Global digital trends in 2020


2020-02-26 04:30 insight video interpreting


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The rise of digital is one of the biggest revolutions in human history. It’s often easy to overlook how advanced digital technology has become in recent years, especially when the first mobile phones only got released less than 40 years ago in 1984. However, you only have to take a glance at the Martech 5000 ‘Marketing  Technology Landscape Supergraphic’ to get an idea of how massive the marketing & digital industry is, and it isn’t going away anytime soon. The mid-80s and early 90s were undoubtedly the tipping point of the digital revolution, with Tim Berners Lee inventing the World Wide Web in 1989 which was released to the public 2 years later. But how far has digital come since then, and what global digital trends should marketers be aware of? In this article, we will be exploring different digital trends from around the world to get a better insight into what the future of digital marketing will look like. Online vs. Offline Advertising Gone are the days when Digital marketing was referred to as a ‘trend’ or a ‘niche’, as in 2018-2019 digital made up 51% of US ad spending and by 2021 it is expected that digital will make up around 48% of global advertising spend. We are starting to see how digital is quickly becoming bigger than offline marketing which means as digital ceases to be a niche, offline marketing will soon take its place. Global Internet Usage In Hootsuite and We Are Social’s 2020 Global Digital Report, it was found that the total number of internet users worldwide is 4.54 billion increasing by 7% since 2019, which is 59% of the world’s total population. This is actually surprisingly lower than what most people might think, especially if you’re from a very economically developed country where everyone has a smartphone. However, in less economically developed countries like parts of Africa, the internet penetration can be as low as 22% as having access to the internet is far less common and is seen as a luxury. Therefore with international marketing, companies need to consider whether digital is best suited for the region that they’re targeting as that area may still respond better to offline marketing. It is clear that we are heading for a world where everybody has access to the internet as internet usage is increasing across all regions, even under-developed countries are using the internet at an ever-increasing rate.  Mobile vs. Desktop Another notable digital trend is how people are using the internet and the devices that they are using. Mobile search is rapidly increasing amongst internet users with mobile phones accounting for over 50% of the time that people spend online. As more people search online with their phones, there may be a time in the future where desktop search is only ever used by people in a commercial setting where they are sat in an office at their desks with a computer. Global Social Media Use According to the Global Digital Report 2020, there has been a 9.2% increase in global social media usage since January 2019. The number of social media users worldwide as of January 2020 was 3.8 billion which is over 49% of the world’s total population. Statista (2019) During January 2019, Statista reported that the top 5 countries that have the highest social media penetration are the UAE at 99%, Taiwan at 89%, South Korea at 85%, Singapore at 79% and Hong Kong at 78%. Countries that have the lowest social media penetration are Nigeria at 12%, Kenya at 16%, Ghana at 19%, India at 23%, and South Africa and Egypt at 40%. These statistics are based on the amount of active social media users for the top social networks in each country compared to the total population. Reasons why these countries use social media more than others is most likely related to the economy of that country, as the 5 countries with the lowest social media penetration are predominately developing countries compared to the UAE and Singapore that have strong economies. Another reason could be due to the culture of that country, as some cultures are a lot more social than others and this could mean that they value social media a lot more. The economy of that country could also be a contributing factor as the 5 countries with the lowest social media penetration are also predominately developing countries. Future Digital Trends Are we heading into a world where everybody will have access to the internet ? Will mobile search become the primary way to use the internet, or will desktop still have its use in a commercial context? How will voice search affect digital marketing? The future of digital is exciting and who knows what it will mean for consumers and businesses alike! If you are looking to expand your business internationally and want to take advantage of digital marketing, then get in touch with our Digital Teams to see how our digital services, such as website localisation and multilingual SEO, can help you with your language needs. You can contact our Digital Teams by emailing: [email protected]
数字的崛起是人类历史上最大的革命之一。人们往往很容易忽视近年来先进的数字技术的发展,尤其是1984年首款手机才发布的时候。然而,你只需浏览一下 Martech 5000的“市场营销技术景观图”,就能知道市场营销和数字行业的规模有多大,而且不会很快消失。 80年代中期和90年代初期无疑是数字革命的引爆点,蒂姆·伯纳斯·李在1989年发明了万维网,两年后,万维网被公之于众。但从那时起,数字已经走了多远,营销人员应该意识到哪些全球数字趋势?在这篇文章中,我们将探索来自世界各地的不同数字趋势,以便更好地了解数字营销的未来将会是什么样子。 在线 vs .离线广告 数字营销被称为“趋势”或“利基”的时代已经一去不复返了,如在2018-2019年,数字占美国广告支出的51%,到2021年,预计数字将占全球广告支出的48%左右。我们开始看到,随着数字不再是一个利基,线下营销将很快取代线下营销,数字正迅速变得比线下营销更大。 全局 Internet 使用率 在《 Hooutsite 》和《我们是社会的2020全球数字报告》中,发现自2019年以来,全球互联网用户总数增加了7%,即45.4亿,占世界总人口的59%。这实际上比大多数人的想法低得惊人,尤其是如果你来自一个经济发达的国家,每个人都有智能手机。 然而,在经济欠发达的国家 像非洲部分国家一样,互联网普及率可能低至22% 因为访问互联网的情况远不常见,而且被视为一种奢侈品。 因此,随着国际营销的发展,企业需要考虑是否 数字最适合于他们所瞄准的区域,因为该区域可能 对线下营销仍有更好反应。很明显,我们要前往 一个人人都能像互联网使用一样访问互联网的世界 所有区域都在增长,即使是欠发达国家也在使用 互联网的增长速度越来越快。 Mobile vs .桌面 另一个值得注意的数字趋势是 人们正在使用互联网和他们正在使用的设备。Mobile 使用移动电话计费的互联网用户中的搜索正在迅速增加 占人们上网时间的50%以上。越来越多的人在网上搜索 使用他们的手机,将来可能会有一个桌面搜索的时间 只有在商业环境中的人们才会使用它们。 用电脑在办公桌旁的办公室。 全球社交媒体使用 根据《2020年全球数字报告》,自2019年1月以来,全球社交媒体使用率增加了9.2%。截至2020年1月,全球社交媒体用户数量为38亿,占世界总人口的49%。 Statista (2019) 据 Statista 报道,2019年1月 社会媒体渗透率最高的前5个国家是 阿联酋为99%,台湾为89%,韩国为85%,新加坡为79%,香港为79 占78%。社交媒体渗透率最低的国家是尼日利亚 12%,肯尼亚为16%,加纳为19%,印度为23%,南非和埃及为23%。 40%。这些统计数据基于 每个国家的最高社会网络与总人口相比。 这些国家之所以比其他国家更多地使用社交媒体,最有可能与该国的经济有关,因为社会媒体渗透率最低的5个国家主要是发展中国家,而阿联酋和新加坡经济强劲。另一个原因可能是该国的文化,因为有些文化比其他文化更具社会性,这可能意味着他们更看重社会媒体。该国的经济也可能是一个因素,因为社会媒体渗透率最低的5个国家也主要是发展中国家。 未来数字趋势 我们是否正在进入一个人人都能上网的世界?移动搜索将成为使用互联网的主要方式,还是桌面在商业环境中仍会使用它?语音搜索将如何影响数字营销?数字的未来是令人兴奋的,谁知道它对消费者和企业都意味着什么呢! 如果您希望在国际上扩展您的业务并希望利用数字营销,那么请与我们的数字团队联系,了解我们的数字服务(如网站本地化和多语言 SEO )如何帮助您满足您的语言需求。 您可以通过电子邮件与我们的数字团队联系:[电子邮件保护]

