Data Visualization in Technical Writing


2020-02-25 21:10 clickhelp


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Why do we recommend using visual elements in technical documentation? Well, the answer is simple - the human brain is very good at distinguishing colors and understanding patterns. So, when you add maps, graphs, charts, infographics, dashboards, etc. to text, you are doing a big favor to readers and yourself. Using visualization techniques as a complementary tool to explain written text brings a lot of value. Your user manuals become more readable. Further on, we are going to give you tips on how to efficiently implement data visualization in technical docs. What You Should Remember When Visualizing Data Okay, let’s look at this from a more practical side. Things every technical writer should remember when using data visualization: Inclusivity We mentioned that people's brains are great at distinguishing colors. Let's stop right here and clear things up about how this is supposed to work for the colorblind (just a reminder: every 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women are colorblind in the world). Colorblind people still can distinguish bright and dark colors, so, when you are creating a graph, for example, make sure that the contrasting colors also have different brightness. In case a graph has too many elements for you to be able to make them all distinguishable this way - add diversity to the lines (or whatever elements you are using in the graph) by filling them with patterns. To learn more on this important topic, check out this post: Technical Documentation for Color Blind. Balance Do not try to visualize every sequence of numbers. Only use visual elements when the situation is asking for it. That is when looking at a picture will really help readers see a pattern or sum up the text they have just read. Overdoing visualization will do you no good. Technical writing loves balance. Use common sense to decide where visual representation of data is important and where it is simply redundant. Consistency To follow-up on the previous point - figure out which information you should visualize in your technical docs and stick to this plan. For instance, you have several help topics covering similar data for different countries or regions. If you decide to use a map for stats visualization in one topic, you will have to remain consistent and add it to other ones. If you don’t do that, the documentation will look unfinished and rushed for readers as they will expect to see certain things in topics with similar layouts. Strategic thinking So far we have only been talking about how great it is to add maps and graphs to a user manual. And, in general, this is a grand idea, but here’s a friendly warning: evaluate your resources before going neck-deep into this because you will have to maintain all the visualized data going forward. As much as you would love to impress readers with stylish infographics, you will have to update each and every image later in addition to the crazy amounts of text updates you are already handling. While single-sourcing can help you deal with a lot of maintenance issues, visual elements still have to be edited/recreated manually. Conclusion Visualizing data can help create super-informative technical documents that your users will love to read. But for this whole initiative to work, you need to pace yourself and carefully think through what you should visualize and how much resources you are willing to allocate. Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
为什么我们建议在技术文档中使用视觉元素?答案很简单——人脑很擅长区分颜色和理解模式。 因此,当你将地图、图表、图表、信息图表、仪表板等添加到文本中时,你对读者和你自己都有很大的帮助。将可视化技术作为一种辅助工具来解释书面文本带来了很多价值。您的用户手册变得更加可读。 此外,我们将向您提供如何在技术文档中高效实现数据可视化的技巧。 可视化数据时应记住的事项 好吧,让我们从更实际的角度来看。每个技术作者在使用数据可视化时都应该记住的事情: 包容性 我们提到人们的大脑很擅长区分颜色。让我们在这里停下来,弄清楚这是如何为色盲工作的(提醒一下:世界上每12个男人中的1个和200个女人中的1个是色盲)。 着色的人仍然可以区分明亮和黑暗的颜色,所以,当你创建一个图形,例如,确保对比颜色也有不同的亮度。如果一个图形有太多的元素,你就不能用这种方式来区分它们——通过填充它们的模式,为这些行(或图形中使用的任何元素)添加多样性。要了解有关此重要主题的更多信息,请参阅这篇文章: Color Blind 的技术文档。 余额 不要试图想象每个数字序列.只有在情况需要时才使用视觉元素。也就是说,当你看一张图片时,你可以看到一个模式,或者总结一下你刚才读到的文本。过度的可视化对你没有好处。 技术写作喜欢平衡。使用常识来决定数据的视觉表示在哪里是重要的,在哪里是冗余的。 一致性 要跟踪上一点-找出你应该在你的技术文档中可视化哪些信息并坚持这个计划。例如,您有几个帮助主题,涵盖不同国家或地区的类似数据。如果您决定在一个主题中使用一个用于统计可视化的地图,则必须保持一致并将其添加到其他主题中。 如果你不这样做,文档将看起来没有完成,并为读者匆忙,因为他们将期望看到某些东西在主题与类似的布局。 战略思考 到目前为止,我们只讨论了在用户手册中添加地图和图形是多么的棒。一般来说,这是一个宏伟的想法,但这里有一个友好的警告:在深入研究之前评估你的资源,因为你必须维护所有的可视化数据。 只要你愿意用时尚的信息图形给读者留下深刻的印象,除了你已经在处理的疯狂的文本更新之外,你还需要更新每一个图像。虽然单一来源可以帮助您处理许多维护问题,但视觉元素仍需手动编辑/重新创建。 结论 可视化数据可以帮助创建用户喜欢阅读的信息丰富的技术文档。但是,要想让整个计划发挥作用,你需要加快步伐,仔细思考你应该想象什么以及你愿意分配多少资源。 祝你的技术写作好运! 单击帮助团队 跨平台和设备创作、托管和交付文档

