Most Demanded Features in Software Documentation Tools


2019-08-28 10:45 clickhelp


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Since you are visiting our website then you probably know that we create software to help writers. We have years of experience of working with techcomm experts, so we know what is going on in the industry. Being a client-oriented company, we pay a lot of attention to what our users are saying, and, in this post, we are going to share with you some features that are highly demanded by technical writers in a help authoring tool. Export/Import Formats That's probably the first thing to consider in technical writing software, really. Use cases of moving to new tools are different, but quite often they imply migrating already existing user manuals to this new HAT. And, that process needs to be as painless as possible. First, there should be the very possibility to import documentation stored in a certain format. Second, the help authoring tool needs to be able to understand and preserve the original formatting. These things are vital. As far as exporting ready documents is concerned, this is again super important. We believe that a help authoring tool should be sufficient for a technical writing process and scenarios where you need to do extra converting after you received some output from your HAT are a no go. Single-Sourcing Techniques Single-sourcing makes maintenance of technical documentation much easier. And this is a must-have for a lot of technical writers who work on big projects. But, actually, any type of project can benefit from single-sourcing this way. Plus, what single-sourcing allows is creating multiple outputs from one original source and that's another thing people are looking for in a help authoring tool. It is actually a bunch of techniques working together. Learn more about the best practices of using single-sourcing here. Branding and Design Judging a book by its cover is wrong, but covers are still playing their part in our perception of things. Just like we can tell from looking at a book's cover what genre it is and kind of guess what its content is like, we judge other things. We can somehow tell whether a company is trustworthy depending on its corporate website, for example. Sometimes we can't even say why exactly we feel like this, it just happens to be so subtle. We all have this hunch. This is, for example, what protects us from phishing attacks and other schemes. That's approximately what we have from a reader's perspective. For technical writers, this means that things like intuitive branding options and flexible design possibilities have a high priority and need to be included in a help authoring tool so that the final output looks professional and appealing. Single Sign-On This is, perhaps, not a go-to feature for some technical writers. If a HAT is missing the SSO option, it is not something that would stop you from using the tool. Given that SSO is not demanded by your company's security policy, which is also the case sometimes as SSO decreases damage from hack attacks and improves data security. If you want to learn more about this technology, check out our article on single sign-on for dummies. It explains in simple words its core work principles and how exactly it is so secure. Supporting single sign-on is such a basic thing for us now thanks to Google and Facebook that an online-based documentation tool that doesn't have it looks pretty weird. Analytical Tools Measuring various data allows a deeper understanding of what is going on within a project and how to improve things. While overanalyzing is really bad and we advise against it, you will need to keep track of certain data for sure. Our own tool for help authoring, ClickHelp, can equip you with dozens of ways to analyze things, and the best way to handle this is by working out a set of criteria to consider and using it to your benefit. Conclusion These are some of the highly-demanded features most tech writers would like to see in a technical writing tool. They are only general requirements, of course, but they work for the majority of documentation teams. But, sometimes, we are facing clients with very specific demands dictated by their use case. What are you looking for in a HAT? Feel free to share! Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
既然您访问我们的网站,那么您可能知道我们创建了软件来帮助作者。我们有多年与 techcomm 专家合作的经验,所以我们知道这个行业正在发生什么。 作为一家以客户为导向的公司,我们非常关注用户所说的内容,在这篇文章中,我们将与您分享一些技术作者在帮助创作工具中高度要求的特性。 进出口格式 在技术写作软件中,这可能是第一件需要考虑的事情。迁移到新工具的用例是不同的,但通常它们意味着将已经存在的用户手册迁移到这个新的 HAT 。而且,这个过程需要尽可能无痛。首先,应该很有可能导入以某种格式存储的文档。其次,帮助编写工具需要能够理解和保存原始格式。这些事情是至关重要的。 就出口准备好的文件而言,这也是非常重要的。我们认为,帮助创作工具应该足以用于技术编写过程和场景,在您从 HAT 收到一些输出之后,您需要进行额外的转换。 单一采购技术 单一来源使得维护技术文档变得容易得多。对于许多从事大型项目的技术作家来说,这是必须的。但是,实际上,任何类型的项目都可以通过这种方式从单一来源中受益。此外,单一来源所允许的是从一个原始来源创建多个输出,这是人们在帮助创作工具中寻找的另一个东西。这实际上是一堆技术在一起工作。了解有关在此使用单一来源的最佳实践的更多信息。 品牌及设计 用封面来判断一本书是错误的,但是封面仍然在我们对事物的感知中起着作用。正如我们可以从一本书的封面上看出它是什么样的类型和猜测它的内容是什么样子,我们判断其他事情。 例如,我们可以通过公司网站来判断一家公司是否值得信赖。有时我们甚至不能说为什么我们真的感觉到这样,它恰好是如此微妙。我们都有这种直觉。例如,这就是保护我们免受网络钓鱼攻击和其他方案的保护。这大概是我们从读者的角度来看的。对于技术作者来说,这意味着诸如直观的品牌推广选项和灵活的设计可能性之类的东西具有很高的优先级,并且需要包含在帮助创作工具中,以便最终输出看起来专业且有吸引力。 单点登录 对一些技术作家来说,这也许并不是一个现成的特征。如果 HAT 缺少 SSO 选项,就不会阻止您使用该工具。考虑到贵公司的安全策略不要求 SSO ,这也是有时由于 SSO 减少了黑客攻击的损害并提高了数据安全性。如果您想了解更多关于这项技术的信息,请查看我们的文章中关于哑剧的单点登录。它用简单的语言解释了它的核心工作原理,以及它是如何如此安全。现在支持单点登录对我们来说是一件非常基本的事情,这要感谢 Google 和 Facebook ,它是一种基于网络的文档工具,没有它看起来很奇怪。 分析工具 通过测量各种数据,可以更深入地了解项目中正在发生的事情以及如何改进工作。虽然过度分析确实很糟糕,我们建议您不要这样做,但您需要对某些数据进行跟踪。我们自己的帮助创作工具 ClickHelp 可以为您提供数十种分析事物的方法,最好的方法是制定一套标准来考虑和使用它来帮助您。 结论 这些是大多数科技作家希望在技术写作工具中看到的一些高要求的特征。当然,它们只是一般的需求,但它们为大多数文档团队工作。但是,有时,我们面对的是客户,他们的用例要求非常具体。 你在 HAT 里找什么?免费分享! 祝你的技术写作好运! ClickHelp 团队 跨平台和设备编写、托管和交付文档

