The three keys to success in the language services space: Expertise, technology, and relationships


2020-05-10 22:49 Smartcat


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As a translation professional, you’re probably aware of the fact that the language services space is extremely crowded, which makes it difficult for many to set themselves apart from the competition. For translation professionals to thrive, they need an outside-the-box approach to marketing. Mikhal Heffer, founder of Lichi Translations, is a translation professional with a career path that’s as varied as the number of languages that her agency supports. In addition to mastering multiple languages, Heffer leverages multiple marketing methods to set herself apart from the crowd. At the age of 18, Heffer moved to Paris to learn French, after which she decided to pursue studies in languages that would allow her to live in other countries and explore new cultures. While living in Israel and studying at the Hebrew University, Heffer decided to learn Chinese. She also spent a few months studying in Taiwan to immerse herself in the language, and after completing formal studies, completed courses at Beijing university. Throughout this journey, Heffer was following her passion for linguistics, even though she didn’t have a clear career direction. That changed when Heffer realized that she would be great as a language services professional. In the early 90s Heffer broke into the field while working as a freelance interpreter for Chinese delegations in Israel. As this is before the Internet was mainstream, Heffer outsourced translations to students and professionals in China. After developing a reputation for delivering quality translation and interpretation services as a freelancer, Heffer founded Lichi Translations in 1997, which was the first company in Israel to specialize in Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai. Leveraging technology to increase capacity without reducing quality Although Heffer successfully grew Lichi Translations organically without sacrificing quality, she realized that manual translation processes limited the number of projects her team could handle. Her agency was also managing dozens of translators and projects had to be assigned based on their language pairs and domains of expertise. This is partly why she began looking into leveraging computer-aided translation (CAT) tools and machine translation technology. Heffer chose Smartcat for her agency because of its comprehensive onboarding processes, approachable support staff, and robust translator marketplace. The Smartcat WordPress Connector is a favorite feature of the Litchi Translations team as it enables them to pull content from client websites directly into Smartcat for processing. When translations are finished, the content is piped back into the website. Additionally, the Smartcat Marketplace is indispensable to Litchi Translations as it’s designed with transparency in mind. It features comprehensive translator profiles so agencies can view details such as the language pairs and pricing upfront, to save time in the recruiting process. The art of growing a language services agency Going back to the topic of organic growth, Heffer attributes much of her agency’s success to four methods: Joining business networking organizations Running a blog and producing a newsletter Helping clients succeed in global markets Leveraging name cards. Business networking organizations BNI (Business Networking International) is a favorite organization of Heffer and she’s been a member for over 11 years. BNI helps members grow their businesses by providing a structured channel to share and receive referrals and build relationships with other professionals. BNI chapters generally hold weekly meetings where members gather to connect and share updates on their business and ideal connections. The organization has over 240,000 members in 9,500 chapters across the globe making it one of the largest business networking organizations in the world. You can find a BNI chapter in your region via this page. Heffer reports that one of her connections through BNI has been a Litchi Translations client for five years. Creating a blog and a newsletter Given that effective business networking requires professionals to add value, Heffer runs a blog and sends out a newsletter on a regular basis. The Lichi Translations blog features client stories and general accounts of work in the translation industry. This content is then featured in the Lichi Translations newsletter, sent to thousands of readers, and shared through social media. Although blogs and newsletters don’t guarantee immediate business, these forms of communication increase the likelihood that the reader will reach out when they need these services. Helping clients succeed in global markets The main motto of Lichi Translations is to assist my clients to do business in the global market. That’s why Heffer created the Lichi Business Forum which is a networking event for companies that conduct business internationally. It takes place every few months and caters to a different market (e.g. China, Russia, Africa, Italy, Latin America) each time. By hosting these events, Lichi Translations increases its brand visibility, plus the team can interact with clients and prospects. More important is the fact that the agency enables business professionals to meet and develop valuable business connections — a level of value that few other agencies provide. The Lichi name card The final technique Heffer uses to foster business relationships is providing a memorable giveaway to connections. These don’t have to be elaborate. Just something simple to show that you’re thinking of them. Client quote What I really like about Smartcat, and this is my goal for 2020, is how easy they make website translation. Since I learned about the option to connect Smartcat to websites, I’ve translated a few websites and I find it’s an incredible advantage for the client because it works automatically. I push the content into the project, and once I finish the translation, it goes back into the client website with graphics and text. So, this is a wonderful product.
作为一名专业译者,您可能知道语言服务领域就业空间十分拥挤,导致许多译者很难在竞争中脱颖而出。专业译者若想蓬勃发展,便需要不拘一格的营销方法。 Lichi Translations的创始人Mikhal Heffer是一名专业译者,其职业道路和其公司提供翻译的语言种类一样丰富。在掌握多种语言之外,她还使用多种营销手段让自己与众不同。 18岁时,Heffer搬到巴黎学习法语,之后她决定继续学习语言,以在其他国家生活和探索新文化。在以色列的希伯来大学学习期间,Heffer决定学习中文。她还在台湾学习了几个月,以让自己沉浸在中文环境中,完成正式学业后,她又在北京大学修完了课程。 在整个求学过程中,虽然Heffer并没有明确的职业方向,但她一直追随着自己对语言学的热情。当Heffer意识到自己想成为一名优秀的专业语言服务者时,这种情况发生了改变。 上世纪90年代初,Heffer以中国驻以色列代表团的自由译员身份进入语言服务领域。这是在互联网成为主流之前,因此Heffer将翻译外包给中国的学生和专业译者。 作为一名自由译者,Heffer以提供高质量的笔译和口译服务而享有盛誉。她于1997年创立了 Lichi Translations,这是以色列第一家专门从事亚洲语言(如中文,日文,韩文和泰文)翻译的公司。 在不降低译文质量的前提下,利用技术提高项目容量 虽然Heffer成功地在不牺牲质量的前提下有机发展了Lichi Translations,但她意识到人工翻译过程限制了团队可处理的项目数量。她的公司还管理着几十名笔译员,必须根据他们的语言对和专业领域分配项目。 这也是她开始研究计算机辅助翻译(CAT)工具和机器翻译技术的原因之一。Heffer之所以选择Smartcat作为自己的代理公司,是因为其全面的入职流程、平易近人的支持人员以及强大的翻译市场。 Smartcat WordPress Connector是Litchi Translations团队最喜欢的功能,因为该功能帮助他们将客户端网站的内容直接拉入Smartcat进行处理。翻译完成后,译文将传回客户端网站。 此外,对Litchi Translations而言,Smartcat Marketplace是一项不可或缺的功能,因为该功能的设计考虑了透明度。它的特点是提供全面的翻译资料,因此代理机构可以提前查看详细信息,如语言对和价格等,从而节省招聘时间。 发展语言服务机构的技巧 回到有机增长的话题,Heffer认为,Litchi Translations的成功很大程度上归功于以下四种方法: 加入商业引荐组织 运营博客并发送新闻通讯 帮助客户在全球市场取得成功 利用名片 商业引荐组织 商业引荐组织BNI(Business Networking International)是Heffer最喜欢的组织,她成为该组织的成员的时间已超过11年了。BNI通过提供结构化的渠道来分享和接受会员推荐,并与其他专业人士建立人脉关系,帮助会员发展他们的业务。 BNI各分会通常每周举行一次会议,会员们聚集一堂以建立联系并分享关于各自业务和理想人脉的最新信息。该组织在全球拥有9500个分会,240000多名成员,是世界上最大的商业引荐组织之一。您可以通过此页面找到您所在地区的BNI分会。 Heffer说,她在BNI的人脉之一已成为Litchi Translations的客户五年了。 运营博客并制作发送新闻通讯 鉴于有效的商业网络需要专业人士来增加价值,Heffer会运营博客并定期发送时事通讯。Lichi Translations的博客以客户故事和翻译行业工作概况为特色。这些内容随后会出现在Lichi Translations的新闻通讯中,发送给成千上万的读者,并通过社交媒体分享。 虽然博客和新闻通讯并不能保证业务的立即展开,但这些交流形式提高了读者在需要此类服务时主动联系的可能性。 帮助客户在全球市场取得成功 Lichi Translations的主要宗旨是协助客户在全球市场开展业务。这就是Heffer创建Lichi商业论坛的原因,该论坛是面向从事国际业务的公司的社交活动。它每隔几个月举行一次,每次都迎合不同市场(如中国、俄罗斯、非洲、意大利、拉丁美洲等)。 通过举办这些活动,Lichi Translations不仅提高了其品牌知名度,其团队还可与客户和潜在客户进行互动。更重要的是,该机构帮助商业专业人士结识并发展有价值的商业人脉,这是其他机构无法提供的价值。 Lichi名片 Heffer建立业务关系的最后一个技巧是提供令人难忘的赠品。赠品用不着太复杂,只是简单的表达你在想他们。 客户评价 Smartcat使网站翻译变得简单,这不仅是我真正喜欢Smartcat的原因,也是我2020年的目标。自从我知道可以将Smartcat连接至网站后,我已经翻译了不少网站,我发现对客户而言,这一优势简直难以置信,因为它可以自动工作。我把翻译内容放至项目中,一旦翻译完成,译文便和图文一起传回客户端网站。因此,这是一个很棒的产品。

