Localization, Globalization, Internationalization: What’s the Difference?


2020-01-09 20:30 lionbridge


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Localization, globalization, internationalization: These all sound like similar concepts, and indeed many people often use them interchangeably. However, subtle distinctions set them apart, and understanding the differences is key for anyone tasked with helping a company “go global” —and ensuring their brand message resonates globally. Researchers have created the acronym GILT (globalization, internationalization, localization, and translation) to refer to the activities that businesses engage in when they expand beyond national borders, Of these terms, “translation,” which refers to the process of converting text from one language to another, is the most readily understood. But what distinguishes the other three? In this article, we’ll explore the similarities and differences among globalization, internationalization and localization, and how to address the pain points associated with each. What Is Globalization? Globalization refers to any activity that brings the people, cultures, and economies of different countries closer together. In business, “globalization” (also called “going global“) refers to practices by which organizations become more tightly connected with their customers and partners around the world. This includes any aspect of operating in different national markets, from product design to marketing. Still a bit too vague for you? A few examples of globalization in the world of business: Online marketplaces like eBay and Amazon make it easy to buy products from businesses or individuals on the other side of the planet. Even products sold in traditional brick-and-mortar stores like Target often make stops in several different countries before reaching their final destinations. Consumer electronics, for example, are commonly sourced from raw materials in India, made in China, then sold in America. Many large restaurant chains, like McDonald’s, operate in dozens of countries. McDonald’s specifically has franchises in upwards of one hundred countries, and diners around the world recognize its brand and logo. Netflix operates in more than 190 countries and customizes content offerings for individual markets with subtitles and programming in local languages. The instantly recognizable “swoosh” logo of Nike transcends different cultures and languages. Nike has formed partnerships with athletes who play a variety of sports in many different countries and uses these endorsements to support its worldwide expansion. There are many benefits of globalization for both companies and consumers. The impact of global inter-connectivity has been a boon for the world economy in recent decades and has increased the world’s GDP from $50 trillion in 2000 to $75 trillion in 2016. Globalization has come hand-in-hand with the most transformational advances of the 20th century, such as international air travel and the Internet. The terms localization and internationalization both fall under the banner of globalization. In the next two sections, we’ll discuss the differences among globalization, localization, and internationalization. What Is Internationalization? Internationalization is a corporate strategy that involves making products and services as adaptable as possible, so they can easily enter different national markets. Internationalization often requires the assistance of subject-matter experts, technical experts, and people with international experience. Industry experts sometimes shorten the term “internationalization” to “i18n” (18 represents the number of characters in the word). Products intended for use by speakers of multiple languages typically undergo an internationalization process. For example, IKEA internationalizes the assembly instructions for its furniture by using only diagrams and illustrations, without including any text that would need to be translated. Products with instructions that do require translation are still often written with the goal of being as culturally-neutral as possible. This, of course, is easier said than done. In the case of software products and electronics, internationalization involves a number of different concerns: Data encoding: The ASCII character encoding is sufficient for texts in most Western European languages. However, languages that use non-Latin alphabets (such as Russian, Chinese, Hindi, and Korean) require larger character encodings such as Unicode. Hardware support: Software designers must consider that certain hardware devices may not be available in all countries. User interface: If a software application will be translated into multiple languages, the user interface needs to include enough space for the text in all of these languages. According to most definitions, companies must first internationalize before they can localize a product. In the next section, we’ll discuss the difference between internationalization and localization. What Is Localization? In order to define localization, first keep in mind that internationalization helps a product become adaptable to and user-friendly for audiences in many different countries. Localization, conversely, is the process of actually adapting that product to a specific target market once internationalization has taken place. As mentioned, McDonald’s operates over 30,000 restaurants in 100 countries. Its worldwide expansion is an example of globalization. By design, the corporation creates a menu adaptable to various local tastes and customs. This policy is an example of internationalization. Many of the McDonald’s restaurants in Israel serve kosher food and drink and close during the Sabbath and Jewish holidays. McDonald’s has also opened a meat-free restaurant in India, a country in which much of the population does not eat beef or pork. In both cases, McDonald’s has maintained its global brand identity but tailored its products and services for local markets. These cases exemplify localization. How is Localization Different from Translation? In short, translation refers to the conversion of written text from one language to another, while localization is the process of making a product or message resonate with a specific target culture—as if it were created there in the first place. For most products, localization includes—but is not limited to—translation. There are many localization challenges. It requires consideration of multiple cultural factors that transcend the words a company uses to describe or explain its product. When creating its film Inside Out, for example, Pixar modified its animation to accommodate multiple versions of a scene where a character points to and reads a sign. In the Arabic version of the film, the character motions from right to left, rather than the left-to-right direction the animation takes in the English version of the film. Here are just a few of the important considerations companies need to address when localizing a product: Naming conventions (e.g., people from certain cultures may not have last names or may have multiple last names) Telephone number formats Date and time formats, such as DD/MM/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY Currency (symbol and amount) Writing direction (left to right for most languages, but right to left in Hebrew and Arabic, and vertical in some Asian languages). System of measurement, i.e., metric or imperial Punctuation, such as quotation marks (“”) in English, low quotes (,,”) in German, and guillemets (<<>>) in French. Symbols and pictograms, e.g., check marks, stop signs, and the use of color to convey information Electrical voltages, frequencies, and plugs Legal requirements (such as the GDPR for the use of European Union citizens’ personal data) Apple’s Siri virtual assistant represents a product that has been successfully localized. When users ask Siri for the weather report or directions to a specific address, Siri can provide the answer in Celsius or Fahrenheit, or kilometers or miles, respectively, depending on the user’s location. Users can even select their preferred accent for Siri’s voice (in English, the choices include American, Australian, and South African). When building a website, developers should have a robust website localization strategy by addressing these concerns during the planning and design phases. Successful internationalization precedes commensurately successful localization. For example, currencies such as the Chilean peso and the Japanese yen do not use subunits in practice, because each unit is so small (one U.S. dollar is equal to roughly 700 Chilean pesos). Therefore, e-commerce websites that Japanese developers design for a Japanese audience can use only a single-integer variable. If the website expands to a U.S. audience, however, the developers will need to add another variable to store both units and subunits (i.e. dollars and cents) or convert the integer variable to a decimal. This process can become both time-consuming and bug-prone for highly complex code bases. In review: Localization, Globalization, Internationalization Globalization refers to the processes by which a company brings its business to the rest of the world. Internationalization is the practice of designing products, services and internal operations to facilitate expansion into international markets. Localization is the adaptation of a particular product or service to one of those markets. Whenever you anticipate expanding a product to multiple national or even regional markets, you need to consider internationalization and localization. Planning for these processes before the project begins will help you design products that include and satisfy users of all regions, cultures, and languages. Getting important localization and internationalization right can be tricky. At Lionbridge, we’re passionate about producing and adapting content for international audiences. If you want your message to resonate around the world, contact us. We’d love to help.   Download our Buyer’s Guide for Localization Services and find out how to choose the perfect partner for translation and interpretation services.
本地化、全球化、国际化:这些听起来都像是相似的概念,实际上很多人经常互换使用它们。然而,细微的差别让它们与众不同,对任何负责帮助一家公司“走向全球”并确保其品牌信息在全球引起共鸣的人来说,理解差异是关键。 研究人员创建了缩写 GILT (全球化、国际化、本地化和翻译),以指企业在跨越国界时从事的活动,其中“翻译”是最容易理解的,它指的是将文本从一种语言转换为另一种语言的过程。但是其他三个又有什么区别呢? 在这篇文章中,我们将探讨全球化、国际化和本地化之间的异同,以及如何解决与每一个相关的痛点。 全球化是什么? 全球化是指使不同国家的人民、文化和经济更紧密地结合在一起的任何活动。在商业领域,“全球化”(也称为“走向全球”)是指组织与世界各地的客户和合作伙伴建立更紧密联系的做法。这包括在从产品设计到市场营销的不同国家市场中运营的任何方面。 对你来说还是太模糊了?商业世界全球化的几个例子: 像 eBay 和亚马逊这样的在线市场使得从地球另一端的企业或个人那里购买产品变得容易。即使是像 Target 这样的传统实体店销售的产品,在到达最终目的地之前也会在几个不同的国家停留。例如,消费电子产品通常来自印度的原材料,中国制造,然后在美国销售。 许多大型连锁餐厅,如麦当劳,在数十个国家开展业务。麦当劳在全球100多个国家拥有特许经营权,世界各地的食客都认可其品牌和标识。 Netflix 在190多个国家开展业务,并通过字幕和本地语言编程为各个市场定制内容产品。 耐克即时识别的“ swosh ”标志超越了不同的文化和语言。耐克已经与在许多不同国家从事各种运动的运动员建立了合作关系,并利用这些代言支持其全球扩张。 全球化对公司和消费者都有许多好处。近几十年来,全球互联互通的影响给世界经济带来了福音,使世界 GDP 从2000年的50万亿美元增加到2016年的75万亿美元。全球化与20世纪最具革命性的进步同步,如国际航空旅行和互联网。 本土化和国际化都是全球化的旗帜.在接下来的两部分中,我们将讨论全球化、本地化和国际化之间的差异。 什么是国际化? 国际化是一种企业战略,需要使产品和服务尽可能具有适应性,以便它们能够很容易地进入不同的国家市场。国际化往往需要专题专家、技术专家和具有国际经验的人的协助。行业专家有时将术语“国际化”缩短为“ i18n ”(18表示单词中的字符数量)。 多语言使用者使用的产品通常要经过国际化过程。例如, IKEA 仅使用图表和插图,而不包括任何需要翻译的文本,从而使家具的组装说明国际化。有需要翻译的说明的产品通常仍然是以尽可能不受文化影响的目标写的。当然,这比做起来更容易。 在软件产品和电子产品方面,国际化涉及若干不同的关切: 数据编码: ASCII 字符编码对于大多数西欧语言的文本是足够的。然而,使用非拉丁字母(如俄语、汉语、印地语和韩语)的语言需要更大的字符编码,如 Unicode 。 硬件支持:软件设计人员必须考虑某些硬件设备可能在所有国家都不可用。 用户界面:如果软件应用程序将被翻译成多种语言,那么用户界面需要在所有这些语言中包含足够的文本空间。 根据大多数定义,公司必须先国际化,然后才能本地化产品。在下一节中,我们将讨论国际化和本地化之间的区别。 本地化是什么? 为了定义本地化,首先要记住,国际化有助于产品适应许多不同国家的受众,并且对用户友好。相反,本地化是一旦实现了国际化,实际上将该产品适应特定目标市场的过程。 如上所述,麦当劳在100个国家经营着3万多家餐厅。它的全球扩张是全球化的一个例子。通过设计,该公司创建了一个适合当地各种口味和风俗的菜单,这一政策是国际化的一个例子。 以色列的许多麦当劳餐厅供应犹太食品和饮料,在安息日和犹太节日期间关闭。麦当劳( McDonald ’ s )还在印度开设了一家无肉餐厅,在印度,很多人不吃牛肉或猪肉。在这两种情况下,麦当劳都保持了其全球品牌形象,但为当地市场定制了产品和服务。这些例子说明了本地化。 本地化与翻译有何不同? 简而言之,翻译指的是将书面文本从一种语言转换为另一种语言,而本地化则是使产品或消息与特定目标文化产生共鸣的过程——就像它最初是在那里创建的一样。 对于大多数产品,本地化包括但不限于翻译。有许多本地化的挑战。它需要考虑超越公司用来描述或解释其产品的词语的多种文化因素。 例如, Pixar 在创建电影 Inside Out 时修改了动画,以适应多个版本的场景,其中一个字符指向并读取一个符号。在阿拉伯语版本的电影中,角色从左向右移动,而不是动画在英语版本的电影中向左向右移动。 以下是公司在本地化产品时需要考虑的几个重要因素: 命名约定(例如,来自某些文化的人可能没有姓或可能有多个姓) 电话号码格式 日期和时间格式,例如 DD / MM / YYYY 和 MM / DD / YYY 货币(符号和金额) 书写方向(大多数语言从左到右,但以希伯来语和阿拉伯语从左到左,在一些亚洲语言垂直)。 计量系统,即计量或帝国 标点,如英语中的引号("),德语中的低引号(,),法语中的公会(<>>>>)。 符号和图形,例如检查标记、停止标志和使用颜色传达信息 电压、频率和插头 法律要求(如使用欧盟公民个人数据的 GDPR ) 苹果公司的 Siri 虚拟助手代表了一款成功本地化的产品。当用户要求 Siri 提供天气报告或特定地址的指示时, Siri 可以根据用户的位置分别以摄氏或华氏温度,或公里或英里提供答案。用户甚至可以选择他们喜欢的口音为 Siri 的声音(英语,选择包括美国,澳大利亚和南非)。 在构建网站时,开发人员应在规划和设计阶段解决这些问题,从而制定可靠的网站本地化策略。成功的国际化先于成功的本地化。 例如,智利比索和日元等货币在实践中并不使用子货币单位,因为每种货币单位都很小(即美元等于大约700智利比索)。因此,日本开发者为日本受众设计的电子商务网站只能使用一个整数变量。 然而,如果网站扩展到美国受众,开发人员需要添加另一个变量来存储单元和子单元(即美元和美分),或者将整数变量转换为小数。对于高度复杂的代码库,这个过程既费时又容易出错。 综述:本土化、全球化、国际化 全球化是指一个公司将其业务带到世界其他地方的过程。 国际化是设计产品、服务和内部运作以促进向国际市场扩张的做法。 本地化是将特定产品或服务适应其中一个市场。 每当您预期将产品扩展到多个国家或地区市场时,您需要考虑国际化和本地化。在项目开始之前规划这些过程将帮助您设计包含和满足所有区域、文化和语言的用户的产品。 获得重要的本地化和国际化权利可能很棘手。在 Lionbridge ,我们热衷于为国际观众制作和改编内容。如果你想让你的信息在世界各地产生共鸣,请与我们联系。我们喜欢帮忙。 下载买方本地化服务指南,了解如何选择翻译和口译服务的完美合作伙伴。

