Software Localization of .PO Files with Wordbee


2019-07-24 03:00 Wordbee Translator


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Ed. Note. Thanks to GlobalVision for this post. They are one of the pre-eminent providers of software localization services in the USA. If you are struggling with software localization, you can count on GlobalVision for excellent results. Have you faced the need to localize a .PO file yet? A .PO file is a portable object file often referred to as gettext file. Not to be confused with the .properties files that we discussed in a previous software localization post. If you are dealing with localizing a website, you most likely have. gettext is used for writing multilingual programs on Unix and Unix-like operating systems. It is commonly used for internationalization and localization (i18n and l10n). The most used implementation of gettext is GNU gettext, released by the GNU Project in 1995. gettext was originally written by Sun Microsystems in the early 90s.  Later, the GNU Project released GNU gettext as a free software implementation in the mid-90s. What Do PO Files Look Like? Written in plain text format, a PO file contains several user-interface messages and is commonly used in software and website development. Each message contains the keyword msgid followed by the text wrapped in double quotes. The keyword msgstr will hold the translation, also in double-quotes. Since both source and target texts are included in the same file, some translation memory tools are challenged as they don’t handle source and target strings in the same file. This requires engineers to merge the translated strings inside the original file. Additional programming and steps are hence needed. Wordbee however, offers a much more elegant solution. Example of a PO File Many tools automatically export .PO files for translation. If you use Drupal or WordPress for your website’s Content Management System (CMS) and are looking to localize your website content into one or multiple languages, you most likely have run into PO files. Here is a short example of a PO file from a web app: The PO file typically will contain all the strings that are visible to the user. They will include menu strings, headers, text, alt and other meta tag strings… To fully localize a website, plugins should also have their strings extracted for translation. Text that is extracted from a website often contains htm tags like , , , ,

… Furthermore, text that is extracted from software may contain delimiters and variables like %s and \n.  All require the translators to maintain them in the translated strings and at the correct location to avoid display and content errors. How Wordbee Handles PO Files Wordbee is set up to look for the string after “msgid” as the source text and save the translation in the string after “msgstr”. An additional option helps to protect html tags if the text is html based. An advantage over other PO editors and CAT tools is that Wordbee features more settings for more complex text in the “msgid” strings. The regular expression can be used while parsing the text in the source segments to define as either translatable or not translatable. Single words, terms or portions of a segment can be excluded from translation and the text captured by regular expressions is converted to markup and thus protected from modification. If your .PO files already have some translated entries, Wordbee will read out both and show them in the respective source and translation columns in the editor. Project managers or translators can then decide how these translations are imported via exact 100% or fuzzy matches. In our example above, Wordbee will extract all the needed text and present it in the editor for translation. Note how %s and $status are protected since they are variables and should not be translated. Having the strings correctly parsed in Wordbee, a translator can easily translate the needed strings without being distracted by unnecessary code or trying to identify what should be left intact to not break any code-related syntax. Translation Reuse Once the file is properly setup in Wordbee, translators only need a web browser and an internet connection to perform the translation. Using Wordbee’s online translation memory interface, translators can reuse existing translations or fuzzy matches and apply them to PO files. Also, they can store new translations in the translation database for future reuse. Furthermore, Wordbee will automatically include the translated string in the msgstr line eliminating the need for engineers to run any special steps to merge the translation with the source string in the .PO file. You can export the fully translated PO file from Wordbee immediately after the translation and edit process is completed. Wordbee Beebox API, SDK and Connectors As you can see, Wordbee offers an exceptional and direct solution to translate PO files. But it does not stop here! With the advent of Beebox and its API, SDK and connectors, you can integrate Wordbee with WordPress, Drupal or other CMS solutions. With that, you can automate the process of importing new or changed strings from your website to translate in Wordbee and upload back to your CMS different language settings. This helps keep all your languages synchronized and up to date in almost simultaneous time. Which will help keep all your international audiences, regardless of their languages, satisfied! Do You Have PO File Software Localization Requirements? Tackling any internationalization and software localization requirements on your own can be daunting. There are many issues to deal with and overcome. Luckily, mature tools and processes are already in place to facilitate and streamline these tasks. Whether you are looking for ways to externalize your user strings, or have already done so and want to localize PO files, or are considering localizing any other software file formats such as .properties, .XML, .XLS, .RESX or others, Wordbee is a great place to start. If you have any questions or prefer to outsource your internationalization and software localization projects to experts that are experienced with localization requirements of any type of file and Wordbee, do not hesitate to contact us at GlobalVision. Our team will gladly and promptly answer all your questions.

埃德。注。感谢 GlobalVision 提供这一职位。他们是美国著名的软件本地化服务提供商之一。如果您在软件本地化方面遇到困难,您可以依靠 GlobalVision 获得出色的结果。 您是否面临本地化的需求。PO 文件还是吗?A 。PO 文件是一个可移植的对象文件,通常称为 gettext 文件。不要与。属性文件,我们在以前的软件本地化帖子中讨论过。如果你在处理网站本地化,你最可能有。 gettext 用于在 Unix 和类似 Unix 的操作系统上编写多语言程序,通常用于国际化和本地化( i18n 和 l10n )。gettext 最常用的实现是 GNUgettext ,它由 GNUProject 于1995年发布。gettext 最初是由 SunMicrosystems 在90年代早期编写的。后来, GNUProject 在90年代中期发布了 GNUgettext 作为一个免费的软件实现。 PO 文件看起来像什么? 以纯文本格式编写的 PO 文件包含多个用户界面消息,通常用于软件和网站开发。 每个消息都包含关键字 msgid ,后面是以双引号包装的文本。关键字 msgstr 将保留翻译,也是双引号。 由于源和目标文本都包含在同一文件中,一些翻译内存工具面临挑战,因为它们不处理同一文件中的源和目标字符串。这要求工程师将翻译后的字符串合并到原始文件中。因此需要更多的编程和步骤。 然而, Wodbee 提供了一个更加优雅的解决方案。 PO 文件示例 许多工具自动导出。翻译 PO 文件。如果您使用 Drupal 或 WordPress 来管理网站的内容管理系统( CMS ),并且希望将网站内容本地化为一种或多种语言,那么您很可能已经运行到 PO 文件中。 下面是 Web 应用程序中 PO 文件的一个简短示例: PO 文件通常包含用户可见的所有字符串。它们将包括菜单字符串、标头、文本、 alt 和其他元标记字符串……为了完全本地化网站,插件还应该提取它们的字符串进行翻译。 从网站中提取的文本通常包含诸如< a >、< i >、< b >、< u >、< p >、< br ><等 htm 标记。此外,从软件中提取的文本可能包含诸如% s 和\ n 之类的分隔符和变量。所有这些都要求翻译人员在翻译后的字符串和正确的位置上维护它们,以避免显示和内容错误。 Wodbee 如何处理 PO 文件 将 Wordee 设置为在“ msgid ”之后查找字符串作为源文本,并在“ msgstr ”之后保存字符串中的翻译。如果文本是基于 html 的,另一个选项有助于保护 html 标记。 与其他 PO 编辑器和 CAT 工具相比, Wodbee 的优势在于在“ msgid ”字符串中为更复杂的文本设置了更多的设置。在解析源段中的文本时,可以使用正则表达式来定义为可转换或不可转换。可以将段中的单个词、术语或部分排除在翻译之外,并将常规表达式捕获的文本转换为标记,从而防止修改。 如果你。PO 文件已经有了一些翻译条目, Wodbee 将读出这两个条目,并在编辑器中的相应源和翻译列中显示它们。然后,项目经理或翻译人员可以通过精确的100%或模糊匹配来决定这些翻译的导入方式。 在上面的示例中, Wodbee 将提取所有需要的文本并将其呈现在编辑器中进行翻译。注意% s 和$状态是如何保护的,因为它们是变量,不应该被转换。 如果字符串在 Worddbee 中被正确解析,翻译员就可以轻松地转换所需的字符串,而不会被不必要的代码分心,也不会试图识别应该保留的内容,以免破坏任何与代码相关的语法。 翻译重用 一旦文件在 Worddbee 中正确设置,翻译员只需要一个 Web 浏览器和一个 Internet 连接来执行翻译。使用 Worddbee 的在线翻译内存接口,翻译员可以重用现有的翻译或模糊匹配,并将它们应用到 PO 文件中。此外,它们还可以在翻译数据库中存储新的翻译以供将来重用。 此外, Wodbee 将自动将翻译后的字符串包含在 msgstr 行中,从而消除了工程师运行将翻译与源字符串合并的任何特殊步骤的需要。PO 文件。您可以在翻译和编辑过程完成后立即从 Wordee 导出完整翻译的 PO 文件。 更糟糕的蜂箱原料药(API)、 SDK 和连接器 正如您所看到的, Wodbee 提供了一个非常直接的解决方案来翻译 PO 文件。但它不会停在这里!随着 Beebox 及其原料药(API)、 SDK 和连接器的出现,您可以将 Wodbee 与 WordPress 、 Drupal 或其他 CMS 解决方案集成在一起。 这样,您就可以自动从您的网站导入新的或更改的字符串,以便在 Worddbee 中进行翻译,并将其上传回 CMS 的不同语言设置。 这有助于在几乎同时保持所有语言的同步和更新。这将有助于保持您所有的国际观众,无论他们的语言,满意! 你有 PO 文件软件本地化要求吗? 单独处理任何国际化和软件本地化需求都会让人望而生畏。有许多问题需要处理和克服。幸运的是,已经有了成熟的工具和流程来促进和简化这些任务。 无论您正在寻找将用户字符串外部化的方法,还是已经这样做并且希望本地化 PO 文件,或者正在考虑本地化任何其他软件文件格式,例如。财产,。XML ,。XLS ,。RESX 或者其他, Wodbee 是一个很好的开始。 如果您有任何问题或更愿意将您的国际化和软件本地化项目外包给经验丰富的任何类型文件和 Wordbe 本地化要求的专家,请不要犹豫与我们联系在 GlobalVision 。我们的团队会欣然而迅速地回答你的所有问题.