EU backs new online translation tool


2019-07-24 05:00 insight video interpreting


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What is the new online translation tool? The European Union (EU) has backed the development of a new online translation tool. The aim of this is that the building machine translation technology that produces reliable results. The organisation hopes the technique will also enable the creation of multiple accurate web documents. Many machine translations rely on ‘learning’ from the information they receive. This means the translations they produce improve the more content they collect in a particular language. Unlike many of these tools, EU-backed initiative Multilingual Online Translation (MOLTO) has domain-specific grammar built into it. While it sounds complicated, the European Commission claims no training is required to learn how to use it. It’s little surprise the EU is backing the project, as the institution currently has 23 official languages. As a result, translation services are integral to the organisation. While efficiency is obviously a key criterion for any machine translation being rolled out on this massive scale, this should not come at the sacrifice of accuracy. Quality and efficiency The goals the project has set for itself are certainly steep; to enable users to translate text from and into numerous languages, with high-quality results, in real time. It is built on the concept of semantic systems of grammar that are domain specific, and interlingua-based translation. In the field of automatic machine translation at the moment, users have two choices. They can use open-domain tools such as those provided by search engines, but the results can be inaccurate. This means the information is unreliable. Alternatively, they can use a domain-specific high-quality translator, but this means spending money and the system can also be less than efficient. However, the European Commission hopes MOLTO will offer the best aspects of both these options. Using MOLTO, web documents can be created in multiple languages automatically. Therefore, the results will be domain-specific and so better quality. Documents that are suitable for this form of translation and duplication include patent descriptions, encyclopaedia pages, e-commerce information, interfaces, manuals, and contracts are all documents that are suitable for this form of translation and duplication. According to the Commission, MOLTO users do not have to be able to speak a language fluently to use the system.  They also don’t have to be a technology expert. As a result, it hopes that one day in the future people will download the tool for free and get the web documents translated into several different languages at the same time. “Ultimately, it could revolutionise automatic online translation, to the benefit of citizens everywhere,” the Commission claims. MOLTO is just one example of the technological breakthroughs that are being made in the field of machine translation, particularly in improving accuracy and efficiency. However, Language Insight continues to urge caution on relying too heavily on these tools. Choosing your translation We believe that translation grades can be broken down into four categories: machine, gist, for-information and for publication. Machine translation can be very efficient but the results tend to be the least reliable of all the grades. Gist, for-information and for-publication translation should be produced by a human translator – and the for-publication grade is the crème-de-la-crème of these. If you simply require a quick translation of a few words then the online translation is a useful resource. The results may not be completely accurate but you can use your own judgement to make sense of them. Market researchers wishing to translate questionnaires they have had back from international fieldwork, meanwhile, may feel that a machine translation is suitable if they are just after the gist of the text they have in front of them. This may be the case, but similarly, they might interpret the translated results incorrectly and miss valuable information as a result. Similarly, a document you have no intention of publishing but need to distribute to colleagues working in your international offices could be roughly translated using the computer software, but you should be aware the reader may find the information confusing. If it is a patent description or a technical manual, for example, this could lead to errors. Language Insight continues to watch the improvements being made in the field of machine translation. We believe in the future that technology will not only benefit businesses but translators too. Until then, it reminds users that they should carefully consider what type of translation they need. They should consider what it is being used for before making the choice between man and machine.
什么是新的在线翻译工具? 欧洲联盟(欧盟)支持开发一个新的在线翻译工具。其目的是使建筑机械翻译技术产生可靠的效果.该组织希望该技术还能创建多个准确的 Web 文档。 许多机器翻译依赖于从他们收到的信息中“学习”。这意味着他们产生的翻译能够改善他们用特定语言收集的内容。与许多这些工具不同的是,欧盟支持的主动多语言在线翻译( MOLTO )包含了特定领域的语法。尽管听起来很复杂,但欧盟委员会( European Commission )声称,学习如何使用它并不需要培训。 欧盟支持该项目并不奇怪,因为该机构目前有23种官方语言。因此,翻译服务是该组织的组成部分。虽然效率显然是任何大规模机器翻译的关键标准,但这不应以牺牲精度为代价。 品质及效率 该项目为自己设定的目标肯定是陡峭的;使用户能够实时地将文本翻译成多种语言并取得高质量的结果。它是建立在语法语义系统的概念基础上的,这些语义系统是领域特定的、基于互语的翻译。 目前在自动翻译领域,用户有两种选择.他们可以使用开放领域的工具,如搜索引擎提供的工具,但结果可能是不准确的。这意味着信息不可靠。或者,他们可以使用特定领域的高质量翻译,但这意味着花费金钱和系统也可能不那么有效。然而,欧盟委员会希望 MOLTO 能提供这两种选择的最佳方面。 使用 MOLTO ,可以自动创建多语言的 Web 文档。因此,结果将是领域特有的,因此质量更好。适合这种形式的翻译和复制的文档包括专利描述、百科全书页面、电子商务信息、接口、手册和合同都是适合这种形式的翻译和复制的文档。 据委员会称, MOLTO 用户不必说流利的语言来使用该系统。他们也不必成为技术专家。因此,它希望将来有一天人们可以免费下载该工具,同时将网络文档翻译成几种不同的语言。“最终,它可能会彻底改变在线自动翻译,造福于世界各地的公民,”欧盟委员会声称。 MOLTO 只是机器翻译领域技术突破的一个例子,尤其是在提高准确性和效率方面。然而,语言洞察力继续敦促谨慎过度依赖这些工具。 选择你的翻译 我们相信翻译等级可以分为四类:机器、要件、信息和出版。机器翻译是非常有效的,但结果往往是最不可靠的所有等级。Gist 、 for-information 和 for-publishing 翻译本应由一名人工翻译员来翻译,出版级别是其中的 cr è me-de la-cr è me 。 如果您只需要快速翻译几个单词,那么在线翻译就是一个有用的资源。结果可能并不完全准确,但你可以用自己的判断来理解它们。 市场研究人员希望翻译他们从国际现场工作中得到的问卷,同时,如果机器翻译仅仅是在他们面前文本的要点之后,他们可能会觉得合适。这种情况可能是这样的,但同样的,它们可能会错误地解释翻译的结果,从而丢失有价值的信息。同样,一份你无意出版但需要分发给在你的国际办公室工作的同事的文件可以使用计算机软件大致翻译,但你应该知道读者可能会发现信息混淆。例如,如果是专利说明或技术手册,这可能导致错误。 Language Insight 继续关注机器翻译领域的改进。我们相信,未来的技术不仅有利于企业,也有利于翻译。在此之前,它提醒用户,他们应该仔细考虑他们需要什么样的翻译。在选择人和机器之前,他们应该考虑使用什么。

