10 things you can do with memoQ while you are stuck at home


2020-03-26 17:57 memoQ


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How are you? These unusually quiet days, with many meetings cancelled and people asked to work from home, give us the perfect opportunity to do some stuff we always postpone in normal, busier times. Some suggestions: 1. Clean up your translation memory. If this is not done regularly, your TM can get cluttered and redundant (but many people are usually too busy to do). 2. Organize your files, delete unneeded and duplicate files. This should be done on a regular basis but, if nothing else, a good spring cleaning can be useful. 3. Work through your administration. memoQ gives you the perfect interface to run an analysis with word count, characters and segments, and calculate the different types of matches, which can be useful for any administrative tasks also after a project is already done. 4. Read up on collaborative tools. We’re proud to be on this list! Did you know that memoQ makes it easy to work in teams? Check it out: https://www.memoq.com/products/memoq-cloud 5. Catch up on training, so that you will be able to use your favorite translation tool even more productively when everything gets back to normal. memoQ offers free online training via the memoQ blog or YouTube. 6. Work on your terminology lists or create a new term base from terms researched in recent projects or to prepare for upcoming work. 7. Check out machine translation (MT) for your language combination. How does it work for your material? Will it help you get more work done? Try machine translating stuff you have worked on in the past and try linking to your favorite MT engine directly in memoQ. 8. Explore additional business opportunities. The memoQ website offers specialized information about game localization, life science localization, and media localization. You might decide to target your efforts in a new market niche and come out of this time with a new business opportunity. 9. Offer to show a colleague you would like to work with how memoQ works. Good news: there is a 30-day trial period, so they will have plenty of time to learn how to use it for their work. 10. Register for the upcoming free memoQ webinar Hello, memoQ 9.3! by Veronika Pándi and ZsoltVarga on Wednesday, 25 March. Keep up to date with the newest developments and learn how they might be useful for you. These are our suggestions for your working days. But don’t forget—just as important during these days at home, there should be time for relaxation and fun, as well. Here are four bonus suggestions for your downtime during the days ahead: Play a game! I am getting out Yahtzee right now. Try to catch a glimpse of the sun and enjoy your coffee or tea. Listen to music. Maybe you do already, but you will probably have more time now than before. I love Obama’s playlist on Spotify. Practice your substitutes for handshakes with elbow bumps or “foot shakes” like one of these. We hope that you find our suggestions helpful. Let us know if there is anything you would like to know more about. Stay safe!
你还好吗?这几天异常清净,许多会议都取消了,人们被要求在家办公,这给了我们一个绝佳的机会,去做一些我们平时因忙碌一推再推的事情。以下是一些建议: 1.清理你的翻译记忆(TM)。如果不经常清理,你的TM可能会变得混乱、冗余(但很多人通常没空)。 2.整理你的文件,删除不需要和重复的文件。如果不是太忙了,这应该是个定期的工作。春季彻底“大扫除”肯定大有裨益。 3.借助管理平台工作。memoQ为你提供了完美的界面,可以进行字数、字符和句段的分析,计算不同类型的匹配情况,这对项目完成后的任何管理工作都很有帮助。 4.学习协作工具。我们很骄傲能榜上有名!你知道么,memoQ能让团队工作更容易。详情请看:https://www.memoq.com/products/memoq-cloud 5.加紧训练。这样当一切恢复正常时,你就可以更有效地使用你喜欢的翻译工具了。memoQ通过memoQ博客或YouTube提供免费的在线培训。 6.完善你的术语库,或为近期项目中研究过的术语创建一个新的术语库,或为即将到来的工作做准备。 7.为改善语言组合检查机器翻译(MT)。MT的工作怎么样?它能帮你完成更多的工作吗?研究之前机器翻译过的内容,并将你最喜欢的MT引擎导入到memoQ里。 8.探索更多的商机。memoQ网站提供了关于游戏本地化、生命科学本地化和媒体本地化的专门信息。你可以计划探索的市场,在疫情之后,掌握新的商机。 9.向你的好搭档展示memoQ的功能。好消息:memoQ现提供30天试用期,所以你的搭档将有充足的时间学习如何使用它工作。 10. 注册即将举办的memoQ免费在线会议“你好,memoQ9.3!”,该会议由Veronika Pandi和ZsoltVarga主持,在3月25日(星期三)召开。跟上最新发展,并从中学习。 以上是我们对你工作日的建议。但是不要忘记——休息日也同样重要,你需要有放松和娱乐的时间。 关于之后的休息日,这里还有四条额外的建议: 玩游戏!我现在要玩“快艇骰子”去了。 试着晒晒太阳,享受咖啡或茶。 听音乐。也许你已经这样做了,但你现在时间比以前更充裕。我喜欢奥巴马Spotify上的音乐列表。 试着用肘部碰触或“握脚”之类的动作来代替握手。 我们希望以上建议对你有所帮助。如果你想了解更多,请联系我们。祝你健康! 译后编辑:孔越怡(中山大学)

