audience interested. This is why, we would like to begin this post with a definition of AI, as stated by Gartner: ‘Artificial intelligence (AI) applies advanced analysis and logic-based techniques, including machine learning, to interpret events, support and automate decisions, and take actions’. With that said, let’s try to uncover the true potential of AI and technical writers merged into one process. What AI Does Well We’ve determined several areas where AI can be successfully implemented. And, a lot of the use cases are tied to help authoring. Technical writers create texts of different nature, they are far from being limited to user manuals in a general sense. So, AI is just another technology that will need well-written laser-targeted technical texts to function. By that we don’t even mean the documentation supporting the AI technology itself, we are more so talking about the actual manifestation of AI in our lives. Technical writers create texts that are fueling human interactions with machines. Now, let’s take a look at what is currently possible to achieve with the help of AI: Chatbots. Chatbots represent a classic human-to-machine dialogue. They are responsible for a big chunk of all human-to-machine interactions, which, by the way, are expected to hit 85% of customer interactions by the end of 2020. Chatbots are not just meant to ‘chat’, they fulfill many functions like to get a customer interested, to guide a customer, to help them. When good conversation design is combined with clear and precise technical instructions in such dialogues, customers will be satisfied for sure. Let’s have a look at how AI makes chatbots even better. AI is involved in several processes here, the first one being data collection. While a customer can skip a survey, AI can collect all the information it needs during the very interaction with a chatbot. All the questions will be seamlessly embedded into the dialogue. Chatbots with AI can use databases to get the right information about customers. And by ‘right’ we mean something that could prove useful during the human-chatbot dialogue. Like purchase history that can give an idea of customer interests/preferences. Chatbots can be taught to recognize a language immediately and that means customers from around the globe can simply use their own language to start a conversation. Let’s have a look at how AI makes chatbots even better. AI is involved in several processes here, the first one being data collection. While a customer can skip a survey, AI can collect all the information it needs during the very interaction with a chatbot. All the questions will be seamlessly embedded into the dialogue. Chatbots with AI can use databases to get the right information about customers. And by ‘right’ we mean something that could prove useful during the human-chatbot dialogue. Like purchase history that can give an idea of customer interests/preferences. Chatbots can be taught to recognize a language immediately and that means customers from around the globe can simply use their own language to start a conversation. AI-Augmented Interaction. Chatbots are really popular now, but they are not something universal. This technology has its niche, while it is way too specific to do more. Humans can get just as many benefits from using the AI-driven data analysis. Using AI analytics, techcomm specialists can create a better strategy for technical documentation. For example, AI can help analyze support databases to give the doc team an idea of which features require more attention in help topics. AI can be applied in hundreds of ways, no doubt. Understanding what will bring you more value is the key. Try leveraging your goals as a technical writer with what can be achieved using AI. It can do a whole lot of the legwork, the question is - will you be able to apply it correctly? Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
AI技术具有无限的潜力。 而且,围绕着AI这一话题也发生了很多奇怪的事情——你可能已经注意到,最近一段时间,供应商可以把任何东西都称为“人工智能”,目的只是让他们的目标受众感兴趣。 因此,我们想以一个关于AI的定义开篇——高德纳(Gartner)公司表示:“人工智能(AI)应用高级分析和基于逻辑的技术,其中包括机器学习,来解释事件,支持决策,使决策自动化,并采取行动。” 所以,让我们来尝试发掘融合在一个过程中的AI和技术文档工程师的真正潜力。 AI擅长做什么 我们已经确定了几个可以成功运用AI的领域。 而且,在很多运用AI的例子中,这项技术都是用来帮助创作的。技术文档工程师创建不同性质的文本,这些文本远远不止一般意义上的用户手册。 所以,AI只不过是另一种技术,它只能作用于写得很好的、目标明确的技术文本。 这里我们甚至不是指支持AI技术本身的文档,我们更多的是在谈论AI在我们生活中的实际表现。 技术文档工程师创造的文本正在推动人类与机器的互动。 现在,我们来看看目前在AI的帮助下有可能实现什么: 聊天机器人。 聊天机器人是人机对话的典型代表。 它们组成了所有人机交互的很大一部分,顺便提一下,到2020年底,这类交互预计将达到客户交互的85%。 聊天机器人不仅仅是用来“聊天”的,它们还能实现很多功能,比如引起顾客的兴趣,引导顾客,帮助他们。 将清晰精确的技术指令与良好的会话设计相结合,客户肯定会满意。 让我们来看看AI是如何让聊天机器人变得更加出色的。 AI会被应用于聊天机器人工作的几个过程中,第一个是数据收集。虽然客户可以跳过调查,但AI可以在客户与聊天机器人的交互过程中收集所有需要的信息。所有的问题都会无缝嵌入到对话中。 采用AI的聊天机器人可以使用数据库来获取有关客户的正确信息。 我们所说的“正确”指的是在人与聊天机器人对话过程中可以被证明有用的东西。 比如可以透露客户兴趣/偏好的购买历史记录。 聊天机器人可以立即学会识别一种语言,这意味着来自世界各地的客户可以使用他们自己的语言开始对话。 让我们来看看AI是如何让聊天机器人变得更加出色的。 AI会被应用于聊天机器人工作的几个过程中,第一个是数据收集。虽然客户可以跳过调查,但AI可以在客户与聊天机器人的交互过程中收集所有需要的信息。所有的问题都会无缝嵌入到对话中。 采用AI的聊天机器人可以使用数据库来获取有关客户的正确信息。 我们所说的“正确”指的是在人与聊天机器人对话过程中可以被证明有用的东西。 比如可以透露客户兴趣/偏好的购买历史记录。 聊天机器人可以立即学会识别一种语言,这意味着来自世界各地的客户可以使用他们自己的语言开始对话。 AI增强的交互。聊天机器人现在确实很流行,但并不是什么通用的东西。这项技术有它运用的范围,但它太具体了,不能实现更多的功能。通过使用AI驱动的数据分析,人们同样能获得许多好处。利用AI分析学,Techcomm的专家可以为技术文档写作创建更好的策略。例如,AI可以帮助分析支持数据库,从而使通信部门的团队了解在帮助主题中有哪些特性需要更多的关注。 AI可以有数百种应用方式,这是毫无疑问的。不过,了解什么会给你带来更多的价值才是关键。 作为一个技术文档工程师,你可以试着利用AI的功能来优化你的目标。 AI可以做大量的跑腿工作,问题是——你能正确地运用它吗? 祝你的技术写作取得进步! 单击帮助 团队 跨平台与设备编写、存储和交付文档

