5 problems companies have with website localisation


2020-03-12 19:10 insight video interpreting


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Once a brand decides to expand internationally, website localisation is usually one of the first steps they take to be able to reach a wider audience and showcase their services or products to their customers overseas. It’s crucial that the services, brand messages, and company values are showcased in the most professional and appropriate way for the target market. However, the website localisation process isn’t always straightforward, especially if companies don’t choose a trusted, professional language service provider. As web users are up to four times more likely to purchase from a site that communicates in their own language, it is vital to get the translation right. Below you will find 5 problems some companies have when getting their website localised: 1. Quality Perhaps the most common problem that companies face is their translation being done to a poor standard. This may not necessarily mean obvious wording errors or spelling mistakes, it could mean the website has not been localised for its target audience. It is sometimes challenging to distinguish where translation ends and localisation starts, however, the latter addresses significant, non-textual components necessary to correctly adapt the product to local needs. Localisation is a key part of the process as it ensures the translated content is culturally appropriate for target markets. For example, Mexico’s national language is Spanish, but this does not mean the process is as simple as translating the existing website into Spanish in order to target Mexican consumers. It is important to make sure the website is culturally appropriate for the Mexican audience by localising words, phrases, images, terms of address and more in order to ensure they are in line with what the Mexican audience expects. A good example of why localisation is important is when Coca-Cola first launched in China. When Chinese shops first imported Coca-Cola in the 1920s, they wrote the name in Chinese characters. Unlike the Latin alphabet, Chinese characters have both a meaning and a sound. The characters pronounced ‘Coca-Cola’ often had nonsensical meanings like ‘mere stuffed with wax’ or ‘bite the wax tadpole’. For its official Chinese launch in 1928, the brand chose a different name: 可口可樂 (in original traditional form). The pronunciation was only slightly different (‘Kěkǒukělè’), and can be loosely translated as ‘happiness in the mouth’. 2. Compatibility The next key issue that companies face is finding technologies that properly support website localisation and multilingual websites. A business needs a solution that will allow it to upload its content to be translated easily, can cope with website changes, and won’t be susceptible to failure. This is essential for making sure the content can be sent off for translation efficiently and without complications. If your business has a WordPress website then WPML is a great plugin to get the content translated. You can simply select which pages or sections you want translating and directly upload them to your language service provider who will translate the content for you. WPML then puts the content back in the right place which is much easier and efficient for both parties. For more information about WPML translation, read our guide to WPML here. 3. Optimisation Another problem that some companies encounter is once they’ve had their website localised they realise it hasn’t been optimised, resulting in low traffic to the site, which isn’t productive if you are trying to grow your business in that foreign market. Many companies make the mistake of thinking they can just use Google Translate for tasks such as translating keywords, but they don’t realise that the keywords for their product/service may be a completely different word or phrase in their foreign market. This is why multilingual keyword research is needed for all new target markets to make sure the most appropriate keywords are being used, which will result in more traffic to your website. The same goes for SEO and meta descriptions. Metadata usually cause problems for linguists as they have a character limit and don’t always follow grammar rules. This means that simply translating the meta description word for word won’t work for languages like German where the words are longer and have special characters. The metadata, along with the other SEO elements, will need to be reworded in a way that still makes sense and still contains the relevant keywords needed for optimisation. If your website has already been localised then you will require multilingual SEO carried out by a native professional in the language you’re targeting. 4. Maintenance Once the website has been fully translated, localised and optimised that must be the end of the website translation process? Many companies think this is the case but it isn’t. To ensure the website always performs to its best capabilities it will need continuous maintenance, updates and site audits. The localised version should mirror the updates and activity that is carried out on the domestic site. Just like the domestic site needs assistance from social media, blog content and press releases in order to generate more traffic, the localised site will need all of this too to work to its full potential. To do this, all of this content also needs to be translated, localised and optimised alongside the website in order to maximise reach and engagement in the new market. However, what is posted on the domestic social media channels and blogs may not be relevant to a foreign audience, so tailored content may have to be created for each demographic. 5. Cost All of the points discussed above will all ultimately contribute to this final problem…cost. There should be a balance between the quality and cost of the language service required, you don’t want to pay over the odds for the service but likewise buying cheap could mean you pay twice. If your company has tried to save costs by not using a professional language service provider, the website may come back and not be localised or optimised. An even worse scenario would be that the content gets returned with errors. After identifying these common problems that companies face when getting their website localised, it’s not all bad news. They can all be easily avoided by using the right website translation and localisation provider. Your provider should translate and localise the website, whilst optimising it thoroughly throughout the process. The best providers use superior proxy-based technology that can be used with any tool, handle any site and read any programming language to make the whole process easier for both parties. Your provider should use native professional experts that will provide you with thorough, brand-perfect localisation for your online and multi-channel content, all around the world. This may result in your costs being higher as you will have to invest even more time and money in fixing these issues by involving another language service provider who will, in best case scenario, proofread and fix these issues. Surely it’s better to pay once for a service that is guaranteed to be high-quality as well as the process running smoother and quicker? The Solution After identifying these common problems that companies face when getting their website localised, it’s not all bad news. They can all be easily avoided by using the right website translation and localisation provider. Your provider should translate and localise the website, whilst optimising it thoroughly throughout the process. The best providers use superior proxy-based technology that can be used with any tool, handle any site and read any programming language to make the whole process easier for both parties. Your provider should use native professional experts that will provide you with thorough, brand-perfect localisation for your online and multi-channel content, all around the world. This provider should be Language Insight. To discuss our digital services such as website localisation in more detail, get in touch with our Digital Team today by emailing: [email protected]
一旦一个品牌决定在国际上扩张,网站本地化通常是他们采取的第一步,以能够接触到更广泛的受众,并向海外客户展示他们的服务或产品。服务、品牌信息和公司价值必须以最专业和最合适的方式展示给目标市场。 但是,网站本地化过程 并不总是简单明了的,尤其是如果公司不选择受信任的, 专业语言服务提供商。因为网络用户多达四倍 很可能从以自己的语言进行通信的站点购买 对正确翻译至关重要。 以下是一些公司在网站本地化时遇到的5个问题: 1。质量 也许最常见的问题是 公司面临的问题是他们的翻译标准差。这可能不会 必然意味着明显的措辞错误或拼写错误,这可能意味着 网站尚未针对目标受众进行本地化。它有时很有挑战性 然而,要区分翻译的终点和本地化的起点,必须 后者解决了正确处理所需的重要的非文本组件 使产品适应当地的需要。 本地化是流程的关键部分,因为它确保翻译的内容在文化上适合目标市场。例如,墨西哥的国家语言是西班牙语,但这并不意味着将现有网站翻译成西班牙语,以墨西哥消费者为目标的过程非常简单。重要的是要确保该网站在文化上适合墨西哥受众,将文字、短语、图片、地址等进行本地化,以确保它们符合墨西哥受众的期望。 可口可乐首次在中国推出本土化战略是一个很好的例子。20世纪20年代,中国商店首次进口可口可乐时,他们用汉字书写了可口可乐的名字。与拉丁字母不同,汉字既有意义又有声音。发音为“可口可乐”的字符通常有一些无意义的含义,比如“仅仅用蜡填充”或“咬掉蜡蝌蚪”。1928年正式推出中国品牌时,该品牌选择了一个不同的名称: quot ;21475;& quot ;发音只略有不同(“ K _ k _ k _ uk _ k _ l è”),可以松散地翻译为“ happiness ”。 2.兼容性 公司面临的下一个关键问题是找到适当支持网站本地化和多语言网站的技术。一个企业需要一个解决方案,使其能够轻松地上传其内容,能够应对网站的变化,并且不会受到失败的影响。这对于确保能够有效地发送内容以进行翻译是至关重要的。 如果你的企业有一个 WordPress 网站,那么 WPML 是一个很好的插件,可以得到翻译的内容。您可以简单地选择要翻译的页面或部分,并将其直接上载到将为您翻译内容的语言服务提供商。然后 WPML 将内容放回正确的位置,这对双方都是更容易和有效的。有关 WPML 翻译的更多信息,请阅读这里的 WPML 指南。 3.优化 一些公司遇到的另一个问题是,一旦他们的网站被本地化,他们就会意识到网站没有得到优化,导致网站的流量很低,如果你想在国外市场拓展业务,这是没有成效的。 许多公司犯了以下错误: 我想他们只能用谷歌翻译来完成翻译等任务 关键字,但他们没有意识到产品/服务的关键字 在国外市场上可能是完全不同的词或短语。这是 为什么所有新的目标市场都需要多语言关键词研究 确保正在使用最合适的关键字,这将导致更多 流量到你的网站。 SEO 和元描述也是如此。元数据通常会给语言学家带来问题,因为他们有一个字符限制,并且不总是遵循语法规则。这意味着,简单地翻译单词的元描述单词对于像德语这样的词更长且具有特殊字符的语言是行不通的。元数据连同其他 SEO 元素,将需要以一种仍有意义且仍然包含优化所需的相关关键字的方式重新排序。如果您的网站已经本地化,那么您将需要由本地专业人员以您所针对的语言执行多语言 SEO 。 4.维护 网站建成后 翻译、本地化和优化必须是网站的结尾 翻译过程?许多公司认为情况是这样,但事实并非如此。 为了确保网站始终以最佳的性能运行,它需要持续的维护、更新和网站审计。本地化版本应反映在国内网站上进行的更新和活动。就像国内网站需要社会媒体、博客内容和新闻发布的帮助才能产生更多的流量一样,本地网站也需要所有这些,才能充分发挥其潜力。要做到这一点,所有这些内容还需要与网站一起翻译、本地化和优化,以最大限度地扩大新市场的覆盖面和参与程度。然而,在国内社交媒体渠道和博客上发布的内容可能与外国受众无关,因此可能必须为每个人口群体创建量身定制的内容。 5.成本 以上讨论的所有要点将 所有这些最终都会导致最终的问题…成本。 在语言服务的质量和成本之间应该有一个平衡,你不想支付服务的赔率,但同样购买便宜可能意味着你支付两次。如果您的公司试图通过不使用专业语言服务提供商来节省成本,则网站可能会回来,而不是本地化或优化。更糟糕的情况是内容返回时出错。 在发现这些常见问题后 这些公司在将自己的网站本地化时面临的问题并非都是坏事 新闻。使用正确的网站翻译和 本地化供应商。您的提供商应该翻译并本地化网站, 同时在整个过程中彻底优化它。最好的提供者使用 可以与任何工具一起使用的基于代理的高级技术,可以处理任何站点 阅读任何编程语言,使整个过程更容易实现 派对。您的提供商应使用将提供的本地专业专家 为您的在线和多渠道提供全面、品牌完美的本地化 内容,遍布世界各地。 这可能导致您的成本 因为你必须投入更多的时间和金钱来解决这些问题 涉及其他语言服务提供商的问题,在最佳情况下 场景,校对和解决这些问题。当然最好付一次钱。 保证高质量的服务以及运行平稳的过程 和更快? 解决方案 在确认了这些公司在网站本地化时面临的常见问题之后,这并不是所有的坏消息。通过使用正确的网站翻译和本地化提供商,它们都可以很容易地被避免。您的提供商应该翻译和本地化网站,同时在整个过程中彻底优化它。最好的供应商使用基于代理的高级技术,可以与任何工具一起使用,处理任何站点,阅读任何编程语言,使双方的整个过程更容易。您的供应商应使用本地专业专家,为您提供全面、品牌完美的本地化,为您的在线和多渠道内容,在世界各地。 这个提供者应该是语言洞察力。为了更详细地讨论我们的数字服务,如网站本地化,请通过电子邮件与我们的数字团队联系:[电子邮件保护]

