5 reasons Smartcat is unlike any other translation platform or tool

你了解Smartcat吗?Smartcat 与其他翻译平台不同的5个原因

2020-02-28 16:14 Smartcat


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Chances are you ran across Smartcat while searching for a solution to localize your content. Or maybe you are a translation company yourself, looking to automate processes and increase productivity. In either case, Smartcat might seem a strange beast for you: Whatever other platform or tool you compare it too, you’ll get a feeling that they’re “not quite” competitors. Indeed, when it comes to translation technology, Smartcat is one of a kind, and in this article we break down how exactly — and why it might be just what you need. The all-in-one platform First of all, let’s try to explain what Smartcat is using a car-wash analogy. If you want to wash your car, you can go to a car wash company. That would be a “language service provider” (LSP), in language industry terms. Then, you may opt to use a self-service car wash, where you get all the tools you need to wash your car, but you have to do it yourself. That is, roughly, what computer-aided translation (CAT) tools do. Finally, you can hire other people to do the washing for you, who would be the freelancers. So what would be the car wash counterpart of Smartcat, then? Imagine a giant space filled with car wash rooms and equipment. Some of them are empty, and customers can use them themselves or with other people for free. Some are occupied by companies who provide car washing services to customers they find elsewhere. And there’s a hall full of people who can do the car washing for you and whom the customers can hire. So, in a way, Smartcat is an operating system for the translation industry. It provides anyone in the industry with the space and the tools they need for all their translation needs. All core technology is free Secondly, Smartcat is free to use in a large number of use cases that might interest you as a company or an LSP. It has no “licenses”, so however many users you need on it, you can have them without paying a dime. So how does the platform make money, then? From two main sources: the marketplace and payment automation. So, whenever you hire someone from Smartcat’s pool of vendors, or whenever you use the platform to pay someone else, the platform gets a cut. The size of the cut varies depending on the case but is capped at around 10%. This way, customers never have to worry about IT budgets or capital investments: they only spend money on services — and, more importantly, only when there’s an actual job done. For translation companies, it also means that they only pay for something that they know they will profit from, making it much less risky. To put that into perspective, owning or using most of the competing tools could easily bring you to five figures in yearly spend. To be clear, Smartcat too has paid subscription plans, but they are per account, not per user, and not having a subscription still gets you enough technology to run your day-to-day translation business or operations. Actually, most platform users are doing fine with the Forever Free plan — note the “forever” part. “Smartcat brings a major shift to how the localization industry monetizes CAT and TMS software. By analyzing where the real spend is — in language services — and the pain points for buyers of technology – the cost of licenses and subscriptions, headaches managing seats — Smartcat may be that elusive feline, a true disruptor of the market.” From a report by CSA Research, a major industry research firm More and, arguably, better vendors than on any other platform By focusing exclusively on the translation industry and providing freelancers with strong technological incentives to use it, Smartcat has garnered a staggering 250,000 headcount in its freelancer user base. It is almost half of all translators in the world. It means that, as a customer, you are less likely to have your order hanging or delayed. But, more than this, by collecting both feedback from past customers and automated productivity and quality data, Smartcat is able to rank its vendors in a much more meaningful way. It means that even if you have challenging content, you will be able to find vendors who are able to master it — whether freelancers or corporate providers. You can pay other vendors too An intrinsic property of the translation industry is that professionals are scattered all around the globe. If you localize your software in ten languages, it is likely that you will have at least ten countries to deal with. What happens when the job is done and you have to pay ten people in ten different countries? A mess. You might think that it’s easy to pay everyone with PayPal, but you will be unpleasantly surprised to learn how many countries do not have PayPal, and what commissions are involved in others. With Smartcat, you don’t have to worry about the pay-out part at all, all you have to do is pay in — the whole amount once. It means that, if you owe each of those ten translators $100 for their work, you will only have to pay the total $1000 to Smartcat. The platform will then automatically distribute the money among the recipients, wherever they are located, following all the local regulations. The best part is that these don’t even have to be vendors you hired via Smartcat’s own marketplace. You can have someone work for you as, say, an interpreter for an international event, and pay them via Smartcat. You just have to enter the job details — such as a description, the unit and total price, etc. — and Smartcat will create an invoice for you that you can settle right there and then with a card or through a bank transfer. Ready for the content economy Last, but not least, Smartcat helps companies face the challenges of the content age with what it calls Connected Translation. On a high level, it’s a paradigm that allows both companies and language service providers to build a continuous localization loop, where new content gets pushed to Smartcat, translated, and pushed back for publishing. For localization-savvy companies — especially in software, website, or video game localization — it means that they can organize a maintenance-free, lights-out process to get all their content ready in all languages almost as fast as it does in English. For LSPs, in turn, it means that they can serve customers who adopt Agile development practices and who would otherwise be looking for tech-savvier and bigger vendors. We hope this article provided enough useful information to make your choice. If you want to see what Smartcat can do for you, you can easily sign up here — no strings attached! The script of machine translation is modified by Siqing Wang (ZhongShan University)
在搜索本地化内容的解决方案时,您可能会搜到 Smartcat 。或者您的公司也是翻译公司,希望流程自动化,提高工作效率。无论哪种情况,Smartcat 对您来说可能都十分奇怪:无论把它与其他任何平台或工具进行比较,您都会感觉到它们“算不上”是竞争对手。 事实上,Smartcat 是一个独一无二的翻译技术类平台,在这篇文章中,我们将详细说明它为什么就是您所需要的。 一体式平台 首先,让我们以洗车作类比来解释Smartcat是什么。如果想洗车,您可以去洗车公司。这就是语言行业术语中的“语言服务提供商”(LSP)。您也可以选择使用自助洗车器,在那里可以获得洗车所需的所有工具,但您必须自己动手。这大致类似计算机辅助翻译(CAT)工具。最后,您可以雇佣他人为您洗车,这里的他人也就相当于自由译者。 那么,Smartcat在其中充当的对应角色是什么呢?您可以将它想象成一个巨大的空间,里面设有洗车室和各种设备。其中有些洗车室和设备是空闲的,顾客可以自己或雇佣他人来免费使用。还有一些由公司使用,为他们的顾客提供洗车服务。此外,还有一个大厅,里面挤满了能为您和其他顾客提供洗车服务的人。 因此,在某种程度上,Smartcat 是翻译行业的操作系统。它可以为业界的任何人提供他们所需要的空间和工具,以满足他们所有的翻译需求。 所有核心技术都是免费的 其次,公司或LSP在Smartcat能用到的很多功能都是免费的。它没有“使用权”限制,所以无论您需要申请多少用户,都可以在不付一毛钱的情况下使用。 那么Smartcat平台是如何赚钱的呢?有两个主要来源:市场和支付自动化。每当您从 Smartcat 的供应商那里雇佣他人,或者使用这个平台向他人支付的时候,平台都会抽取提成。具体提成视情况而定,但上限为10%左右。 这样,客户就不必考虑 IT 预算或资本投资:只需把钱花在服务上——更重要的是,只有在实际完成工作时才会花钱。对于翻译公司来说,这也意味着他们只需为能获利的东西花钱,从而降低风险。 要知道,拥有或使用其他大多数翻译工具通常每年的花费都会达到五位数之多。虽然Smartcat也有付费使用计划,但我们是按账户而不是按用户付费的,而且即便没有付费,现有免费功能也足够您来运行日常翻译业务或操作。实际上,大多数平台用户对永久免费计划都很满意——请注意是“永久”。 大型行业研究公司CSA Research的一项报告指出: “Smartcat为本地化行业使用 CAT和TMS软件的方式带来了重大转变。它通过分析客户在语言服务方面的实际支出,针对技术购买者的痛点、使用和订购成本、管理方面的问题,提出了独特的解决方案,打破了现有市场规则。” 可以说,Smartcat比其他任何平台有更多、更好的供应商 Smartcat专注于翻译行业,为自由译者提供强大的技术支持,平台已经吸引了25万名自由译者员工,这一数字十分惊人,几乎是世界所有翻译人员的一半。这意味着,作为客户,您的订单不太可能滞留或延迟。 除此之外,Smartcat还能够通过收集以往客户反馈以及自动化生产和质量数据,以更有意义的方式对供应商进行排名。这意味着即使您有难度大的内容需要处理,也能找到擅长该领域的自由译者或翻译公司。 您也可以向其他供应商付款 从业人员分散在全球各地是翻译行业的固有属性。如果您需要用十种语言对软件进行本地化,您可能至少要与十个国家的人打交道。当工作完成后,您必须给十个不同国家的人支付工资,这会怎样?一团糟。您可能会认为用 PayPal支付每个人的费用会很容易,但您会惊讶地发现有些国家是没有PayPal的,以及部分佣金需使用其他方式支付。 使用Smartcat,您不用担心支付问题,只需付一次钱。这意味着,如果您需要向十位译者支付工资,每人100美元,您只需向Smartcat支付1000美元。然后,该平台将按照当地法规,在收款人所在的地方自动分发这些钱。 最棒的是,他们甚至不一定是您通过Smartcat市场雇佣的供应商。您可以雇佣他人为您工作,比如您需要为一次国际活动雇佣一名译员,并通过 Smartcat支付。您只需输入工作详细信息(如说明、单位和总价格等),Smartcat 将为您创建一张发票,您可以直接通过银行卡或银行转帐结算。 为内容经济做好准备 最后,Smartcat可以帮助企业面对内容时代的挑战,即所谓的关联交易(Connected Translation)。在更高的层次上,这是一个允许公司和语言服务提供商建立持续本地化循环的范例,在这个循环中,新的内容被推送到Smartcat,经过翻译后推回发布。 对于精通本地化(尤其是软件、网站或视频游戏本地化)的公司来说,这意味着他们可以安排一个无需维护和值守的流程,以几乎与英语一样快的速度将所有语言内容准备好。反过来,对于LSP来说,这意味着它们可以为采用敏捷开发实践的客户提供服务,而这些客户本来是要寻找更懂技术、更大的供应商的。 我们希望这篇文章提供了足够的有用信息,可以帮助您做出选择。如果您想了解Smartcat 能为您做什么,您可以在此处快捷注册! 译后编辑: 王思晴 (中山大学)

