The Rise of the Translation Industry in the Asia-Pacific Region


2020-03-15 13:53 memoq


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The global translation industry is continuing its growth in the new year, with an expected market value of $56 billion by the end of 2020. The Asia-Pacific region is one of the fastest-growing language service provider (LSP) markets, primarily in China and Japan. Together the countries currently dominate the Asia-Pacific market, with nearly 20 LSPs ranked among the top 30 providers in the region. Due to the growth of the Honyaku Center and Pactera Technologies, Japan and China cracked the top 10 for all global LSPs at the start of 2020. To keep up with the growth of the market in Japan, memoQ decided to deploy a second server in the country in 2019. Here's a look at the trends driving industry growth in the Asia-Pacific region this year. Watch for Growth in Strategic Partnerships The global success of China's top LSP, Pactera Technologies, is poised to make China a major player in the 2020 language services market. The company has already received Microsoft's award for top China System Integrator, making Pactera one of Microsoft's leading partners in the worldwide LSP market. The Pactera Cloud Partner Alliance with Microsoft signals an exciting trend in the Asia-Pacific LSP industry. Look for more strategic alliances between the tech sector and LSPs, especially with cloud computing platforms and machine learning developers. These partnerships may become more crucial in 2020 as trade policies and economies fluctuate in China and Japan, which has already impacted top LSPs in the market. The Strategic Infusion of Cloud Solutions and Machine Learning The success of the Pactera-Microsoft Cloud Partner Alliance signals the continued adoption of machine learning and cloud computing by LSPs. This alliance, in particular, is setting the trend for improved LSP customer experiences using cloud-based solutions. The Pactera-Microsoft partnership also follows the growing trend of Chief Experience Office (CXO) awareness within the Asia-Pacific LSP market. Its Microsoft award emphasized Pactera's success in using the cloud to facilitate excellent customer experiences. Watch for more LSPs to add CXOs to their teams to drive client relationships, as customer experience becomes a high priority. Better customer experiences aren't the only reason why the Asia-Pacific market continues to embrace the latest technological advancements. Pactera has signaled another important trend in the LSP industry — the infusion of machine learning for quality control. Quality assurance is one of the biggest concerns in the Asia-Pacific LSP industry. By infusing powerful artificial intelligence (AI) tools into its platform, Pactera hopes to tackle the challenges of executing large-scale translation projects with utmost precision and speed. The AI trend in the global LSP industry dispels the myth that translators will be replaced by machines. It's just the opposite. Top LSPs hope to leverage the latest AI technologies to better equip translators across the Asia-Pacific region. Expect More Government Investment in the LSP Industry It's not just the Asia-Pacific translation industry that's catching onto the latest 2020 trends. Both China’s and Japan's governments are taking notice, so much so, in fact, that both governments are planning to invest heavily in language service providers and tools for translators. Japan's government is investing $19 million in technology to improve the quality of simultaneous interpretation, a translation task with a high level of difficulty. The investment will fund AI-based software that will help with simultaneous interpretation in 15 different languages across the Asia-Pacific region. Japan's investment comes on the heels of China's recent investment in the language services industry under the country's One Belt One Road (OBOR) program. Since translation is so fundamental to the initiative, OBOR is attracting more international LSPs to China's market. You can expect to see Japan’s and China's influence in the LSP translation industry grow as providers look outside the market for more international translation opportunities. As competition heats up between the Asia-Pacific sector and the rest of the global translation industry, watch for developments of AI-powered tools and cloud solutions to help translators improve accuracy and turn-around times. The Demand for Medical Translators will Skyrocket 2020 is shaping up to be the year of medical translation in the LSP industry. The demand for multilingual medical and pharmaceutical translations is a key factor driving LSP market growth in the Asia-Pacific region. Expect growing demand for medical translations from China and Japan as the global healthcare market grows to a projected $11.9 trillion. The Asia-Pacific region has the second-largest healthcare industry, with Japan's pharma industry valued at $80 billion and China's at over $1 trillion. Despite economic fluctuations throughout the region, both Japan and China's healthcare industries are projected to grow. Japan is up 1.3% from previous years, and China's healthcare industry is growing at an impressive 12%, despite recent economic uncertainty in the country. This is great news for the Asia-Pacific translation sector in 2020.
全球翻译行业在新的一年将继续发展,预计到2020年底,市场价值将达到560亿美元。 亚太地区是语言服务提供商(LSP)增长最快的市场之一,主要集中在中国和日本。目前,这两个国家共同主导亚太市场,在该地区排名前30名的供应商中有近20家LSP来自这两个国家。Honyaku Center和文思海辉科技的发展使得日本和中国在2020年初进入了全球LSP市场前10名。为了跟上日本市场的增长步伐,memoQ于2019年在日本部署了第二台服务器。 以下是今年亚太地区翻译行业发展的趋势。 关注战略伙伴关系的发展 中国顶级LSP文思海辉科技在国际上大获成功,这让中国成为2020年语言服务重要市场之一。文思海辉已获得微软的中国系统集成商大奖,成为微软在全球LSP市场的主要合作伙伴之一。 文思海辉与微软的云合作伙伴联盟标志着亚太LSP行业的发展呈现出可喜趋势。期待技术行业和LSP之间能达成更多的战略联盟,特别是与云计算平台和机器学习开发商的联盟。由于中日贸易政策和经济发生波动,战略合作在2020年会变得更加重要,而这些合作关系其实已经对市场的顶级LSP产生了影响。 云解决方案和机器学习的战略融合 文思海辉与微软云合作伙伴联盟的成功表明,LSP将继续采用机器学习和云计算。事实上,这个联盟正在引领使用云解决方案改善LSP客户体验的趋势。 文思海辉与微软的合作也顺应了首席体验官(CXO)意识在亚太LSP市场的发展趋势。文思海辉使用云来提升卓越的客户体验,微软所颁发的奖项对其在这方面的成功给予了肯定。因为客户体验愈加重要,有更多的LSP将首席体验官纳入团队中以促进客户关系。 亚太市场不断应用最新技术进步并不仅仅是为了追求更佳的用户体验。文思海辉还引领了LSP行业的另一个重要趋势——将机器学习融入质量控制中。 质量保证是亚太地区LSP行业最关注的问题之一。文思海辉希望通过将强大的人工智能(AI)工具融入其平台,从而以最优的精度和速度来处理大型翻译项目。 全球LSP行业的人工智能发展趋势打破了译者将被机器取代的传言。事实恰好相反,顶级LSP希望利用最新的人工智能技术来更好地辅助亚太地区的译者。 预计政府将对LSP行业增加投资 不仅仅是亚太地区的翻译行业在追赶2020年的最新趋势。中日政府都注意到了这一点,事实上,两国政府都计划在语言服务提供商和翻译工具上投入大量资金。 日本政府投资1900万美元用于提高同声传译这种难度很大的翻译类型的质量。该投资将资助AI软件来辅助亚太地区内15种不同语言的同声传译。 在日本进行投资之前,中国刚刚根据一带一路(OBOR)倡议投资了语言服务业。由于翻译对于这一倡议的实施至关重要,因此一带一路正在吸引更多的国际LSP进入中国市场。 因为LSP在寻求更多的国际翻译机会,中日在LSP翻译行业的影响力未来可期。随着亚太地区和其他地区翻译行业的竞争日益激烈,业内人士应关注人工智能工具和云解决方案的发展,以帮助翻译人员提高准确性,争取周转时间。 对医疗翻译人员的需求将猛增 2020年将成为LSP行业的医学翻译年度。多语种医药翻译的需求是推动LSP市场在亚太地区发展的关键因素。 全球医疗市场价值增长至11.9万亿美元,预计中日医疗翻译的需求也将日益增长。亚太地区拥有全球第二大医疗卫生产业,其中日本的制药行业价值800亿美元,中国的制药行业价值逾1万亿美元。 尽管整个地区经济波动,但预计,中日医疗卫生产业价值都将增长。日本医疗产业较前几年增长了1.3%,尽管最近中国经济存在不确定性,但其医疗产业却惊人地增长了12%。这对2020年的亚太翻译行业来说是个好消息。 译后编辑:王思晴(中山大学)

