Language Insight launches professional partnership with WPML

Language Insight 与 WPML 展开专业合作

2019-07-24 05:00 insight video interpreting


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Language Insight is proud to announce the launch of a professional partnership with WPML. This will allow Language Insight to continue delivering high-quality translation to businesses across the globe who are looking to translate their content into multi-language markets. Translating through WPML WordPress is the leading web content management system (CMS) used by millions of businesses to reach new audiences around the world. As companies expand globally it’s important to reach and engage with new audiences. Through the use of WPML significant time and recourses can be saved when it comes to redeveloping and localising an existing WordPress website. There’s a lot of multi-language WordPress plugins available that use machine translation to translate content, but not many integrate the human element that WPML incorporates as professional translation. The integration of human translation ensures high quality and efficient management of content throughout the translation process. The WPML plugin is easy to install and requires no technical knowledge or programming skills to get it up and running for your website translation needs. Advantages of WPML User-friendly and easy to manage No technical or programming skills needed Works with most WordPress themes Is a powerful translation management tool Keeps your CMS secure – you control what is translated without giving access to the contents of your website No need to export and import text Has a professional support helpline WPML allows your business to communicate its brand messages globally and personally connect with audiences around the world which helps to break down the language barrier and build relationships. Read our step by step guide on how to get started with the WPML plugin or contact us for more information.
Language Insight 自豪地宣布与 WPML 建立专业合作伙伴关系。这将使 Language Insight 能够继续向全球希望将其内容翻译成多语言市场的企业提供高质量的翻译。 通过 WPML 进行翻译 WordPress 是领先的网络内容管理系统( CMS ),用于数以百万计的企业,以达到新的受众在世界各地。随着公司在全球扩张,重要的是接触和接触新的受众。通过使用 WPML ,在重新开发和本地化现有 WordPress 网站时可以节省大量时间和资源。 有很多多语言的 WordPress 插件可以使用机器翻译来翻译内容,但并不是很多集成了 WPML 作为专业翻译的人工元素。人工翻译的集成确保了翻译过程中内容的高质量和高效管理。 WPML 插件易于安装,不需要任何技术知识或编程技能来启动和运行您的网站翻译需求。 WPML 的优势 方便使用和易于管理 不需要技术或编程技能 使用大多数 WordPress 主题 是一个强大的翻译管理工具 保持 CMS 的安全性–您可以控制翻译内容,而无需访问您的网站内容 无需导出和导入文本 有专业支援热线 WPML 允许您的企业在全球范围内和世界各地的观众个人沟通品牌信息,这有助于打破语言障碍并建立关系。 阅读我们的步骤指南,了解如何开始与 WPML 插件或联系我们获取更多信息。

