Top 5 Reasons Why Enterprises Rely on Machine Translation for Global Expansion


2020-03-28 16:50 slator


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Nearly half (49%) of executives say that a language barrier stood in the way of major international business deals in the past, according to a report from SDL. Furthermore, 64% of these executives consider language barriers as a major challenge to successfully entering international markets. The report “Top 5 Reasons Why Enterprises Rely on Machine Translation for Global Expansion” highlights how machine translation (MT) effectively addresses these language barriers in five use cases:  Online user activity and multilingual engagement  Global customer service and customer relationship management  International employee collaboration  Online security and protection of intellectual property  Translation capacity and turnaround time for internal teams or agencies Effective Communication Communicating with employees and customers in their native languages improves efficiency, increases receptivity, and allows for easier processing of concepts. Most enterprises with translation departments or language service providers are already benefiting from post-edited MT, where expert human translators improve machine translated text. The report indicates this approach improves translation capacity and productivity by as much as 30%, noting large enterprises with massive translation volume can increase productivity by a whopping 300%. Furthermore, it also directly reduces translation costs. The report goes on to cover use cases beyond material handled by internal translation teams or partner vendors. Real-Time and Dynamic Communication Human translation teams cannot keep up with dynamic or real-time content. Enterprises can have massive volumes of both, in the form of user-generated content (UGC) and knowledge bases, for instance. According to the report, MT can affordably translate UGC such as comments, reviews, and forum posts in real-time. Mt can also handle dynamically changing content like knowledge bases. Furthermore, the report also delved into multilingual customer support and internal team collaboration—both real-time elements that MT can reliably bolster. Enterprises need to leverage MT to overcome language barriers and thrive in today’s global market. The automatic translation of content in real-time and at large scale through MT offers benefits that human translation cannot match. SDL’s “Top 5 Reasons Why Enterprises Rely on Machine Translation for Global Expansion” is free to download now.(
SDL公司的一份报告显示,近一半(49%)的高管表示,在过去,语言问题阻碍了主要国际贸易的发展。此外,64%的高管认为语言问题是成功打入国际市场的主要挑战 《企业依赖机器翻译进行全球扩张的五大原因》这一报告从以下五个方面,强调了机器翻译 (MT)怎样消除了语言问题:  在线用户活动和多语言参与  全球客户服务和客户关系管理  国际员工合作  网络安全和知识产权保护  内部团队或机构的翻译能力和周转时间 有效的沟通 用员工和客户的母语进行沟通可以提高效率,提高接受度,并简化对概念的处理。 大多数拥有翻译部或语言服务提供商的企业已经从机器翻译的译后编辑中受益,在这种机器翻译中,专业的人工译者可以改进机器翻译文本。 报告指出,该方法可以让翻译领域的生产力提高30%,对于那些翻译需求量大的大企业而言,生产力最高可以提高300%。不仅如此,还可以降低翻译的成本。 除了内部翻译团队或合作伙伴供应商的翻译材料之外,该报告还纳入了其他的用例。 实时动态通信 人工翻译团队无法跟上动态或实时的内容,而企业会大量处理以上两种翻译。例如,用户生成内容(UGC)以及知识库。 根据该报告,机器翻译可以实时翻译用户生成内容(UGC),如评论、评论和论坛帖子,可以处理动态变化的内容,比如知识库。 此外,该报告还深入研究了多语言客户支持和内部团队协作,而机器翻译可以有效助力这两种实时情景。 企业需要利用机器翻译来克服语言问题,并在全球市场中蓬勃发展。通过机器,可以实现文本的实时、大规模自动翻译,这是人工翻译无法比拟的优势。 SDL发布的《企业依赖机器翻译进行全球扩张的五大原因》现在可以免费下载。下载网址: 译后编辑:杨安训(中山大学)

